Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 877 If you don’t seek death, you won’t die.

This time, Ye Ming went to Zhongtian TV to watch the ratings of "Kangxi is Coming" because it was Ye Ming's idea after all, and Zhongtian TV was also very considerate and originally wanted to cancel "Kangxi is Coming". 】This program, after all, the ratings of the program are not high. For a relatively new variety show, the ratings of "Kangxi Is Coming" fall into the category of tasteless existence, the kind that is tasteless and would be a pity to abandon.

Apart from anything else, Baodao has a lot of variety shows in the entertainment industry. Therefore, Zhongtian Channel will not have no programs to air just because Kangxi is coming. On the contrary, there are many programs. This matter depends on the ratings, or It depends on the mood of the leader.

For example, if the ratings of a program are relatively low, then it depends on whether the leader gives face. If the leader gives face, the program will also be a big-name host, such as Zhang Fei, Sister Xiaoyan, or Wu Zongxian, these king and queen-level hosts, their programs Even if there is a period of downturn, generally no leader will cancel their program, unless the programs of these big-name hosts are in danger of being canceled after they have been in the slump for a period of time.

But for example, when Kangxi came to this show, he was not a big-name host. Cai Kangyong and Xu Xidi were second-tier show hosts at best, far from reaching the level of the king and queen of variety shows that he later became.

Therefore, if the leadership of Zhongtiantai wants to cut off the current ratings of Kangxi Is Coming, it would be just one sentence.

But because of Ye Ming's appearance, Zhongtian Channel decided to give the program a chance. If the ratings of today's program exceeded 3, then there would be no need to cancel it when Kangxi came, and it could continue to be broadcast. And if it doesn't reach 3, then this program will be cut off directly even with Ye Ming's support.

Don't think that 3 is a very high array. For a new program, this is indeed relatively high. But don't forget that this time Kangxi came and invited Ye Ming as a guest. Why was Ye Ming backstage? The dressing room was respected by so many people, and Harlin didn't say anything even when he was the last one to show up?

That's because Ye Ming is a superstar, a true superstar. Superstars receive so much respect because they have strong appeal.

If it is said that according to Ye Ming's appeal, the program's ratings cannot exceed 3, then in such a situation, things will become more embarrassing, proving that the program should indeed be cancelled.

Therefore, Wang Weizhong also attaches great importance to the ratings this time. If he follows his previous habits, he will usually read the summary of the program's ratings once a week, and occasionally check the ratings, but he will never supervise the battle in person. , waiting for the ratings of one of his programs to appear.

But because this time it is really too important.

This is also a huge challenge for Venus Company, and it is also a big challenge for his status in the entertainment industry. If it is said that Kangxi came and the show was ignored, then in such a situation, Wang Weizhong would be embarrassed.

This will also have a considerable impact on his future career.

Therefore, under such a situation, Wang Weizhong came over personally. And he also invited Ye Ming to wait for the ratings of the show this time.

During these three times, Zhang Huimei's words have spread rapidly in the entertainment industry, especially on the Internet. However, a tsunami of public opinion pressure has already appeared on the Internet. In forums, post bars, chat software and other places.

Wherever there are people, there are people. Netizens in the mainland were all condemning A-mei's remarks.

And even in Baodao, many netizens accused A-mei of being a bit ill-considered. Even colleagues in the entertainment industry would be very critical of A-mei's words on such a matter, but everyone is in the industry, and everyone understands some of the unspoken rules in the industry. In a situation like this, In one incident, some people felt that A-mei was wrong, but they would never stand up and say anything.

This unspoken rule is that everyone sweeps the snow in front of their own door and doesn't care about the frost on other people's tiles. The entertainment industry all over the world has this unspoken rule.

Generally speaking, no one will make enemies casually as long as it does not offend their own interests.

But if we discuss it privately, there is no problem with this matter, especially since Ye Ming is present at the scene. This matter has become a topic of conversation for many people after dinner.

On this point, Wang Weizhong couldn't help but start gossiping when he met Ye Ming.

He said with a smile: "Mr. Ye, needless to say, tomorrow's newspapers and magazines will definitely have headlines talking about this news. What kind of attitude you maintain is very critical. In a situation like this Under such circumstances, many people in Baodao's entertainment industry will also look at you over this matter. If they say that you don't handle this matter well, it may have some impact on you."

As a friend of Ye Ming, Wang Weizhong, an old fox, rarely said something sincere.

In fact, this matter has nothing to do with Wang Weizhong, but Wang Weizhong can still say such heartfelt words to Ye Ming, which means that he really regards Ye Ming as a friend.

Regarding this matter, if Ye Ming did not handle it well, it would indeed have a great impact on him.

Because Ye Ming now not only has an identity in the entertainment industry, this time, he also comes as a member of the exchange group. He is now a national business card. Therefore, even if Ye Ming wants to remain silent on this matter, he does not have the right to remain silent. He has no right to remain silent and must express his opinion.

Regarding such a matter, Ye Ming must shock the people in the Baodao entertainment circle. Otherwise, it will not be easy for him to get involved in the circle in the future, at least in Baodao.

Amei's words were a provocation to Ye Ming. In this case, Ye Ming must have said that he must fight back, and he must fight back hard.

This, no matter how you say it, is very necessary.

But how does Ye Ming fight back? This is something people in the Baodao entertainment circle are very concerned about. They need to find out that this is Baodao, not the mainland.

On the other hand, the clothes said confidently: "Don't worry, Manager Wang. There are some things that need not be said in detail. Since it is my sister who has chosen this path, I will also help her go on. In our hometown, your parents say If you don't seek death, you won't die. Once you do some things, you have to pay the price."

Judging from Ye Ming's tone, he has already thought of a solution. In such a situation, Wang Weizhong became even more curious. He also wanted to know what method Ye Ming was using to fight back here.

Wang Weizhong frowned and said, "Mr. Ye, let me say one more thing. Every circle has its own rules. You should understand this principle.

In our circle, that means that if you can't have anything to do with people in the officialdom, don't have anything to do with people in the officialdom. Unless it's necessary, like censoring movies, few people are willing to use official media. Identity is oppressive, and A-mei is said to have been banned in the mainland. At this time, you want to use the official identity first. You can't ban her twice in the mainland.

Moreover, I think that what A-mei did this time was partly due to the fact that she was banned in the mainland, right? "

In fact, no matter how it is, people of Wang Weizhong's level will know it very well. According to Amei's character, it is normal to vent. Ye Ming cannot block the third person through his official status. Second time, right? Maybe this is what Amei was thinking, so she said such words in front of reporters.

Ye Ming wanted to deal with Amei. It was a bad rule to use the official background. And even if it was used, it was difficult to say clearly whether it would be effective. Regarding a question like this, no matter how you look at it, it seems that Amei will be invincible.

At least from Wang Weizhong's point of view, it would not be easy for Ye Ming to handle such a matter well.

At this time, Ye Ming shrugged his shoulders and said with a very relaxed expression: "I also know this truth. This time I come to Baodao. In fact, if I have an identity like a national business card, it will also be a restriction for me. .

But don't worry, I also understand the rules of the entertainment industry. I will not use my official status as a mainland official to pressure others. I don't even bother to use such a method to deal with other people. However, it’s the same as what you said. If I don’t fight back against something like this, how will others view me?

Therefore, it is necessary to fight back, and I want all the people in the entertainment industry, from Baodao, Hong Kong City, Japan, and South Korea, to take a look at what they said and what they should not do. What kind of punishment will be incurred. If I am unable to do this, then for such a matter, I don’t need to do anything as a national business card here, and I am not qualified to do anything as a national business card. "

These words made Wang Weizhong very agreeable.

Ye Ming's current status indeed means that it should be a constraint on him. If it is not handled well, it will indeed be a bit troublesome. But from what Ye Ming said, it seemed that Ye Ming had a very good way of handling this matter.

Wang Weizhong immediately said: "So, it means that I am worrying too much. Does Mr. Ye have his own way to handle such a matter?" (To be continued)

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