Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 872: Tepid [Kangxi is coming]

Arriving at the headquarters of Venus Entertainment Company, Wang Weizhong took a document and said: "This is a chart of changes in ratings from the first issue to the ninth issue. The first issue was only 0.6, the highest was 0.9 in the sixth issue, and the lowest It was 0.3 in the eighth episode, and the average ratings were less than 0.7. This is a very dangerous signal for a variety show. I guess the worst ratings now are 2.6. I don’t want us to start a new show This program exceeds my expectations, and I have no idea for the time being, but if it cannot pass, then it will be difficult to ensure that any TV station is willing to broadcast this program."

This is the current situation in the Baodao entertainment industry. Now Wu Zongxian is the most popular host in the entertainment industry. He is more sharp than the eldest brother Zhang Fei and the eldest sister Zhang Xiaoyan. I guess the average ratings are now 5.1, which is the best for the entire Baodao variety show. Dugu seeks defeat.

Of course, Ye Ming is very clear that this is not the best result I guessed. I guess the best result is a ratings of over 13, which is a higher rating than popular TV series. It is also because of this that Wu Zongxian established his reputation as the king of variety shows in the entertainment industry.

I guess it is almost impossible for Kangxi to challenge him. Wang Weizhong also knows himself.

Moreover, I guess Big S is also the host. Wang Weizhong knew very well that the reason for producing Kangxi is just to allow Little S to develop better. Ye Ming saw the ratings report, pondered for a moment and said, "I want to take a look at the plans for these issues."

Wang Weizhong quickly asked people to bring over all the previous plans, and then asked Xiao S and Cai Kangyong to come over.

After seeing these plans, Ye Ming had a general understanding of the previous episodes of the program. After thinking about it, he said: "The planning starting points of these episodes are all good, and the guests on the show can be said to be popular, but The topic is rather boring Xu Xidi, tell me, how can a variety show attract young people like you to watch it?"

Little S Xu Xidi thought for a while and said: "Youth, fashion, and trendy enough. I don't like lifeless programs. I guess it is because I can quite grasp the characteristics of young people that I am so popular."

Ye Ming nodded and said, "That's right. You want to copy the glory I guess. This starting point is good, but you haven't done it. It can be seen that you have worked very hard on several programs.

But you haven't let go. I don't think Kangxi came. You have to have your own characteristics. The theme of the program should firmly grasp the things that young people like, such as talking about Jackson's concerts, such as the recently popular Harry Potter, and people don't want to see how the artists perform on the program, but I want to see real artists. The life of an artist outside of work is more to everyone's taste.

For example, there are some ridiculous things that artists encounter when traveling. Or let artists exchange their idle items with each other. Or let the artist recommend some delicious food to the audience, and we can also collect advertising fees from the merchants from the recommendation.

Choose a few reputable snack merchants and contact them. If they are willing to pay, ask the artist to recommend their snacks. Remember, they want real reputable snacks, preferably from time-honored brands. Otherwise, don’t accept it no matter how much you offer. It is related to Kangxi's brand issue. "

The projects mentioned by Ye Ming are actually quite good. They were praised as classic must-have content in the later Kangxi program. Every year, there are several programs with similar content. of.

These points that Ye Ming put forward at this time were like enlightenment to Wang Weizhong, Xiao S Xu Xidi and Cai Kangyong.

What they think is that if you invite big stars to your program, you will definitely get ratings, but the key to a program is the content, not who the big stars you invite are. Big stars can only let everyone try something new at the right time, otherwise there won’t be that many big stars for you to invite. Program content is king.

Seeing the fresh units proposed by Ye Ming, Wang Weizhong's eyes lit up: "Okay, Mr. Ye's creativity is indeed fresh. I think there should be no problem with the ratings for the next issue.

Mr. Ye, what kind of content is good in the program you participated in? Is it about traveling, exchanging items, or recommending snacks? "

Ye Ming thought for a while and said, "Forget it about traveling. We need to make a good plan and focus on selling points. We don't have enough time.

Snacks, to be honest, I don’t know enough about Baodao’s snacks. My recommendation from an outsider may not necessarily convince everyone. If I participate, let’s exchange items. I will bring out one thing, a tie. My savagery The purple tie used by Petunia in Girlfriends has been used by me several times in the movie, and it happened to be in my luggage. Find a few well-known artists and work together to create this show. "

My Sassy Girl, starring Ye Ming, is a popular movie in Asia. After hearing this, Xu Xidi said: "My Sassy Girl is a prop. I like this movie very much. When I go back, I will find a very good one." items in exchange.”

Cai Kangyong said from the side: "Little S, please pay attention. This is for the guests of the show to exchange items. How can our host participate?"

Little S immediately said: "Brother Kang Yong, this is job discrimination. As a host, can't you participate in the game?"

What Cai Kangyong was about to explain just now, Ye Ming said with a smile: "This is nothing, the host can also prepare some things, this can increase some interactivity."

Seeing Ye Ming say that, Cai Kangyong didn't say anything. The gap, this is the gap between artists. Xiao S Xu Xidi is like a little sister in Cai Kangyong's eyes, so he can talk about Xiao S casually, but Ye Ming is a The King, the King of Asia, is now almost said to have one foot in Hollywood. It is very exciting for a big shot with such status to come to Kangxi.

If Cai Kangyong refuted Ye Ming at this time, it would mean that he seemed a little ignorant of the rules.

Wang Weizhong naturally said that he would not see his two artists embarrassed, waved his hand and said: "Mr. Ye said so, you two go and prepare, I will contact a few more famous artists. Mr. Ye How many do you think are more suitable?”

Everyone knows that Ye Ming is the leader of this program, and he is the real king. The other artists of the program, and even the host, can only be regarded as green leaves to accompany the red flowers in this program. , so it all depends on Ye Ming's opinion on who should be allowed to come and who should not be allowed to come.

Ye Ming thought for a while and said: "Jay Chou and Luo Zhixiang are our company's top artists, and they are famous enough. Let the two of them do it. You can make arrangements for the other Mr. Wang yourself. Three to four will be fine." .”

This is reciprocating the favor by promoting his own artists Jay Chou and Luo Zhixiang. The rest is naturally to arrange the artists under Wang Weizhong.

Wang Weizhong is very satisfied with Ye Ming's kind actions. It is very rare for a big shot like Ye Ming to be so honest in doing things.

The artists for this show were arranged very quickly. Wang Weizhong also knew very well that Ye Ming did not have much time. Ye Ming was here for interviews and exchanges and would not stay too long at all. Therefore, he decided to record the program in the evening. Ye Ming had no objection to this matter. He really had time tonight.

The recording of this show was a bit hasty, and we encountered some problems when hiring artists. When Zhongtian’s plan contacted Harlem’s manager Xiao Zheng, Xiao Zheng was a little undecided, so he hung up the phone first to discuss the matter. Told Brother Harling.

Brother Haring thought for a while and said: "Kangxi is here. Is it a new show? I have never heard of it. If so, I guess I am still interested. Kangxi has a new show. Forget it. Turn it down. .”

Finally, as if he thought of something, Harlem stopped Xiao Zheng and said, "By the way, variety shows all have fixed recording times. Under such a situation, Kangxi came and actually changed the recording time. This time Who are the artists invited?”

Xiao Zheng thought for a while and said: "I heard it was a big shot, a very big shot, but what it is, Venus did not say for the reason of confidentiality. I think if we didn't agree, they wouldn't tell us who we invited. Someone."

This is also a habit of variety shows. Why would the guests be told to you if you don’t come?

This question surprised Harlin. He pondered for a moment and said, "A big-name artist? Okay, promise Venus, I want to see what kind of big-name this artist is."

As a result, the artists who came were all relatively familiar people. Needless to say, Jay Chou and Luo Zhixiang were artists under Ye Ming's banner. Among the remaining three people who came, Big S Xu Xiyuan was considered an acquaintance, and Fan Xiaoxuan was considered an acquaintance. , the remaining one is actually Harling brother Yu Chengqing.

Wang Weizhong did not arrange all the artists to be members of his own company, which surprised Ye Ming. However, thinking about how Wang Weizhong was able to become the godfather of variety shows, he naturally understood that people cannot eat alone. got used to. Brother Haring is also a very influential artist, and inviting him to the show can also attract young people.

Harlem was actually very glad that he could agree at this time, because he knew that the big name coming this time was Ye Ming. Ye Ming, the new generation king of the entertainment industry, came to Kangxi, and he was definitely treated like an emperor and a superstar.

Being able to share the stage with an artist of this level is a very rare opportunity for ordinary artists. In the entertainment industry, apart from qualifications, the most important thing is connections. If you have never collaborated with others on a show, how can you say you know others and develop your own connections? (To be continued)

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