Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 815 Qinggege’s husband’s phone call

Su Youpeng first called Ye Ming and asked: "Yi Zi, are you in the capital now? I heard that you promised to go to Mango Terrace to attend the Huanzhu family gathering in three days. When will you arrive? We will get together in advance. look.

We haven't talked together for a long time. "

Since he was going to Mango TV to attend the party, Su Youpeng first contacted Ye Ming. Although the relationship between them has also withstood some tests, after all, they have come together from the difficult period of the first part of My Fair Princess. Su Youpeng It is also very easy to contact Ye Ming.

And Ye Ming was also very happy and said: "Su Datou, your suggestion is good. Come in early. I will take the morning flight there tomorrow. Let's all have a party in the evening. I will contact the others later. How about a few of us first?" Let’s talk together later.”

Some things are always unforgettable. For example, the relationship between Ye Ming and the cast of Huanzhugege has its low points, but it does not mean that Ye Ming will forget this incident. The cast of Huanzhugege ate together at a street stall at that time Such an experience is one that Ye Ming will never forget.

It is a feeling of sharing weal and woe, which is extremely precious.

Maybe looking back, the twists and turns were just a challenge to this relationship. It is a very good thing to be able to see the princess family gathering again.

However, next, Ye Ming was actually surprised to receive a call from Wang Zhicai. Wang Zhicai's voice was still so loud: "Manager Ye, I heard that the cast of Huanzhugege will have a gathering at the Happy Camp on Mango Channel. My friend happened to be there. There is a hotel that has just opened nearby, and I would like to invite you all to stay in it. Don’t worry, my friend is very close and I guarantee that you will feel at home.”

This kind of invitation shows that the relationship between this friend and Wang Zhicai is very strong. This kind of invitation to Ye Ming is also an endorsement of his friend.

Of course, this kind of invitation does not include food and accommodation, but invites celebrities to support you. This kind of invitation is a semi-friendly invitation, and generally no appearance fee will be given, but at least there will be a red envelope.

The size of the red envelope depends on whether the landlord is a good person, and also depends on whether the relationship between the inviter and the celebrity is very strong.

However, stars like Zhao Wei and Lin Xinru are not worth 100,000 or 80,000 yuan. Don’t even think about inviting them. Ye Ming, if you don’t do it by the way and have a strong relationship, it is usually less than 300,000 yuan. Sister can't even pass that test. Ye Ming couldn't afford to lose that person.

However, this time, it seems that Wang Zhicai really took the right path. Not to mention Qinggege, Wang Yan is also a member of the Huanzhugege family. Ye Ming and Wang Zhicai have also been friends. The two of Wangfu International are still neighbors.

Although Ye Ming has never lived there, he at least has a certain friendship with Wang Zhicai.

Therefore, Ye Ming thought for a while and then said: "The location of the hotel is very important. It can't be in the suburbs or something. If that is the case, the transportation will be very inconvenient. After all, we are going to the TV station to record the program. It’s not good to waste time on the road all the time.”

Wang Zhicai said with a smile: "Don't worry, it's very close to Mango Terrace. The bustling urban area is near Malanpo. It's within ten minutes' drive from Mango Terrace."

At this time, Ye Mingcai nodded and said, "Okay, but I can't agree to you right away, because this is not my business alone. There are other people in the Huanzhu family. I always have to ask for other people's opinions and look back." Give you an answer."

Although Ye Ming is a big star and the most famous one in the Huanzhugege family, in a situation like this, it doesn't mean that he can make the decision for everyone just because he is famous. On such a matter, he always wants to seek other people's opinions.

At this time, Ye Ming contacted Zhao Wei and others and asked them what they meant.

Others said it didn't matter where they gathered.

Qinggege also discussed it with them in advance, so no one objected to this matter. As for why Ye Ming was contacted by Wang Zhicai, it was naturally because of respect for Ye Ming. If Qing Gege contacted Ye Ming herself, it somewhat meant to look down on Ye Ming.

Ye Ming is not just an actor, he is also a businessman, a very successful businessman. Therefore, in such a situation, Wang Zhicai took the initiative to contact Ye Ming as he was on the same level as himself.

After everyone responded, Ye Ming made it clear that there was no problem.

Next, Ye Ming talked to the people at Mango Station about the situation here. Originally, Mango Station also had its own reception hotel. However, Ye Ming said that he wanted to change the hotel. It was not a big deal. Anyway, Ye Ming If a few of them can come here on time, there will be no problem.

However, despite what he said, the next day, Ye Ming and Sister Fang Fang got off the plane, and were picked up by not only Wang Zhicai’s friend, Sun Bing, the manager of the Regal Hotel, but also He Jionghe Teachers and Mango Channel staff.

When Ye Ming came over, the people from Mango Channel asked He Jiong to pick up the plane. Such an arrangement was natural.

This is a matter of basic courtesy. Of course, not everyone comes from a place as powerful as Tianchaotai and drives their car directly to the airport.

Manager Sun and He Jiong were waiting for Ye Ming outside. When Ye Ming came out, although he saw that Ye Ming was fully armed, Teacher He still recognized Ye Ming at first sight, because Teacher He knew that following Ye Ming was the financial director of Brilliant Film and Television, Sister Fang Fang.

He Jiong led people to greet him and said: "Mr. Ye, thank you very much for coming to our happy camp. We have been waiting for a long time and finally you are here. You don't know, but you know that you are coming to our happy camp." At base camp, our hotline is almost overwhelmed.

In the past, we had to put a lot of effort into finding audiences in college, but this time many people came here because of the reputation. "

In fact, at the beginning, TV programs found viewers through their acquaintances, relatives and friends from the TV station. Later, they gradually developed into looking for college students in school, because the quality of college students in school is relatively high. At that point, it's easy to manage. If it doesn't work, the school will take care of it, right?

But in the past, TV programs had to sacrifice their spare time to find viewers. Even if Happy Camp wanted to go to universities to find viewers, once or twice, everyone felt that it was easier to participate if it was fresh, but if it happened more often, then it would be like this In one case, things are not so easy.

After all, there is only such a small group of college students who like to watch TV. Therefore, sometimes even if Happy Camp goes to universities to recruit audiences, it may not necessarily find all of its suitable audiences.

But if a big star comes, for example, Ye Ming is here this time, even if he goes to the university to recruit students temporarily, the time requirement is quite urgent.

But at least, many students signed up enthusiastically because everyone wanted to see the big star Ye Ming up close. Of course, the TV series "Huanzhugege" also occupies a very large proportion. This is a classic TV series.

There are also many fans of characters like Little Swallow and Ziwei who want to participate. Ye Ming said with a smile: "This is because your show has a good audience base, so it will naturally be liked by everyone. Our coming is just the icing on the cake. I also want to thank you for giving us the opportunity to reunite with the cast of Huanzhugege. We haven’t been together for a long time.”

After Ye Ming and He Jiong talked for a while, Manager Sun realized after being reminded by his subordinates that Ye Ming, who had taken over the relationship on his own, was right in front of him.

So Manager Sun immediately stepped forward and said very politely: "Hello, Mr. Ye, I am Sun Bing, the manager of the Regal Hotel, and I am also a friend of Wang Zhicai. I am here specifically to pick you up this time."

Ye Ming nodded and said, "Thank you very much, Manager Sun. Then I will ask Manager Sun to make arrangements for us."

Manager Sun immediately said hurriedly: "It should be, it should be. It is our hotel's honor that Mr. Ye can come. Mr. He is also here, so you might as well come and sit with us."

Here, it can be said that people who don't know He Jiong are really rare, so Manager Sun quickly recognized He Jiong. Inviting Ye Ming is one thing, but it's impossible to expose He Jiong as well, right?

Therefore, Manager Sun, who is good at doing business, also attracted Teacher He. If you can pull it back, pull it back. If you can't pull it back, at least let's speak.

Teacher He can't say that we don't know how to be polite. He Jiong naturally understood what was going on, and Ye Ming also told the situation on the phone. At this time, He Jiong actually came to Ye Ming to talk about things, so he nodded and said: "In this way, Mr. Ye and I also have some things to discuss, so I'll bother Manager Sun." He Jiong can also be invited In the past, this was more or less an unexpected surprise. Manager Sun immediately waved his hand, and an extended version of Lincoln drove over. There were only three such luxury cars in the city, and Manager Sun also borrowed his own. friend's. If it wasn't to pick up Ye Ming, he wouldn't use his connections to borrow such a good car. The car owner actually heard that he was going to pick up Ye Ming, so he agreed to lend out such a good car.

Luxury cars are definitely eye-catching luxury cars.

At least, judging from this car, Manager Sun and his hotel's attitude was very positive, and they also put a lot of effort into the gathering of Ye Ming's Huanzhugege family. (To be continued)

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