Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 796: The Threat of William Morris Agency

Opportunity, as the day of bidding for the Olympic Games approaches, at this time, the Olympic Bid Committee is using almost all means to promote the Beijing Olympic Games.

Ye Ming could say that he had to agree even if he didn't agree. This was a task and he couldn't refuse. Therefore, Ye Ming knew that he couldn't refuse, but he wanted to get enough benefits for himself.

After all, if the movie "Slumdog Millionaire" is filmed by then, it will cause some trouble. It is not even impossible to move to Hong Kong City for filming, but if there are people above Nod, this will be much easier.

In Los Angeles, Ye Ming checked into the Hilton Hotel, which is the official reception hotel for this time's Grammy Awards.

The organizers of the Grammy Awards rented out three floors of rooms for guests to live in, which indeed shows their wealth. When Ye Ming just arrived in New York, the first guest he welcomed was not someone from the organizer of the Grammy Awards, but Howard, the manager of the William Morris Agency. If Howard hadn't come at this time, then maybe Ye Ming forgot that he still had an agent at William Morris.

Because some of Ye Ming's contracts are handled by his own company, Howard, as an agent, seems a bit unqualified.

Ye Ming glanced at Howard and said, "As an agent, you don't care about your artists' work at all. This is your mistake. Do you have any good announcements that can surprise me this time?"

For a long time, William Morris Company has not regarded Ye Ming as its main target. Although it has signed a contract with Ye Ming, it does not mean that it attaches great importance to him. This is a very strange phenomenon.

The purpose is just to dominate some famous artists in the Chinese entertainment industry. Therefore, when seeing Howard, Ye Ming's expression was obviously not very satisfied.

Howard said with a smile: "Of course, I came here this time to talk to you about an issue. The copyright of Harry Potter should be in your hands. The company hopes that in Harry Potter When the filming of the second part starts, the company’s own artists can participate.”

At this time, the success of Harry Potter had already caused Hollywood to shift its attention to this movie. The first Harry Potter and the Wizards made Warner Bros. a lot of money. It's very enviable.

But there is another person who is even more enviable, that is Ye Ming, a movie star in China, but he won the copyright of Harry Potter early. In other words, every penny Warner makes must be given to Ye Ming.

This is very upsetting. People from William Morris also valued this business opportunity and hoped that Howard could persuade Ye Ming to give his company's artists a chance.

Ye Ming sneered a little angrily and said: "Well, it seems that the people in the company are putting the cart before the horse. You should fight hard for my movie, but now you have not won for me even one A in Hollywood." I have never seen anyone fight for a role in a high-level production, even a small supporting role. Now the people in the company are asking me to arrange the role in other movies. Do you think Warner Bros. are all fools?"

Howard seemed to have known about this for a long time, and said with a smile: "The company naturally has plans for this matter, because Ms. Rowling has already signed a contract with our company. If you just nod, the rest can be done." The company just needs the right people to operate it.”

Ye Ming shrugged his shoulders and said: "Which bastard is paying attention to this? You can go back and beat his ass. It's simply bullying. Although I have the copyright of Harry Potter, I have signed a contract for one of them. Now I can't We just signed the second film rights to Warner Bros. We have a contract. I have the right to say in the selection of roles and the right to recommend, but I have no decision-making power. If it is a personal friend of mine, then Maybe it's okay for me to introduce you.

But think about it, William Morris entertainers? When I introduced you, it was business to business. According to the contract, I can't do that. "

Howard said a little stubbornly: "Don't worry, the company will give you certain compensation, such as upgrading your contract. Now your contract with Zhang Ziyi is the same. Once this matter is done, the company can Your contract has been upgraded to the same level as Cheng Long, which is almost below the top superstars. Don’t you want to enter Hollywood? When the time comes, the company will fully support you."

This sentence is not finished. If you are obedient, then everyone will be happy, but if you are disobedient, then it will not be easy for you to develop in Hollywood.

Regarding this threat, Ye Ming didn't care at all and said: "Mr. Howard, please go back and read the contract about this matter. Give me an opportunity to perform at least a supporting role in an A-level movie in half a year. This is included in the contract. If It means that if you fail to do it, I can terminate the contract and even ask you to make compensation. Otherwise, I call the Actors Guild and ask their lawyer to talk to you. Do you still have it?"

Ye Ming looked at his watch and said: "There are less than four hours left to do this, but according to my understanding, there are no A-level movies in Hollywood currently recruiting actors, so you must have violated the contract.

Now that you still have the intention to threaten me, I’m really convinced by you. "

Contract, this is the basis of everything. At least in the United States, this is what it looks like on the surface. If something is not done in accordance with the contract, the law will tell him what the result will be.

Therefore, even Ye Ming would not arbitrarily violate the contract and place William Morris artists on Harry Potter.

Of course, he was able to sign the second Harry Potter movie version to Warner Bros. because Warner Bros. promised to transfer part of the Apple stock it held to Huihuang Film and Television at a low price. Otherwise, Ye Ming would be like this His temper will not go down well with Warner Bros., not a Hollywood film company that is interested in this movie.

Howard's expression changed, but he was rather surprised and said, "Is it true? Is this included in the contract?"

Howard is a veteran and simply does not believe that such a mistake would occur in the company.

Ye Ming said very definitely: "Actors' Immunity, a new clause proposed by the Hollywood Actors Guild during the Two Thousand Years Strike, is to ensure that actors will have a chance to appear on camera within a certain period of time. This is mainly for those who do not How can a famous actor not starve to death? But you regard me as an actor who is not famous. Naturally, there is such a clause in this contract.

There is definitely nothing wrong with it. It is in the lower eighty-four clauses on page 13 and the supplementary clauses in item 3. Mr. Howard, what you are worried about now is not whether I will agree or not, but whether you will receive a letter from the Screen Actors Guild's lawyer. "

In Hollywood, the Screen Actors Guild and the Screenwriters Guild will basically go on strike every few years due to remuneration issues. Of course, such strikes can be large or small.

The purpose is not necessarily certain. Some really want to improve their salary, and some just want to make their voices heard. Anyway, they often have troubles, so even Howard has a headache for these two unions.

Since Ye Ming said that there is such a clause, it must be there, but it is because the people in the company did not pay attention. An Asian star really would not be put in the eyes of people at William Morris.

It is very normal to give a contract like this. In fact, even if Howard himself went to sign a contract with Ye Ming, that is to say, he took out a standard contract from the company and set off. Because he believed in the contract given by the company, he did not read it carefully. Ye Ming, I remember such a thing so clearly.

After returning to the company, Rowling was waiting for news from Howard, as well as Rowling's agent, Ms. Jenny. After Jenny saw Howard's expression, she knew that this matter was not going smoothly. She brought over a cup of coffee and said: "Howard, I knew this matter would not be done so easily. Don't worry, as long as Ye If Ming's contract is still with us, it will be impossible for him to get rid of the influence of William Morris Company.

The influence of Harry Potter was something that none of us had imagined. Therefore, if we lose the opportunity on something like this, we have to do it slowly. There will always be opportunities. "

Howard said with great certainty: "This thing is not as optimistic as you think. When we signed the contract, we were holding the new version of Two Thousand Years. What bastard gave me the contract that was actually the latest version?" ah."

Jenny was actually a little confused and said: "In the latest version, is there any change in the contract? I don't know where the change is?"

Howard was very frustrated and said: "You seem to have forgotten this. In order to fight for their own interests, people from the Screen Actors Guild went on strike last year, and finally the latest version of the contract appeared. On page 13, the low eight Fourteen clauses, in the supplementary clause of the third clause. Actor immunity, this is for third-rate stars, but it is just an ordinary contract for us.

But the people in the copyright department gave this contract to Ye Ming on the grounds that Ye Ming is a star in the Asia-Pacific region. There is actor immunity. Within half a year, we will not be able to give Ye Ming a contract in an A-level major production. If we find a character, then he has the right to terminate the contract and make compensation to us. Now there are only more than two hours left before half a year, and we simply cannot complete the task. ” (To be continued)

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