Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 773: The movie background is very important

As expected, Zhang Guorong couldn't resist such a huge market of more than 800 million, and at this time, Zhang Guorong was not in a good mood recently, so he thought about it and said: "This is a good proposal. I will let the agent contact them and find a suitable opportunity to try."

There is no saying that it will definitely succeed, nor that it will definitely fail. This is also the cautious attitude of a superstar. If you reach a position like Zhang Guorong's, every move will attract everyone's attention. Giving it a try is actually a good start.

Hua Zai said with a smile: "Well, this is also a good start. By the way, Ye Zi, in fact, I came to you this time on behalf of some companies in Hong Kong City. [Infernal Affairs] is so popular. , and judging from the plot, it’s impossible that there won’t be a second part. I came here this time just to ask when you plan to start filming the second part of Infernal Affairs.”

The success of "Infernal Affairs", under such a situation, has successfully stimulated the Hong Kong film market in any aspect. Therefore, under such circumstances, the film and television companies that were originally a little sluggish, Investors rushed forward as if they had seen a bloody shark, wanting to get a share of the pie in such a thing.

Hua Tsai is just one of the representatives. Who makes him have a good relationship with Ye Ming? The copyright of this movie is in the hands of Ye Ming. Therefore, if the Hong Kong film and television industry wants to seize such a life-saving straw at this time, then Ye Ming must nod in such a matter. Otherwise, there would be no need to talk about the shooting problems of the second part.

Ye Ming thought for a while and then said: "It's really hard to say this. There's no need to think about it this year. I don't have time at all. I guess the Spring Festival Gala will take up most of my time. I will start shooting a movie next year. I have already planned it." A good movie, and there will probably be an Oscar ceremony. There are also some things about the company, and some of the investments I made in the Internet also need to be sorted out carefully. At this time, I don’t have any extra time to prepare for the second movie. of."

Ye Ming's time arrangement was also based on price comparison, so he could only say sorry because he was full. Andy also said with some regret: "So that's the case. Many film and television companies and investors in Hong Kong will be disappointed by such a thing. They all hope that you can start filming the second part." ah."

Ye Ming thought for a while and said: "It will definitely happen, but I can't guarantee when it will be."

At this moment, Leslie Cheung suddenly said: "Hua Zai, if you want the second part to start filming so much, you should have your own schedule. If you have so much time, you can participate in the film starring Ye Ming. I have seen it After reading part of the script given by Ye Ming, this should be a pretty good movie script."

If Zhang Guorong is invited to act, he will naturally be given a script. According to the rules in the industry, he will not be given the entire script. Even if he is a superstar, no one will violate this rule. But at least the script for Leslie Cheung's part will be given to him.

From these scripts, Leslie Cheung felt very interesting about Ye Ming's movie.

Therefore, this time I recommend this movie to Andy without hesitation.

Andy knows very well how strict Leslie Cheung is about art, and it is not easy to get his praise.

At least for so many years, Andy Lau has never heard Leslie Cheung praise a few movies.

Even in the movies in which he participated, he was rarely praised. It can be seen how strict Zhang Guorong is on art.

Suddenly, Andy felt very interesting about such a thing. He looked like a beast that has found its prey and said, "Is that good? Ye Ming, what kind of movie is it? Listen."

Ye Ming thought about a suitable way before saying: "It is a movie that pays more attention to the lives of the people at the bottom. It is a relatively realistic movie. It is called [Slumdog Millionaire]."

In fact, strictly speaking, the name of a movie needs to be kept secret before filming officially begins. Rarely would I say it casually. Of course, Ye Ming and Hua Tsai have a good relationship, so it doesn't matter if they say it.

Andy is also a very experienced actor. After hearing the name, he quickly realized what kind of movie this was. And Ye Ming also said that it is a movie that is relevant to the people at the bottom of society.

Therefore, Andy thought about it for a while and said, "Hong Kong city background or mainland background?"

Although this question doesn't seem to have much to do with the movie, the question Andy asked is quite pointed.

To be specific, Shi Wah Tsai and Leslie Cheung know very well that if it is a Hong Kong city background, then at this time, they will have a pretty good guess as to what the plot will be like, especially those who have read some scripts. This is especially true for Zhang Guorong.

And if we talk about the mainland background, I guess, haha, it’s really hard to say. Everyone knows this. The question Andy asked means that a simple sentence can clarify the essence of the movie.

Ye Ming thought for a while and said: "I am planning to use the background of the mainland, but it is difficult to say. This matter requires an operation process. I am looking for help. If it is successful, then maybe the mainland will be used as the background." . But if it doesn’t succeed, it’s not impossible to use Hong Kong City as the main background.”

Slumdog Millionaire is a movie that will cause some controversy once it starts filming. Therefore, even Ye Ming has difficulty grasping the direction of such a thing. Andy nodded and said, "This subject is quite rare. If there is a suitable role for me, then I wouldn't mind playing a role."

It seems that Andy's agreement gave Slumdog Millionaire a kind of fame before it was filmed. Andy Lau and Leslie Cheung collaborated. The last movie seemed to be "New Shanghai." Many people are looking forward to the two kings performing together again.

Zhang Guorong and Hua Tsai came and left very suddenly. Ye Ming originally wanted to entertain them, but it turned out that the time of these two people was really tight. One was busy with his own company. Things, one is going to Europe.

After the two kings left, the atmosphere of the entire banquet became much more lively. Not everyone could handle the powerful suppression of the superstar's momentum easily.

Even if superstars like Leslie Cheung and Andy Lau don't deliberately show off their momentum, the invisible pressure will still give people an uncomfortable feeling.

The reason why Na Ying and Princess are in a group and don't easily talk to other celebrities is because their momentum is not something that anyone can bear.

Na Ying looked at the lively scene and said with a smile: "My beloved, do you feel anything? I feel something is wrong with Zhang Guorong's demeanor. It is very different from the last time I saw him." .

It looks relatively bad. "

In fact, the princess is said to be in the same category as Zhang Guorong, but the emotional intelligence of the princess is very high. She may fall into the emotional whirlpool and be unable to extricate herself because of love, but once she feels the danger After that, she was able to retreat in time, which is a side of the princess with very high emotional intelligence. Zhang Guorong seems to be quite accepting of death, which sounds nice but is a bit stubborn.

The princess still said in a cold tone: "He is lonelier than fireworks. There are some things that you understand once you understand them. Once you are unable to understand them, it is difficult to say clearly what the consequences will be. Especially for my brother. This is especially true for people of this species.

Ye Ming, did you see something when you encouraged your brother to attend the Spring Festival Gala? "

Na Ying looked at Ye Ming and said without thinking: "Yi Zi, tell me more frankly, why did my brother come to your celebration banquet? He is not someone who will attend such an occasion casually. Even some people in Hong Kong City Normally it would be difficult to invite him to the film's celebration party unless it was related to him. But he did come, and he came with Andy. The two of them would not just come here casually. , there must be your own reasons?”

Ye Ming said with a smile: "Well, Andy is here because of the second part of Infernal Affairs. Ask me when I will start filming. But next year I will have a new movie to shoot. Therefore, the second part of Infernal Affairs, This time will have to be rescheduled.

My brother Zhang Guorong came here because of my new movie, in which he will play a role. Moreover, the talent just promised to play a role in it. "

Smile is Ye Ming's very sharp weapon. It seems that Ye Mingjin often sends out this kind of smile that makes people unable to understand his expression.

At this time, Ye Ming would unknowingly solve such a problem. Those are the two kings, Andy Lau and Leslie Cheung. How long has it been since they appeared in a movie together? It seems that Ye Ming's words made Princess Na Ying and Princess Na Ying full of expectations for the movie.

Na Ying said meaningfully: "Then my concubine and I hope that your movie will be released as soon as possible. Well, we won't play here anymore. Let's find someone to play mahjong. How about we take Lao Chen with us?"

The first sentence was said to Ye Ming, and the second sentence was said to the princess. Therefore, after Leslie Cheung and Andy Lau left, Na Ying and the princess also said hello to Ye Ming and left together.

Chen Daomin also left with him. Chen Daomin was naturally indispensable for playing mahjong. (To be continued)

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