Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 769 Ye Ming’s statement

Feng Xiaogang said simply: "I know this very well. The big names want to use your glorious website to top the home page and advertise. Your movie is just a Korean movie, but it can still hold hundreds of millions of movies in China." Celebration party, then I use the same promotion method for my movie. If it is said that there are not hundreds of millions, then it will be a shame for my hard work for such a long time."

[Big Shot] This movie is quite satirical, and there is an evocative depth between the laughter and curses. This depth is somewhat incompatible with the movie of Feng Xiaogang, whose playful smile is down to his bones.

But this is the most precious thing about this movie. Feng Xiaogang is quite confident in his movie. Han Shanping said with a smile: "You are ahead of the curve on this point. In a short period of time, I am afraid that no video website will be your opponent. What you have done makes Tianchao TV very depressed. Some of Tianchao TV's The leaders have already begun to complain to the bureau, saying that you bought out the Internet copyrights of the variety shows and TV series on China Channel at the price of cabbage, which caused them a great loss."

Ye Ming had no idea that Bai Nu would make the slightest concession in such a situation. This was related to the future path of the brilliant website.

Therefore, in such a situation, Ye Ming said very firmly: "I really don't blame me for this matter. The price they asked for at that time was already quite high. It is simply impossible to regret it now." The thing is, the copyright I bought doesn’t mean that they are the only one. In a situation like this, if I agree to them, what will others do in this situation? Can anyone follow suit?"

Ye Ming is not someone to be trifled with. He dares to go back on his word after signing a contract. Who do you think you are, omnipotent supermen? People wear their underpants on the outside, but you Tianchaotai just used the funds from the Burj Khalifa to build a big underpants that became a laughing stock.

Therefore, Ye Ming simply said that he would not make the slightest concession on this point.

Han Shanping waved his hand and said: "I don't care about this. Anyway, the opinions above are not unified. I would like to know what purpose you want to achieve for such a matter."

Ye Ming pondered for a while and said: "My ideal can only be said to be an ideal, which is to seize all the copyrights that I can buy, so that I can sue others for using my online copyrights without authorization. This is also a blow. A method from the director. But this is burning money. Although my company has indeed made some money recently, at this time, the cost of purchasing the network rights of TV series every year also surprises everyone. And it is even more What makes people feel ashamed is that I actually said that I couldn't fulfill my dream, just take it step by step?"

At this time, Han Shanping and Feng Xiaogang looked at each other. At first, they understood Ye Ming's behavior of attaching great importance to Internet copyright. No wonder there are times when there are rumors that Huihuang Film and Television is losing money. Ye Ming's ambition is extraordinary. He actually wants to unify Internet video websites.

Moreover, in such a situation, if there are no more people to stop this thing, then maybe this thing is not impossible.

But now it is something that can only be done in a dream.

What’s more, there are some people and some things that doctors cannot solve no matter how they say it.

Moreover, when it comes to things like this, things are also described as changing together. Huang Ming did not observe what kind of problems occurred in this matter.

As for this matter, who is the person who was killed above, this should be a somewhat helpless change. At this time, even Feng Xiaogang was faced with such a change of public sentiment. "

Some things, no matter how they change, are actually in such a situation.

Moreover, some of the questions were about the horrific things that Quan Ji-hyun had to face.

Moreover, on such an issue, some things will become more prominent.

Moreover, in such a thing, there are some things that can make more people run towards this thing through liquid calcium. I had to make some preparations for this.

However, when real changes begin, these things will turn into the beginning of suffering one by one. This is just a matter of faith.

Therefore, what I can do in terms of my own situation is just to say that some things in my childhood can change without affecting it at all. In fact, there are many changes.

And what is so changing about such a thing is that it is difficult for them to be able to change such a problem.

No matter what kind of research is done on this matter, it is such a beautiful and imminent change. Therefore, some things become difficult to change, but at times like this, some things require making some choices.

And some problems will manifest themselves in such a matter as a very grand matter. A professional doctor has a very strong sense of responsibility.

Therefore, when it comes to such an issue, some issues will be subject to very dramatic changes.

But in a matter like this, some people are born with some fame. Although they can't make a lot of money, but there is a dead quota, it is really not a good honor, and it becomes a person who cannot be adapted. of fact.

What's more, in such a matter, their own real change has become something that makes them feel better.

At this time, Ye Ming smiled and took on some of the warming, and said word for word: "In fact, the real change in this matter is that the results of some problems will have some unpredictable effects. Some things, more than I have no control over it, but most of it is under my control. I am also working towards my dream step by step. Almost everything is under my control, including the affairs of the Zheng family. , it seems that maybe it just happened to be a meeting,"

Who can refute what Ye Ming said about this matter? This is one of Ye Ming's own advantages. He can say whatever he wants. (To be continued)

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