Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 725: Domineering Daoming Temple

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It was as fast as the wind, and the graceful movements seemed to be a special scene in a movie, which suddenly shocked the people present.

Fangdou seemed to feel that he had been hit hard by an oncoming car, and his whole chest was filled with heart-breaking pain that stimulated his soul. At this time, he seemed to feel that if he dared to If you say more nonsense, Ye Ming may not dare to let himself lie in bed for the rest of his life.

Ye Ming's whole person's aura suddenly suppressed the entire scene. Standing there was like a towering mountain, which made Lian Dou look up. Especially when he was lying on the ground and looking at Ye Ming, Lian Dou was so frightened that he couldn't even say a harsh word. Not daring to say anything, I took a few blows, struggled to stand up, and left directly with the prawns. A farce, it feels like a farce has finally come to an end at this moment.

Wang Weizhong came over at this moment and said: "Director Ye, you are a little impatient in this matter. This Diandou looks like the kind of person who hangs out on the street, deliberately looking for trouble. If reporters outside find out about you, you will beat him up." If so, it’s really hard to explain such a thing clearly, and you will definitely make headlines.

Moreover, the shooting license of Meteor Garden may be revoked by then. You should pay attention to this. How about I find some people to come over and show you the scene? "

Ye Ming waved his hands as if nothing had happened and said, "Brother Wei Zhong, don't worry. I just know that they are on the right side of this matter. Therefore, they will never tell anyone about the beating they received unless they I don’t want to hang out on the street anymore.

If they can't cover up such embarrassing things, they won't be so idiotic if they tell reporters. On the other hand, they will definitely not give up after suffering such a big loss this time. I guess it won't take long for someone to come to Zhaochangzi. "

The most important thing for those who work in the street is face. Why has Mr. Guan Er been respected by everyone from ancient times to the present? He is loyal and loyal for thousands of years. Isn’t it just for a little fame that you come out to hang out?

Therefore, when Ye Ming said this, Wang Weizhong felt that things were right, but what happened next might be a little wrong.

At this moment, Wang Weizhong thought for a while and said thoughtfully: "Isn't that right? You know that someone will take revenge on you after they go back, but you are still so calm. You are not afraid that someone will surround the crew."

Ye Ming was helpless, but this matter was very normal for filming TV series and movies in Baodao. In fact, even when Ye Ming was filming, he paid protection fees. Of course, it was not Ye Ming's. It is paid by Zhongtian TV. Zhongtian TV spends a lot of publicity and promotion expenses every year, and a large part of these expenses are used to maintain good relations with some people in the officialdom.

And the annual fee for a good lawyer is not low. Li Minmin, the queen lawyer of Zhongtian TV, is a very citizen. He is a well-known barrister in Baodao. He once worked in the Ministry of Justice. As a legal advisor to Xiao Jiang, he once pointed at A Bian and scolded him, making Xiao Ma Ge unable to stand down in public.

This is a barrister that people love to hate. His most famous saying is that Treasure Island lacks citizens the most, but it does not lack obedient people. Li Minmin's original name was Li Shun, but later he changed it to Li Minmin.

What Mr. Li likes to do most is to litigate with the Baodao authorities. Apart from litigating, he writes his own books. . The annual fee paid by Zhongtian to Li Minxin is three million.

This is still a friendly price. Ye Ming greeted everyone and said, "Don't be cold. Just go and do whatever you have to do. The filming will officially start in half an hour. Please give me some energy. I only filmed three scenes this morning. According to this progress in the afternoon, today's plan is If we can’t finish it, if we can’t complete the plan, no one can sleep.”

In fact, on the first day of filming, not many scenes were filmed. This is normal for any crew. After all, there is a running-in process between the crew, the staff and the actors, and between the actors on the first day. Even great directors such as Spielberg and Coppola know that it is a running-in process on the first day. process, therefore, the crew of [Meteor Garden] basically did not take Ye Ming's words seriously.

However, the filming started half an hour later, and no one took it seriously. Ye Ming found Xu Xiyuan and said, "Big S, you didn't perform very well this morning. You didn't show Shancai's temperament. Do you know where your shortcomings are?"

Xu Xiyuan shook her head. She also felt that she was missing something today. She was ranked third on the set for the number of times she had failed. This is an unforgivable mistake for an old actor. The number of times Jay Chou and Luo Zhixiang had failed. It's the most, but since he is a singer, this can be forgiven.

Xu Xiyuan shook her head and said: "I'm really not very clear about this. I also think there is a problem with this matter, but I try to find the problem myself. Where is the problem? But the more I think about it, the more confused I become. I want to play the role of Shancai well, the more I feel that there is a big gap between my acting skills and Shancai, especially when I play opposite you, the director, I feel that my acting skills are not enough."

Playing opposite Ye Ming, the entire crew was under pressure, not just Xu Xiyuan alone. However, among the crew, Xu Xiyuan and Ye Ming have the most scenes opposite each other, so she must overcome this as soon as possible.

Ye Ming did not blame Xu Xiyuan. He thought for a while and said: "You have always wanted to play this role well, but have you noticed that although the character Shancai is in a noble school, she herself is a child whose parents She came here with the purpose of catching a wealthy husband. She is a grassroots person herself.

Therefore, don't think about using your acting skills to express Shancai's temperament. In fact, you come from an ordinary family. You have such a grassroots temperament and you don't need to act at all.

The three realms of an actor are: mountains are mountains, water is water, mountains are not mountains, water is not water, and the last one is mountains or mountains, water is water, and you are now in the second realm. , looking at mountains is not mountains, looking at water is not water, you want to use your acting skills to express something that is difficult for you to imitate, this is where you are confused.

But you don’t actually have to do that. You have this kind of temperament yourself, so you don’t need to perform at all. In such a situation, it is best for you to retreat to the first state, looking at mountains or water. It's still water, you're still you, don't be angry and pretend to be someone else, you are Shancai yourself, and I guarantee that after this TV series, you will be like Shancai in the TV series, becoming a typical example of a sparrow turning into a phoenix. Become the envy of others. "

On this point, Ye Ming was telling Xu Xiyuan one thing, pointing out Xu Xiyuan's shortcomings, and the other point was that under such a situation, Ye Ming wanted to give Xu Xiyuan some encouragement. It can be seen that Xu Xiyuan is still not satisfied now. How confident an actor can be, how well she can display her acting skills, is very important to her.

Therefore, at this time, Ye Ming should give Xu Xiyuan some confidence. Seeing Ye Ming's determined gaze, Xu Xiyuan hesitated and said, "I can be red, very red?"

Xu Xiyuan had only thought about this in her dreams. Until now, she and her sister Xu Xidi were in Baodao, an artist struggling between the first and second tiers, not even a real first-tier artist.

One day, a movie star told her that she would be very popular. This was somewhat unbelievable.

However, Xu Xiyuan still hopes to get Ye Ming's affirmation, and what flashes in her expectant eyes is a kind of struggling confusion.

She can't see her future. Ye Ming said with great certainty: "There is absolutely no problem with this. You must believe me. This will be a TV series that will create miracles. In three to five years, or even ten years later, someone will talk about this TV series." , I would also say it is a very classic TV series."

Just when Ye Ming swore that [Meteor Garden] would be a big fire, a group of people rushed in viciously and smashed a rail car of the crew because the rail car was blocking their way.

Fortunately, because the filming did not start, the camera was carried over for maintenance. Otherwise, the loss alone would be very large.

now. Wearing sunglasses and black suits, this group looked like a group of agents from The Matrix. They held steel pipes, baseball bats and other things in their hands. As they walked, they cursed at the staff and pushed and pushed the crew. Some pushed aside.

The leader in a black suit was a short man in his fifties. This short guy was holding a huge Cuban cigar in his mouth, and the guy named Lendou just nodded and followed the cigar, like a pug. generally.

At this moment, everyone in the crew, except Xu Zheng and others who came with Ye Ming, everyone in Baodao knows what happened. These people are all people on the road. You can tell by looking at their appearance and temperament. The kind of underworld that robs homes and houses has an aura of recklessness.

Therefore, the crew members hid aside very skillfully, and it seemed that those on the road did not do anything to the cooperative staff. There seems to be a tacit understanding among everyone. They all come out to hang out. This matter is naturally meant to be convenient for others.

This is a silent tacit understanding between the Baodao crew and the underworld. Cigar walked up to Ye Ming, snorted, held the cigar in one hand, pointed at Ye Ming with the other and said, "Lengdou, this guy hit you, right?"

Lendou was arrogant at this time, and now that someone was supporting him, it naturally meant that he no longer had the cautious and embarrassed expression on his face just now.

He said very arrogantly: "Boss, that's right. This guy doesn't give us any face at all. We are covering this whole area. Who doesn't know? But this guy doesn't give us any face at all. He beat us." It's not me, it's your face, boss. If people know about it, how can we continue to hang out on the road in the future?"

This guy is also a person who is afraid of chaos in the world, and he has directly raised this matter to a level above life and death. He puffed his cigar and said, "Trash, you still have the nerve to say that after being beaten, go back and deal with you bastard."

After teaching Lian Dou a lesson, Cigar said very rudely: "Are you Ye Ming? You beat my brother, how should you settle the debt? If you don't give me an explanation, it's hard for me to give an explanation to my brothers." .”

Ye Ming looked at this gang of gangsters with great interest. He did not show any panic or nervous expression at all. He said with a smile: "I will give you an explanation. How will I give you an explanation? If I don't give it to you, What can you do with an explanation?"

The family member angrily laughed and said, "If you don't give me an explanation, even if the boss of Zhongtian comes, you won't be able to continue filming the TV series safely. Mr. Mainland, you'd better be smarter, otherwise I won't guarantee your safety." ah."

At this moment, Wang Weizhong immediately came out and said: "Misunderstanding, everyone, this is a misunderstanding. Is there anything we can sit down and talk about slowly?"

Ye Ming waved his hand to stop Wang Weizhong, looked at the cigar boss, and said curiously: "Aren't you afraid that if I call the police, the police will not care about this matter?"

The cigar boss seemed to have heard a big joke and said: "If calling the police is useful, then what are we, the underworld, doing?

What's the use of calling the police? If we don't come here to have fun, play baseball or something, then won't we be allowed to play baseball when the police come? Believe it or not, after the police left, we were playing baseball at your place every day. "

These days, the underworld has become more cunning. At this time, even if they come with machetes, the police have reason to take them away to assist in the investigation.

But wearing steel pipes, they can definitely say that they are decoration workers, and wearing baseball bats, they can definitely say that they are playing baseball, and playing baseball is not illegal, right?

Therefore, the current underworld is actually advancing with the times, and the old tricks will always be eliminated. On this point, Cigar Boss and the others have indeed done a very good job.

Ye Ming looked at the cigar boss and said helplessly: "You guys, I didn't want to make things big, but Sanli went too far in some things. You forced me to do this. Don’t blame me, Ye Ming, for being rude.”

At this moment, Ye Ming seemed to have transformed into a devil and came out of hell. The cigar boss was frightened for a moment and fell to his knees on the ground. (The novel "Entertainment Empire System" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the upper right "Add Friend", and search the public Number "qdread" and follow it, hurry up!) (To be continued)

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