Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 712 Chen Peisi’s Courage

Naturally, Gao Xiang was not willing to give up, but Noriko Sakai, as a public figure, was not willing to cause trouble on the spot, so she directly pulled her husband away.

This is very much in line with the style of a senior star in the entertainment industry. Komuro Tetsuya looked at Ye Ming with some surprise and said, "Ye Sang, this kind of thing is not your character. I can see from your works that you are not a very public person."

Ye Ming said with a smile: "I don't like publicity, but that doesn't mean that I can tolerate everything. When you are intolerable, you don't have to endure it anymore. There are some things that cannot be tolerated. "

At this time, the two people walked outside. Ye Ming looked at the flying snowflakes in the sky and said: "Mr. Komuro, in fact, there are some things that you must pay the price no matter what. Noriko Sakai's marriage, I will not How can I be optimistic? Gao Xiang is not a good person.

. "

Ye Ming's words surprised Komuro Tetsuya. He frowned and said, "It seems that Ye Sang has been targeting Gao Xiang. Could it be that you two knew each other before, or that there is some conflict."

Gao Xiang is more resistant to cleaning up against Ye Ming, and looking at Ye Ming's attitude towards Gao Xiang, it is not a very friendly attitude anyway. At this time, Komuro Tetsuya had some doubts about whether Ye Ming and Gao Xiang had had some trouble.

Ye Ming shook his head and said: 'Not really, we don't know each other at all, but I heard someone say that Prime Minister Gao, that's right. These words came out of my mouth and entered your ears. I will never admit that I said these words later. I heard that Gao Xiang was a drug addict, so I felt that Noriko Sakai's approach was not very wise in this matter.

Since you and Noriko Sakai are good friends, try to persuade her more when you have time. Not everyone can be entrusted with her for life. "

Ye Ming actually liked Noriko Sakai very much, a generation idol. He was not willing to watch such a person sink to the point of drug abuse. Later, Noriko Sakai was exposed to a drug abuse scandal in 2009, and she never recovered from it. Countless fans lamented.

Such a thing was a major event in the Asia-Pacific entertainment industry at that time. If Ye Ming hadn't met Noriko Sakai, he might not have thought of this. But since he met Noriko Sakai accidentally, in such a situation, he wouldn't mind reminding Tetsuya Komuro to pay attention to Noriko Sakai. As for whether my reminder can be effective, then this matter means that we must do our best to obey fate.

Tetsuya Komuro was like a blow to the head. He originally thought that there might be some conflict between Ye Ming and Gao Xiang, but at this time, Ye Ming's words were like a bolt from the blue.

Komuro Tetsuya said with some disbelief: "Ye Sang, this matter is not something to be joked about. Once an artist is involved in such a matter, his life will be over. Are you sure your information is correct? ?”

Whether in Japan or China, once an artist is involved in a scandal like drug abuse, his entire artistic life is basically over. Even in Europe and the United States, drug abuse is a fatal blow to an artist.

Ye Ming nodded very definitely and said: "I won't joke about this. I will go back after the next concert. Why am I joking with you about this? As for whether you believe it or not, haha. "

Ye Ming didn't say anything, got in the car and left. Tetsuya Komuro stood there in a daze. He still couldn't accept this, but at this moment he had already decided to try to persuade Noriko Sakai.

Ye Ming's second concert was also quite popular, with a packed Tokyo Dome, intoxicating singing, and the classic song "Snow Flower" also attracted thousands of people to sing.

Just when the Japanese media wanted to interview Ye Ming and looked for Ye Ming everywhere, Ye Ming was also flying back to the capital in a snow-white light, leaving the snowy Japan. There is nothing we can do if we don’t go back at this time.

When Ye Ming came back, Xu Zheng was picked up at the airport. The actors from Brilliant Film and Television originally wanted to come to greet him, but at this time, if seven or eight celebrities appeared at the airport together, the impact would be very big. Therefore, at this time, Brilliant Film and Television needed a low profile, and in the end it was decided that Xu Zheng, as the director, would come over to greet Ye Ming.

After getting in the car, Ye Ming thought for a while and said: "Xu Zheng should not go to the company. Go directly to China Film and Television to find the third master." After Xu Zheng started the car, he complained a little: "Boss, if I say you will never come back at this time, , then I really don’t know what to do. There are no such bullies in Tianchao Station. They can even go back on their promises, and what they do is too unethical."

Ye Ming said with a smile: "As long as you get used to this matter, Tianchaotai has always been so domineering. Of course, I don't think this matter is necessarily a factor of Tianchaotai. There are some things I have seen on the three sides. I won’t know until later. Tell me, what is the situation you know about?”

Ye Ming would not know the development of the matter in detail in Japan.

Xu Zheng continued to complain: "It's not the drama [DA Division] that is making trouble. Originally, you made an agreement with the people at Tianchao TV Station that our TV series will be on Tianchao TV Station. For this, we worked overtime on [The Legend of Zhen Huan]. It was rushed out.

In such a situation, everyone was very satisfied the first time, but when we contacted for the second time, I originally thought we were discussing some details, but the final result was that in such a situation, Tianchao TV unilaterally tore up the contract and said it would replace it with a military-themed TV series starring Wang Zhiwen and Xu Qing.

Therefore, I can't solve this matter, so I let you come back. "

[The Legend of Zhen Huan] It was finalized by Ye Ming and Director Ouyang Yang when she went to the Tianchao Stage. This matter was finalized before Ye Ming held the concert.

In fact, this is almost an exchange of interests.

Ye Ming fully supported the creation of the Spring Festival Gala and promised to sing the opening single in the Spring Festival Gala.

Speaking of which, according to Ye Ming's current reputation, he is a superstar in the Asia-Pacific region and has made extraordinary achievements in film, television and singing. Therefore, under such circumstances, Ye Ming agreed to sing the opening single, This is indeed a support for the Spring Festival Gala.

Therefore, with everyone's tacit understanding, Director Ou Yangyang also acquiesced to the fact that "The Legend of Zhen Huan" finalized by Taipei and Huihuang Film and Television was put on the Chinese stage.

Naturally, Director Ouyang Yang would not do this personally, as long as he acquiesced, a great director would not lower himself to review a TV series.

In fact, as long as Mr. Ouyang Yang acquiesces in such a matter, the people below will definitely handle it. Ye Ming didn't have too much involvement in this matter. He took the lead and Xu Zheng naturally talked about the rest with the people from the TV station.

But I didn't expect that such a thing would actually change at this time. When he arrived at China Film, Ye Ming was already familiar with this place. He directly found Han Shanping's office. People at China Film, especially Han Shanping's secretary and others, were also very familiar with Ye Ming. Seeing Ye Ming's arrival, he simply There is no obstacle to letting him go directly.

As long as Han Shanping is not in a meeting, under such a situation, there is no need to stop Ye Ming at this time. He can just call his colleagues and the chairman to inform Ye Ming to come up.

Han Shanping sighed helplessly and said to himself: "This kid is not an economical person. I know he will not give up on this matter easily."

Seeing the angry Ye Ming, Han Shanping was not polite. He pointed to the cabinet and said, "The tea leaves are still in the same place. If you want to drink tea, you can go find it yourself. You came today to break the contract for Tianchaotai." Something, right?"

When drinking tea, what else does Ye Ming think about drinking tea? However, Han Shanping's tea is West Lake Longjing. The authentic West Lake Longjing is not available in the market, and you can't buy it even if you have money. Therefore, Ye Ming also made tea and drank it without ceremony. Anyway, it would be impossible for Han Shanping not to give him an explanation.

Ye Ming said while drinking tea: "Third Master, what Mr. Ouyang Yang did about this matter is a bit unethical. It was agreed at the beginning that it would be on our TV series, but in the end it was changed. What happened to me? Let me explain to the people in the company that my people worked so hard to release the TV series early, but in the end, the director of Ouyangyang said I didn’t want it, so I didn’t want it. Isn’t it too bullying?”

Although Ye Ming behaved calmly in front of Xu Zheng, that was because Ye Ming was a boss in front of Xu Zheng, and the boss naturally had to behave like a boss. But after seeing Han Shanping at this time, Ye Ming naturally complained aggrievedly.

Han Shanping laughed loudly and said: "You kid, don't do this with me. I don't believe you don't know the tricks involved. It's not wrong. Your TV series has a contract with Tianchao TV, but, this matter , didn’t you say you met a military-themed TV series? This is a propaganda film, everything is arranged to give way, and it is very helpless to change it. I think you should accept it, right? "

Ye Ming shook his head and said: "We can't just admit this matter. Tianchaotai must give an explanation. Otherwise, if they were accused the first time, they might be accused the second time."

This first time refers to Chen Peisi and Zhu Shimao suing Tianchao TV over the copyright of the sketch.

Not everyone has this kind of courage. (Want to know more exciting news about "Entertainment Empire System"? Open WeChat now, click on the "+" sign in the upper right corner, select Add Friends to add a public account, search for "Qidianzhongwenwang", follow the public account, and never miss every moment again Updated! 51read) (To be continued)

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