Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 706: Rejecting Spielberg’s invitation

Spielberg was shocked. With such skills, it was indeed a magical thing from the East.

He clapped his hands and said: "It's really a good skill. I didn't expect you to have such a skill. It's like magic. But I know it should be called Kung Fu. Chinese Kung Fu. Bruce Lee is this kind of magic." Kung Fu, right?”

Bruce Lee is the famous Bruce Lee, a Chinese who conquered Hollywood and an Eastern myth. In fact, for many martial arts, Westerners' understanding of the East is still at the stage of Bruce Lee.

Obviously Spielberg is one of them, and at this time, Spielberg finally felt that he had met another person with real skills.

At this moment, Spielberg felt that he was right and found the right person. He looked at Ye Ming enthusiastically and said: "Very good, very good, Mr. Ye, I formally invite you to participate in the filming of [The Last Samurai]" , invites you to be the action director of [The Last Samurai]. In the East, you are called action directors, right?"

The invitation sent by Takeshi Kitano may be regarded as impolite by Ye Ming, but at this time, Spielberg himself made an invitation. Even in Hollywood, not many people would refuse it. Therefore, Spielberg was very I believe that Ye Ming will not refuse such an invitation. But at this time, Ye Ming shook his head and said, "Sorry, I can't agree to this request."

Kitano Takeshi was very shocked when he refused. Ye Ming actually rejected Spielberg's invitation in person. What a shocking behavior this was.

It can be said that as long as Ye Ming nods this time, he will gain Spielberg's friendship in the future.

If he enters Hollywood by then, it will be of great help to Ye Ming. But Ye Ming actually refused.

This is simply unbelievable. Even Kitano Takeshi is used to seeing wind and waves, but he still can't believe his ears.

Spielberg was also very unbelievable. He looked at Ye Ming in shock and said, "Why, do you think I can't afford the remuneration?

Yes, even if Chinese stars come to Hollywood, not many will be paid well. That is to say, Cheng Long and Jet Li are two kung fu stars who have some market. The other one named Zhou Runfa is a very cool actor, but the rest are indeed Not much pay. But Lai Jiang, Hollywood's capital, will never be stingy with money for a capable person.

Don't worry about the remuneration, I will definitely give it to you in accordance with the requirements of the Screen Actors Guild. No one has yet figured out who is an actor in the William Morris Agency. "

Since Spurberg said he wanted to invite Ye Ming to film, he would naturally find out what Ye Ming's background was.

Even though Ye Ming had only had little time to sign with William Morris Agency, under such a situation, it was very normal for Spielberg to want to find out about such a thing.

Therefore, Spielberg did not think of cheating Ye Ming on the salary. Anyway, it was the Japanese consortium that took the money, and he was not short of money.

Ye Ming shook his head and said: "This is not a question of money, it is a question of national stance. If your film directed by Steven is another film, even if it is an African film, then I don't have any problem with it, but for Japanese movies, to be honest, it's not a question of remuneration, it's a matter of national stance.

Cheng Long, Jet Li, Zhou Yunfa, these stars will never make movies for the Japanese. This is national dignity. I think Director Steven you should be very clear about China and Japan. If instead of a Japanese consortium, a German consortium is willing to let you make a movie, why are you doing this? "

Needless to say, Spielberg was very angry when he heard about this. As a person of Jewish descent, he basically had sworn hatred for Germany. This hatred was rooted in his blood, and Money has nothing to do with it.

Spielberg also understood Ye Ming's mood very well at this moment. He said helplessly: "Well, of course it is impossible for me to take over this business. I am very sorry that Mr. Ye cannot participate in my filming."

He didn't understand Ye Ming's choice of Spielberg very well, but Spielberg understood Ye Ming's explanation very well.

Because the two people actually have the same hatred, the same hatred for fascism. This kind of hatred cannot be reconciled. Spielberg refuses even if his films have any trace of involvement of German capital. Even the cameras are all produced in Japan or the United States.

Therefore, when it comes to such a thing, he has no choice but to say sorry at this time.

Ye Ming said regretfully: "Thank you, Director Steven, for your understanding. This time we can't cooperate. Maybe we will have a chance to cooperate next time. I heard that you are preparing a script like World War. If necessary, Then maybe we have a chance to cooperate."

It is impossible for Ye Ming to agree to the filming of "The Last Samurai" unless he does not want to hang around in China anymore. Even in "The Last Samurai", Ye Ming is just an action director, not an actor, but with Ye Ming's participation , is enough, this can be regarded as the hatred of the country and the family in China.

Holding a concert, having his own movie released in Japan, and opening a website are all commercial activities, but if you use Chinese Kung Fu to promote Bushido, then Ye Ming really can't do such a thing.

Although some actors in China may not care about this kind of thing now, it is normal to participate in Japanese performances. For example, Ye Ming himself also held a concert in Japan. But using Chinese Kung Fu to shoot a movie that expresses the spirit of Japanese Bushido goes against Ye Ming's bottom line.

Therefore, Ye Ming thought about it and still couldn't agree to such a request. After Ye Ming left, Kitano Takeshi also looked at Ye Ming's leaving figure with emotion, and said with some emotion: "Ye Ming, this guy's kung fu is indeed very good, but his temper is a bit stubborn. What a great opportunity."

Kitano didn't say anything else. Spielberg was definitely not in a good mood at this time, so Kitano left quickly.

After quickly finding Ye Ming, Kitano Takeshi said with some regret: "Mr. Ye, your decision is a bit reckless. I can understand your mood, and I believe Director Steven will also understand your mood. .

However, understanding is understanding, and as for other things, it is a bit difficult to explain clearly. One of the four Hollywood king-level directors, such a person's face cannot be easily refuted. I asked you to think about it for two days, but I didn't expect that you still chose this result. "

To be honest, Takeshi Kitano also hopes that Ye Ming and Spielberg will cooperate. At this time, Japanese actors will also have kung fu masters to guide them.

But now everything seems to be impossible.

Moreover, Takeshi Kitano is also very willing. Spielberg will never give up easily on a matter like this. Although he is not angry on the surface, in fact, this matter will never be so. After all, according to the rules of the entertainment industry, the face of a big shot cannot be refuted casually, let alone the person who stands at the top of the big shot.

Ye Ming said with a smile: "There is no need to mention this matter at all. Steven himself also understands that the movie he shoots has nothing to do with Germany, let alone using German stars. He himself has no idea about this matter. If you can't pass your own test, how can you ask others to do it?

As for other things, we will talk about it when the time comes. I will definitely go to Hollywood, not because of Steven, nor because if he doesn’t go, the soldiers will come to cover up the water and the earth. I believe Mr. Kitano will be familiar with this. Bar? "

A director like Spielberg will take revenge. Ye Ming is very clear about this, and he knows that this will cause some trouble for his Hollywood journey. However, when he makes movies, he has My persistence will not be compromised casually.

Kitano Takeshi sighed and left very lonely.

At this moment, in the presidential suite, Spielberg said with great regret: "A very good actor, I think there should be opportunities to cooperate, but he did not cherish it. Although I understand his approach, future cooperation ,forget it?"

One of Spielberg's assistants thought for a while and said: "Director, not many people know about this matter. The impact will not be too great. Don't worry, I will arrange to prevent the media from reporting this matter."

This time, Spielberg actually came quietly. Therefore, Ye Ming rejected him. Not many people knew about this. Seeing that Spielberg was angry, as an assistant, he naturally wanted to persuade Spielberg.

And Spielberg smiled coldly and said: "Not many people know it. Coppola knows it, the muscular Arnold knows it, and Mr. Kitano also knows it. If there are two people in the world who know something, Then it's not called a secret. If Ye Ming rejects me, he will have to bear the price. I will wait for him in Hollywood. I want to wait and see what methods this guy Ye Ming will use to break into Hollywood. "

When Spielberg said this, he obviously meant that if Ye Ming wanted to enter Hollywood in the future, he would definitely deal with Ye Ming.

Ye Ming had to pay the price for his youth by rejecting Spielberg and rejecting one of the four Hollywood king-level directors.

From Spielberg's point of view, if he has such determination, it is very normal.

There are a lot of actors who have been banned in Hollywood because of this, including Ye Ming. At least from Spielberg's point of view, Hollywood has no problem banning Ye Ming as an actor. (To be continued)

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