Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 71: Put the clothes you took off back on one by one

While he was talking, reporters already walked in in twos and threes.

Although Huang Qiusheng has a bad temper, he also knows the importance of severity. After being in this circle for such a long time, he naturally understands when to make trouble and when to be patient.

If you make trouble in front of reporters, you are not giving the director face.

Liu Weiqiang did not expect that the first person who refused to give him face was not Ye Ming who drove Xiao Shan away, nor Huang Qiusheng who was in anger, but Yang Gongru.

A reporter stood up and asked: "Ms. Yang Gongru, I, Bai Xiaosheng, a reporter from The Times, have a question for you. This time, being able to star in "The Hero of the Storm" and working with such a good director and actor, What do you have to say?"

This is buying news. Although in the circle, this kind of thing is not uncommon and everyone is familiar with it.

But that was all in the middle of the opening ceremony. The first question is usually assigned to the director of the play. The second question is to ask the hero and heroine. If it is used in this play, then That means you have to ask Liu Weiqiang first, then Guo Fucheng and Zheng Yijian, and then you can ask Yang Gongru.

However, this Bai Xiaosheng, who looked like a reporter using a pseudonym, was the first to stand up and ask Yang Gongru, this is breaking the unspoken rules. If Bai Xiaosheng did not receive money, even Liu Weiqiang would not believe it. .

Yang Gongru did something outrageous. Buying news and trying to get a position, forget it. Who in this circle doesn’t want to get a position?

But as a heroine, you actually outshone the director and the two male leads. This is a bit of a violation of the unspoken rules.

And if you break the unspoken rules, you will basically die very miserably in the end.

Director Liu Weiqiang looked very unhappy. But he still put on a smile.

Guo Fucheng and Zheng Yijian also shut up and said nothing, but it could be seen from their eyes that they were very dissatisfied with Yang Gongru's performance.

Yang Gongru seemed not to take this matter to heart at all, nor did he care about the expressions of Director Liu Weiqiang, Guo Fucheng and Zheng Yijian.

What she wants is to stand out, to be able to make headlines tomorrow, to stand out, to become a first-line star,

Now, she is at best in the second tier. In fact, in such a situation, with no one to support her, she is even the bottom of the second tier.

Therefore, Yang Gongru was very unwilling.

At that moment, Yang Gongru said with a smile on his face: "I am naturally very happy to be able to cooperate with such an excellent director. I believe that under the leadership of Director Liu, we will definitely shoot a great movie that will become a hit at the box office.

Guo Fucheng and Zheng Yijian are also actors that I admire very much. It is an honor for me to work with them. "

In fact, if it comes to this point, it is not a big deal. Although Yang Gongru grabbed the right to answer the question first, at least these answers are not out of line.

Director Liu Weiqiang's expression gradually softened. Stability and unity are what a crew needs.

However, he did not expect that Yang Gongru would not end his answer there. There would be more cruel words later.

Because everyone thought that Yang Gongru had finished speaking, no one was prepared for what she said next.

At this time, Yang Gongru glanced at Huang Qiusheng and Shu Qi, and made some calculations in his heart like lightning. After all, Huang Qiusheng is an old man, with deep roots and extensive knowledge, so he is not that easy to deal with. Moreover, he is also the best actor, so he is not so easy to shake. .

But Shu Qi is different. When she debuted, she filmed a Category III film. This is a stain that she cannot erase.

It just so happens that Huang Qiusheng has also made a Category III film, so let's start with Shu Qi.

After calculating, Yang Gongru sighed and said: "Actually, in our group, there are some actresses who really shouldn't be in the crew. People who started their career in romantic movies actually sat in such a big production openly. There are some things in the movie that are really puzzling, and I wonder if the movie’s box office will suffer because of some people.”

At this time, even though Xu Jinglei was across the way, Ye Ming could also feel the anger in Shu Qi's heart. Her whole body was trembling slightly, and she bit her lip tightly with her teeth. The fingernails almost dug into the flesh.

Her spirit was almost on the verge of collapse.

The whole person seemed to be trapped in layers of spider webs. No matter how hard she struggled, it was useless. It was a kind of torture, a kind of torture in his heart.

Ye Ming really couldn't stand Yang Gongru's performance. You and Huang Qiu Sheng were fighting each other. What did Shu Qi do if it was involved? Everyone was a thief. Isn't it because Huang Qiu Sheng was not easy to bully? Even though he had made a third-level film, But since he is a movie king, Yang Gongru can't take action directly, so he blames Sang and Huai, referring to Shu Qi, but in fact, he also secretly refers to Huang Qiusheng.

At that moment, Ye Ming had an idea, pulled over a note and wrote a sentence on it.

Then he touched Xu Jinglei and gave her a look.

Xu Jinglei is such a smart person, a talented woman, and well-rounded. Although she is not very well-known in the circle now, she is definitely the kind of person who knows the elegant meaning of strings by hearing them.

She lowered her head and glanced at the sentence written on the note, and her eyes suddenly lit up, and an expression of admiration flashed on her face.

Because she and Shu Qi were right next to each other, at this time, Xu Jinglei secretly poked Shu Qi from below, sent the note over, and then pointed at Ye Ming.

It means that this is what Ye Ming wrote to you.

Shu Qi was constantly struggling in the deep and fiery spiritual world, as if he had fallen into a bottomless abyss.

No matter how hard she struggled, it was difficult to climb up.

She felt that the air at this moment was a bit suffocating.

Xu Jinglei suddenly poked her and gave her a note.

Shu Qi glanced at Xu Jinglei and Ye Ming, then suppressed his emotions and secretly opened the note to take a look.

There was a sentence written on it, and Ye Ming wrote this sentence in traditional Chinese in order to take care of Shu Qi.

I think back then, Ye Ming read thousands of CDs and didn't have any special skills to learn them. He was very familiar with traditional Chinese characters.

After seeing this sentence, Shu Qi suddenly felt like a drowning and struggling person who suddenly grasped a life-saving straw.

In the eyes of many reporters in the audience, who were like needles, she saw a ray of hope outside the dark pool.

At this time, the reporters in the audience were talking a lot, and Bai Xiaosheng was indeed the reporter who was bribed. It was obvious that he was targeting Yang Gongru and wanted to praise Yang Gongru.

Next Bai Xiaosheng asked: "Miss Yang Gongru, do you mean that some actresses should be replaced in this movie directed by Liu Weiqiang?"

The target of the attack is Shu Qi.

At this time, Huang Qiusheng finally couldn't stand it any longer, and grabbed the question and said: "Let me answer this question for you, how much money did you charge? You are so unbridled, do you still have the conscience of a media practitioner? "

At this time, Shu Qi was filled with tears and burst into tears. Finally, after seeing those words, he couldn't help crying.

In an instant, the whole scene fell silent, and even the hot-tempered Huang Qiusheng didn't know what to say.

Yang Gongru looked down at everything with a victor's look, as proud as a peacock.

Shu Qi cried and said, "Thank you to the director for being a newbie to me. One day, I will put the clothes I took off back on one by one."

Word by word, every word by heart, this short sentence expresses the sadness and tears of an actress in the industry.

Then, Shu Qi finally couldn't control his emotions, stood up, bowed, turned and left the opening ceremony.

Liu Weiqiang took the lead in applauding, and the entire scene suddenly burst into thunderous applause.

But at this time, Huang Qiusheng did not give up. He pointed at Bai Xiaosheng and said: "A person like you can also play a supporting role as a reporter. I think it is more like calling a chicken. A person like you has sold his professional conscience for money." . I remember you, and I will never accept interviews from you in the future."

Huang Qiusheng is qualified to say this because he has been in the industry for a long time and has seniority. Moreover, he is the best actor and his acting skills have been widely recognized. He will not have no filming due to the dissatisfaction of one or two reporters.

Of course, Huang Qiusheng's words were just an episode in this press conference.

Although the reporters are very close to each other, if Huang Dapao had spoken so arrogantly on another occasion, it is not certain that the media present would block him together.

However, this time, Bai Xiaosheng broke the rules and was the first to ask questions to the director. No matter what, this is respect for the director of a movie.

This kind of direct proposal of marriage to the heroine, bypassing the director and the leading actor, is obvious at first glance. It is obvious that he has been paid, and the appearance is too ugly. ‘

Therefore, although Huang Qiusheng's words were very targeted and were aimed at reporters, no one felt that Huang Qiusheng was wrong.

Even at this time, these reporters felt that it was a shame to be associated with people like Bai Xiaosheng because of Huang Qiusheng's words.

Reporter, the uncrowned king, what a sacred name that is.

If you are looked down upon by an actor because of a scum like Bai Xiaosheng, you are not ashamed, but we are too.

It is almost certain that it will not be easy for Bai Xiaosheng to survive in the media circle in the future.

At this moment, Yang Gongru was actually angry for a while, and naturally it was difficult to swallow in his chest. He finally grabbed this opportunity to make headlines, but he didn't expect it to slip away in vain. (To be continued)

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