Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 687 Jun Ji-hyun’s acting breakthrough

Guo Zaiyong also came over with great concern and asked: "Mr. Ye, how is Zhixian's condition? If it means that he has not recovered, then I will wait a little longer and it will be fine."

As a director, he is very aware of how huge the pressure is on Jun Ji-hyun at this time. This can be seen clearly from Jun Ji-hyun's pale face.

Therefore, whether the crew starts working at this time depends on whether Jun Ji-hyun has rested. As for this point, Ye Ming, who is Quan Ji-hyun's opponent, has the most say.

Ye Ming glanced at Quan Zhixian and said: "I think there should be no problem. Miss Quan, this time, I will do my best to bring you into this play, so that you can experience the process of this matter with your heart."

It would be unrealistic to always rely on Jun Ji-hyun's efforts. Therefore, every time filming started, Ye Ming had to help Jun Ji-hyun get into the role.

In such a state, Jun Ji-hyun has been able to persist until now. If Ye Ming blindly suppressed Quan Zhixian without helping her, then Quan Zhixian would have collapsed long ago.

This time, Jun Ji-hyun said very confidently: "No problem, I will try my best to break through myself. Director, will you do it again?"

This time, Ye Ming's aura enveloped Quan Zhixian, but the bull market did not show that domineering momentum, but had a guiding role, allowing Quan Zhixian to truly feel the atmosphere of this scene, although it was a Prop hotel, but at this time, Ye Ming was also able to make Quan Zhixian feel that the place they were staying in at this moment was a real hotel.

Being able to have such an ability is what makes a superstar special. If a superstar wants to suppress a person's role, it is very easy. But if you want to bring someone into the drama, it is very easy as long as he is willing.

Ye Ming once brought people from his company into the show. However, generally speaking, those high-ranking superstars will not do this method easily.

At this time, there is a state of arrogance. It is not that the stars deliberately show off their arrogance, but that after a long time, they will naturally have that kind of powerful aura emanating from their acting skills. These superstars will not be able to do it easily. To support others.

Promote a new person to take over your job? Therefore, superstars who do not have strong connections will not easily bring people into the drama.

Just like Andy would support Edison Chen, but would not bring him into the drama casually. But this time, Ye Ming understands that if "My Sassy Girl" wants to become a hit, Jun Ji-hyun's acting skills are very crucial.

Therefore, Ye Ming is also very attentive in helping Jun Ji-hyun improve her acting skills.

At this time, Quan Zhixian seemed to feel a touch in the depths of his soul, and finally had a feeling of enlightenment. In an instant, the light shone brightly, and the feeling of clear thoughts emerged spontaneously.

After Ye Ming said "That handkerchief is mine", according to Jun Ji-hyun's acting skills, there had to be at least a short pause, and he had to adapt to Ye Ming's strong pressure before he could start to take action.

However, at such a moment, Quan Zhixian was finally able to look at Ye Ming calmly and throw the handkerchief directly over, and then his tearful eyes were blurred and a little drunk, the kind of drunken eyes that contained a trace of tears. His demeanor immediately appeared in front of the camera, and he said a bit dullly "I broke up with my boyfriend yesterday" and then fell down on the table.

At this time, Ye Ming immediately pushed Quan Zhixian in surprise and said, "Sorry, wake up, wake up, wake up." 】.

This scene is now over. Guo Zaiyong became excited when he saw the content on the monitor. He could see very clearly that under Ye Ming's strong pressure, Quan Ji-hyun could easily perform according to the script. At this time, it showed that Quan Ji-hyun's acting skills I got a big breakthrough and will not be affected by Ye Ming anymore.

This is good news for the entire crew. Guo Zaiyong immediately stood up and walked over and said: "Yes, yes, Mr. Ye performed very well. This time Ji-hyun also performed very well. He was able to express such a scene so easily under the pressure of Mr. Ye. This proves that Ji-hyun’s acting skills have made a big breakthrough.”

Being able to break through his own acting skills at this moment is also a very good thing for Jun Ji Hyun Lai Kang Na.

Therefore, Jun Ji-hyun said very happily: "Thank you to the director for your support, and thank you to Mr. Ye for your help, otherwise I would not have made a breakthrough so quickly."

An actor's acting skills are not easy to break through. Generally, it relies on years of accumulation. In a moment, he can understand some acting tricks. Only then can he have the opportunity to break through in acting.

If Jun Ji-hyun relies on her acting skills to make a breakthrough, then it's really hard to say what kind of breakthrough she will have to wait for at a time like this.

Therefore, director Kwak Jae-yong's support is very important in this regard. The director can allow Jun Ji-hyun to NG again and again. From this point of view, it can be seen that Kwak Jae-yong supports Jun Ji-hyun. In a crew, if the director doesn't like an actor, it will basically be difficult for the actor to stay on the crew.

Therefore, the director's support is very important, and this time, Ye Ming's help is obvious to all. Not every superstar has the patience to play roles for Jun Ji-hyun again and again.

Especially in a place like South Korea, identity and status are very serious.

For example, if you are supporting top Korean stars like Bae Yong Joon and Choi Jin Jin, it is impossible for Choi Jin Jin to play with a supporting actor again and again. The supporting actor must be almost 100% sure, and he has practiced very well in private. Only with proficiency can you dare to play with Cui Zhenshi.

The obvious point is that if stars like Bae Yong Joon and Choi Jin Jin are said to be NG three or five times, there will be no problem, but if an ordinary supporting character is said to be NG two or three times, then it will be waiting. Get scolded by the director.

Therefore, under such a situation, a superstar like Ye Ming in the Asia-Pacific region can play with Jun Ji-hyun again and again, and support Jun Ji-hyun to break through her acting skills again and again. This is to support Jun Ji-hyun, so Jun Ji-hyun will be grateful Ye Ming. The entire crew also felt that the atmosphere had changed a lot because of Jun Ji-hyun's breakthrough acting skills.

Previously, the entire crew was shrouded in a dark cloud. If Jun Ji-hyun's acting skills couldn't break through for one day, then the next scenes would not be easy to shoot. But this time Jun Ji-hyun's acting skills can match Ye Ming's, below. It would be very easy to film the scenes.

And regarding such a matter, it can be seen from the satisfied smile on Guo Zairong's face.

Jun Ji-hyun's whole person became more relaxed. As the saying goes, it is not difficult for those who are difficult, but it is not difficult for those who can master it. Since Jun Ji-hyun's acting skills have made a breakthrough, then at this time, it will become easier to play with Ye Ming.

At this point, it can be seen from the following duels between Quan Zhixian and Ye Ming. At the entrance of the subway station, Qian Niu was summoned by Quan Zhixian with a phone call and was treated brutally by Quan Zhixian.

This scene was quite difficult to shoot at the entrance of the station where people were coming and going.

But it only took three times. For a relatively important long lens, this is already a pretty good speed.

Therefore, this time Guo Zairong was also very rare and said: "Okay, this time I will finish my work early. I have a holiday in the evening. Everyone can have more rest. Drinking at night is no problem. We can't delay the start of work tomorrow."

If the crew is not filming a night scene at night, the general crew will not care about drinking, but if anyone dares to delay the next day's filming because of this, then the director will never agree.

The crew members are all veteran actors, so they are naturally very clear about such rules.

The rest of the finishing work was naturally done by the drama staff and had nothing to do with Ye Ming. At this time, Ye Ming received a call from Sister Fang Fang, asking him to come to the hotel.

Because Sister Fang Fang gave him a rather surprising news, people from William Morris Company came to the door and sent an agent named Howard to come over.

After getting in the car, Ye Ming waited for a moment to relax and said to himself: "Sister Fang Fang, look, what kind of contract will the people from William Morris come with? They have a good sense of timing. , [Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon] was already nominated for the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film, and they came to the door very quickly.”

Ye Ming has always wanted to enter Hollywood. It can be seen from Ye Ming's ability to make a blockbuster movie like Infernal Affairs that his ambition is not limited to the Asia-Pacific region.

If you want to enter the entertainment industry at this time, you must find a good agency. If Ye Ming signs with the old agency William Morris, it will be very helpful for him to enter Hollywood.

With Ye Ming's performance, he actually knew that William Morris Company would come to him sooner or later, but he did not expect that the other party would actually come to him at this moment. It did come quite suddenly.

Sister Fang Fang rolled her eyes at Ye Ming and said, "Just be satisfied. That's William Morris. If it weren't for the support of [Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon], the other party might not come to your door so quickly. Think about it, they are in Asia." How many stars have you just signed?"

William Morris is a giant in Hollywood, a long-established agency that occupies half of Hollywood. (To be continued)

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