Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 656: Arrogant Sanlitai

Ye Ming's answer obviously made Wang Weizhong curious. As a veteran entertainment producer, Wang Weizhong believed that he was not the most well-informed in Baodao, but no matter what, he should not be considered the best. The most ill-informed group of people. According to what Ye Ming said, it was obvious that there was news that Ye Ming knew, but Wang Weizhong didn't know. Therefore, this made Wang Weizhong feel quite surprised. The Xu sisters naturally heard something in Ye Ming's words at this moment.

After the car started, Wang Weizhong said with some curiosity: "Mr. Ye, when he said this, he had other intentions. Could it be that [Jin Wanbao]'s loss of more than 900 million had some other inside story?"

Ye Ming laughed loudly and said: "This is natural. More than 900 million, converted into Chinese dollars, that is more than 100 million in cash, a small [Jin Wanbao], Manager Wang will not think that it is really It is possible to lose so much. I dare say that even the largest Tianchao TV station in the mainland would not dare to say that it had such a big loss in a year. The capital of Tianchao TV station is a few streets ahead of [Jin Wanbao].

In fact, it is very simple. At this time, you should know who is in charge of Baodao now. A-Bian is the boss now. Therefore, if you think about it, if Xiao Ma and the others failed, someone must take responsibility, and other responsibilities cannot be When it comes to campaign expenses, you always have to come up with a reason to give an explanation to the voters, right? At least if you want others to continue to support you, you must give an explanation.

[Jinwanbao] It lost more than 900 million a year. Even if the Jiang brothers are idiots, they would not be able to lose that much. It's just that Brother Ma needs an excuse for failure to give an explanation to the voters. "

The election on Baodao has just ended, and the party represented by Brother Xiao Ma suffered a complete defeat. A-Bian, on the other hand, ascended to the throne of Baodao boss with high spirits. Therefore, Xiao Ma and the others spent money to campaign and failed, so they need to give an explanation to the voters. In fact, that's all.

Wang Weizhong suddenly understood and said: "Looking at it this way, it is understandable that [Jin Wanbao] ceased publication. It is just a scapegoat. But looking at the current situation, Zhongtian TV is also in a state of turmoil. I always feel that the Jiang brothers have been a little bit troubled recently. It’s difficult to do, and I didn’t think it had anything to do with the changes above.

Now it is not only your Baodao Huihuang Network that is suppressed by Sanli TV, but Zhongtian TV is also suppressed by Sanli TV. Mr. Ye must have heard about this, right? "

Ye Ming nodded and said with some embarrassment: "I didn't expect that things were worse than I thought. When I came here, I contacted the person in charge of Baodao Brilliant Network. He had already filed a lawsuit because he couldn't bear the pressure from Sanli TV. I resigned. This time I came, one to hold a concert, and the other to deal with a problem like this. I can't let this matter continue to develop.

Manager Wang, you should be familiar with the boss of Zhongtian TV Station. Please help me contact him. I would like to treat him to a meal later? "

Zhongtian TV has now been taken over by Jiang Daosheng of Ivory Mountain Multimedia Group, so Jiang Daosheng has become the chairman of Zhongtian TV.

At this moment, Wang Weizhong also hesitated before saying: "I have a good relationship with Chairman Jiang, but Zhongtian TV has been having a hard time recently. It was suppressed by Sanli TV and I can't breathe. Chairman Jiang is It’s hard to tell unless you’re in the mood to come out.”

It seems that Wang Weizhong and Jiang Daosheng are not very familiar with each other. They are just acquaintances at most. They have not cooperated much before. After all, Jiang Daosheng has just entered the entertainment industry.

Ye Ming said with great certainty: "Don't worry, I am going to solve the current difficulties for Jiang Daosheng. As long as you say that I am looking for him to join forces with him to deal with Sanli TV, there is no problem."

I don't think he will refuse this. "

Ye Ming seems to have a lot of confidence. This kind of confidence seems a bit incredible to Wang Weizhong. Why does Ye Ming have so much confidence?

He said even more unexpectedly: "Mr. Ye, this matter is not as simple as talking about it. Sanli TV has been very popular recently [A-Bian and A-Zhen]. This short drama has swept the screen, even if it is a wireless station." However, the TV series [Treasure Island Acheng] is also very well done. It is one of the most popular TV series in Treasure Island. It is said that they still have other big plans. It seems that this year they plan to directly fight against the world. Hands on. Is there any way you can turn the tide of the war?"

Ye Ming smiled noncommittally and said: "Of course there is, otherwise I wouldn't have so much confidence. Do you think I went to Japan just to have fun? I didn't just say that I was in Japan to promote [无间] [Dao], I visited Takeshi Kitano and other Japanese colleagues, and also found time to go to Shueisha. Have I done what you haven’t done? If I’m not confident enough, then I won’t do it. "

The confidence Ye Ming showed at this time was the kind of self-centered confidence. At this time, Wang Weizhong suddenly felt that Ye Ming seemed to be very strange, not just an ordinary stranger. With such a strong self-confidence, Wang Weizhong just said that in It can only be seen in a few wealthy people.

. It is a place of strong confidence that everything is in control.

Xu Xidi said without politeness at all: "Mr. Ye, among the cable channels now, Sanli TV is basically the same as a dominant one. The other TV stations are not doing a good enough job, which is harmful. Those of us who are not Sanlitai artists are being squeezed out everywhere."

Xu Xidi also complained about this matter. No matter what it was, Sanli TV would always suppress artists from other TV stations, while praising their own company's artists. As a contracted artist of Venus Entertainment, in such a situation Next, Xu Xidi and Xu Xiyuan are naturally among those being suppressed.

Ye Ming said with a smile: "It's normal for an emperor to have his ministers. It would be strange if Sanlitai didn't do it like this. But don't worry, Sanlitai can't be the only one in the world." To the extent that the wireless stations don’t care about Sanli TV’s provocation, there are three major wireless TV stations in Baodao, and these three are the bosses in Baodao’s TV market.

And they don't take Sanlitai's aggressiveness seriously. Therefore, at this time, it is much easier than you think to clean up Sanlitai. "

Xu Xiyuan had actually been listening to the conversation between Wang Weizhong and Ye Ming. She didn't really understand what was going on, but she knew from listening that Sanli TV was trying to establish its authority and clean up Zhongtian TV and Baodao Huihuang.com. In establishing prestige.

The purpose of cleaning up Zhongtian TV station is to warn fellow TV stations in Baodao to be careful. And the matter of cleaning up Baodao Huihuang.com is actually a warning to the power of Quantum Fund on Wall Street not to check the affairs of Baodao casually. But does the Quantum Foundation take such a small warning to heart?

It's obviously not enough.

Just saying that Ye Ming didn't take this kind of thing into his heart. This time when he came to Treasure Island, it didn't mean that Ye Ming didn't think of revenge for this arrow. As for what kind of revenge, it was just a matter of discussion. Saw it.

At this time, Xu Xiyuan suddenly said: "If we help Zhongzhong Tiantai deal with Sanli TV, we still need a strong TV series to compete for ratings. Does Mr. Ye have any good ideas for this?"

This is the key to the survival of this battle. Why Sanli TV is able to dominate the situation is actually because of their good TV series "Baodao Acheng", which is said to be popular throughout Baodao.

Therefore, it is actually very difficult to break this situation, but if we say it is easy, it is relatively easy.

A TV series can solve the problem.

Wang Weizhong said with a smile: "Big S, you, I said that the boss must be stupid and the second child must be stupid. Is this a problem that a TV series can solve? In fact, from a deep level, this problem is It's because of the conflict between the two big groups, Xiao Ma Ge and A Bian. How can it be solved in a TV series?"

Ye Ming waved his hand and said: "This is not necessarily the case. Although the matter involves two big forces, Xiao Ma Ge and A Bian, these two aspects are secretly competing. Therefore, in terms of performance, it still depends on the ratings. , a TV station’s ratings are fundamental to its survival.

For example, why is Sanli TV able to dominate one TV station? [A-Bian and A-Zhen] are two-dimensional troops [Treasure Island Acheng]. The attraction of this TV series is actually one-dimensional. Looking at another thing, Xu Xiyuan actually said that there is no Incorrect.

The dilemma of Zhongtian TV is actually the dilemma of ratings. Zhongtian TV cannot beat Sanli TV in terms of ratings.

What Zhongtian needs now is a TV series to boost his morale. As long as it boosts his own morale, then I think such a thing shouldn't be a big deal. They are just like chickens and dogs. "

This is naturally the key to the TV station's ratings.

The quality of TV series is actually related to the life and death of the TV station. Therefore, in such a matter, the key to Zhongtian TV is that the ratings have been completely suppressed by Sanli TV.

Ye Ming is confident that he can do this and give Zhongtian TV and Baodao Brilliant Network a chance to turn around.

Although Wang Weizhong still doesn't know why Ye Ming has so much confidence, he knows that at this time, Zhongtian TV Station is actually in a precarious situation, and at this time, it is not just that Wang Weizhong is relatively unimportant. Confidently, regarding a matter like this, even Zhongtian TV Station is currently in a state of gloom and gloom.

The top and bottom of the TV station are lifeless, without any vitality at all. When working, they are like walking zombies, making it impossible to see any of the vibrant scenes that a TV station should have.

Jiang Daosheng's grievance on such an issue should be regarded as the biggest among all Zhongtian TV stations. In the office, there was a middle-aged man with some gray hair, not completely white, but he did not dye it black intentionally. Some gray hair and deep wrinkles are imprinted on the somewhat fat face.

A pair of angry eyes, and his nose was a little crooked with anger. Obviously, at this time, this person was very angry, and the anger in his heart was simply unbearable. The direct family member is naturally Jiang Daosheng, the chairman of Zhongtian TV Station.

At this time, he smashed another vase to the ground, smashing it to pieces. At this moment, he heard the sound. The cleaning lady outside the door actually did a good job. It seemed that she had become somewhat accustomed to the sound of Jiang Dao in the past two days. There was the sound of vases being smashed in the office.

Just change the guard after the shock. And just when the cleaning lady wanted to go in and clean up.

Another middle-aged man who looked somewhat similar to Jiang Daosheng came over, waved his hand and said, "Forget it, I'll take care of this matter. Just do whatever you need to do, right?"

The visitor was Jiang Daosheng's younger brother Jiang Yongqing. Seeing his brother's explosive temper in the past two days, even Jiang Yongqing, as the younger brother, felt a little helpless. After all, these things are not something he can control. What if you don't suffer a loss in some things? Can you find a way to compete with Brother Ma? After all, not everyone belongs to this guy A-Bian.

Therefore, Jiang Yongqing said that he was very open-minded about some things. After walking in, he said with a smile: "Brother, why are you bothering? Everyone knows some things well. [Jin Evening News] Such a share The newspaper actually has nothing to do with us. If it really goes bankrupt, forget it. It’s not a big deal.”

[Jin Wanbao] Although it is said that publication has not been completely stopped yet, it is almost there. It is only a matter of time.

Jiang Daosheng said angrily: "How can you let me endure this matter? And who have I offended on such an issue? Why should I take the blame? Nine hundred million, in such a situation Everything was blamed on me alone. I knew what kind of newspaper [Jin Wanbao] was from the beginning. But I didn't expect them to be so cruel and abandoned it directly.

And Zhongtian TV station directly asked us to be responsible for our own profits and losses. What kind of thing is this? It is almost bankrupt, and we are required to be responsible for our own profits and losses. Who doesn’t know what Sanli TV is doing? By the way, what’s the situation at Sanli right now? "

Although Jiang Daosheng was actually quite angry at this time, on such an issue, the angry Jiang Daosheng was still more concerned about the affairs of Sanli TV, because after all, it was related to Zhongtian TV. Life or death is at stake. (To be continued)

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