Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 653 World Tour Concert

Ye Ming pondered for a moment and said: "Actually, the third master also called me about this matter, and I didn't mean to say no. What I meant was that I would keep this matter in mind, and I am the same now. I mean, I will keep the Spring Festival Gala in mind, but I have to wait until I finish my own business. Director Guo Zaiyong and I are going to shoot "My Sassy Girl", which will be shot in South Korea. More importantly, my The concert is not over yet, this is what I have to focus on recently."

Wang Yuan was a little surprised now. She said in confusion: "Brother Ye, didn't you say that your seven concerts are over? Why are there still concerts?"

Ye Ming's [Legendary Night] concert, which caused a sensation in the entire music world, was sold out. This has become the focus of everyone's discussion, but why did Ye Ming say there is still a concert?

Ye Ming shook his head and said: "This cannot be explained for a moment. I will attend a Sprite press conference later and explain the situation. You can pay attention to the news in this area later. Yuan You can talk about the Yuan Spring Festival Gala when you go back, I will pay attention to the program, don’t worry, I will not disappoint the audience who are waiting for me again."

Well, if Ye Ming can personally guarantee this, at least Wang Yuan's goal will be achieved. After Ye Ming left, Li Dachuan also vowed to say: "Yuanyuan, don't worry. Since Brother Ye has said it, I promise there will be no problem. You have to have confidence in Brother Ye."

Anyway, Li Dachuan is very confident in Ye Ming. Since Ye Ming guarantees that there will be no problem, then there must be no problem.

At this moment, Wang Yuan didn't care about this. Instead, what happened at the concert that Ye Ming mentioned made Wang Yuan a little tempted.

At the Hilton Hotel, Coca-Cola Asia President George personally came to hold this press conference, naturally to promote next year's new products.

At this moment, Hilton's lobby, which looks like light blue sea water, is magnificently decorated, as if a grand banquet is about to be held. But actually this is just a press conference.

Domineering, rich and willful, this is the powerful momentum displayed by the multinational company Coca-Cola. At this time, Honghuang was sitting aside and discussing the layout of the lobby with Ye Ming.

Ye Ming was the first to say, "Sister Hong, this place is decorated like a rich man. It seems that he is afraid that others will not know that Coca-Cola Company is rich. It is really inconsistent with their company's usual style."

Hong Huang said with a smile: "You have really wronged Coca-Cola. It turns out that other people's press conferences are relatively ordinary, but in China, your press conference for a multinational company is as big as a county-level auditorium. Likewise, people would look down upon them. Therefore, gradually, the quality of press conferences in China became higher and higher.

If they dared to do this in the United States, they would definitely be punished by the financial director, but in China, they don't dare to be too shabby. These multinational companies are very shrewd in calculating accounts. After all, they make money from Chinese consumers, and it depends on their business. Just do as the Romans do when you're in town. "

It can be seen that Hong Huang and Coca-Cola have a good personal relationship. The last time Ye Ming and Zhang Huimei competed for spokesperson, Hong Huang was one of the judges. At this press conference, Hong Huang was also the creative director of Sprite.

Because he and Ye Ming were both acquaintances, the conversation between the two of them was relatively casual. Not long after, the blond and blue-eyed President George came over. The reporters were also getting ready in the interview area, and the press conference officially began.

At this moment, although it was a press conference for Coca-Cola's new Sprite product, the first topic that arose was Ye Ming's concert.

At this moment, a young reporter with a mustache stood up and said: "I want to ask Mr. Ye something. Mr. Ye held the [Legendary Night] concert in Hong Kong City and the Mainland. I remember when I was in Hong Kong City, for the first time [Legendary Night] press conference, Mr. Ye said that he would also go to Baodao to hold a concert, but why did he miss the appointment? Three concerts were held in Hong Kong City and four in the mainland, but he did not come to Baodao. Go to Baodao. May I ask Mr. Ye if he has any prejudice against the fans of Baodao?"

This topic immediately aroused the interest of all reporters. If Ye Ming's answer to this matter is not satisfactory to the reporters, it will definitely be big news the next day. This involves the issue of discrimination and will have a considerable impact on Ye Ming's reputation.

Looking at the indignant look of the Baodao reporter, Ye Ming thought that it seemed that this reporter had also passed the press conference of the first concert.

Ye Ming said with a smile: "This matter is really a misunderstanding. This reporter also attended the press conference last time. I said that I would go to both sides of the Taiwan Strait, and I also said that no It will be too many, not as many as sixty-four like my brother’s true love concert. Because I also have to make a movie, I don’t have that much time, but it will definitely not be as few as seven.

Even if there are seven games, at least two of them will be on Treasure Island. This time, I plan to have three concerts in Hong Kong City and Baodao, and about five concerts in the mainland, totaling eleven concerts.

But everyone also knows that I am also the spokesperson of Sprite in Asia. This temporary change is actually due to the request of Sprite. I would like to ask President George to explain the specific details to everyone. "

The real decision-maker is of course President George, and it was President George's request that Ye Ming's [Legendary Night] concert not be able to go ahead.

Ye Ming's words gradually calmed down the angry reporter. What Ye Ming said was correct. Since he had held a concert tour, there was no reason to leave Baodao alone.

At this moment, everyone's attention shifted to President George.

The blond President George smiled awkwardly and then said: "I can only say that this is an accident. We are going to launch the new Sprite next year, and the publicity work will start soon. We will be creative in advertising. We will ask the Hollywood team to withdraw from the production. As a new form of promotion, we know about Mr. Ye's concert tour, so we want to use this concert format to promote the event.

We, the Coca-Cola Company, will turn this [Legendary Night] concert into a truly world-wide concert tour, not only in the three places across the Taiwan Strait, not only in the Asia-Pacific region, but also in Europe and the Americas. We, the Coca-Cola Company They will all hold grand concerts for Mr. Ye. The slogan of the concert has been determined, and I think everyone should be very clear about the slogan of this concert. "

When these words came out, all the reporters were shocked. Coca-Cola Company and Ye Ming held a concert tour to promote Sprite. Is this slogan still worth guessing? Almost everyone can blurt out the slogan of Ye Ming's Sprite advertisement "Your energy is beyond your imagination".

One sentence made the whole world remember Ye Ming and the drink Sprite. Because of this advertising slogan, Sprite's sales increased by two percentage points. This was a great victory for George. It is said that in the near future, George may be transferred back to the headquarters, which is an affirmation of George's work from the headquarters.

Lao Bai quickly realized what George's words meant. It meant that Ye Ming was truly recognized by European and American countries and became one of the spokespersons of Sprite. The Coca-Cola Company believes that Ye Ming has the ability to bring global influence to Sprite.

Only under such a situation will Coca-Cola Company cooperate with Ye Ming for a world tour. This is truly the treatment of Asia's top superstars. It is rare for even top Asian stars to be promoted and hold concerts in major European and American countries.

As for a large consortium like Coca-Cola, if it doesn't do something, it won't do it. If it does, it will definitely be promoted in the mainstream media. Therefore, this is actually an acknowledgment of Ye Ming's identity.

I recognized Ye Ming's treatment as Asia's top emperor and superstar. At this moment, Lao Bai stood up excitedly and said: "Excuse me, President George, how many concerts will there be in this tour and where will it be held? If a concert is not held in San Francisco, London, Chinatown and other places, it will be considered a tour concert, right?" ?”

This question seems to be somewhat humorous. Chinese singers are generally said to have world tour concerts, but in fact they are mainly held in places influenced by the Chinese language. A trip to Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand is considered a world tour concert.

On a more advanced level, holding two shows in San Francisco and other European and American countries where Chinese people gather is something only a superstar would dare to do.

The problem Lao Bai mentioned actually starts from this aspect. President George also said with a smile: "Of course this will not happen. Our Coca-Cola Company will hold large-scale concerts for Mr. Ye Ming in London, Paris, New York and other major cities. It is truly world-class. concert tour, and we also believe that Mr. Ye Ming has such ability."

The sales volume of Ye Ming's "Jiangnan Style" has steadily exceeded 10 million, and the influence of horse riding dance is slowly expanding. It was precisely because of Ye Ming's rapidly expanding influence that Coca-Cola decided to temporarily Collaborated with Ye Ming to hold a world tour concert.

In the past six months, the Western music scene has been flooded with Ye Ming's song "Jiangnan Style", and scenes of him dancing a horse-riding dance with emotion can be seen everywhere.

Even U.S. President George W. Bush showed off his horse-riding dance skills on a TV show to show that the president is very close to the people. (To be continued)

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