Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 640: Rules for a King-Level Concert

If you break a promise for the first time, your promise will be like autumn leaves, slipping away inadvertently as time goes by. Therefore, this time, Ye Ming has made up his mind to hold a concert, and he also arrived in Hong Kong City early to prepare.

Hua Zai happened to have some free time recently. Hearing that Ye Ming was coming to hold a concert, he called him and asked him to come out for tea. At this time, Ye Ming was being scolded by the old gentleman in Jin Yong's office.

Jin Yong also said unceremoniously: "You kid, you don't follow the rules at all. You clearly said that you gave me the third volume of "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty" two months ago. As for the manuscript, I have been waiting for two. It’s been a month, and I haven’t seen you give me the manuscript. You have to be responsible for your readers. Our Mingpao hotline is almost overpopulated with readers asking when your third book will be released. Published. If you don’t give it to me, I won’t be able to deal with those readers. Some readers have already begun to curse.”

Jin Yong despises Ye Ming's behavior of procrastinating manuscripts. As a writer himself, Jin Yong is not very good at procrastinating manuscripts and usually completes them on time. Therefore, he was rather annoyed by the behavior of delaying manuscripts.

Ye Ming relaxed his shoulders and said: "Well, I'm really, really sorry. I'm busy. I've been very busy recently. The filming of Infernal Affairs, the writing and filming of songs for the Olympic bid, these all take up a lot of time. I can't even do Infernal Affairs." I didn’t participate in any promotions, so you can see how busy my time is. A while ago, I really didn’t have much time to write, so I could only procrastinate. Now I’m not here. I finally took the time to write three books recently, so I will send them to you, old man, right away."

I heard that Ye Ming had finished writing the third book. At this time, Jin Yongcha's expression improved a little. In fact, Ye Ming's tight time was very clear to him. Ye Ming was not just talking about making movies. Writing songs, promoting movies, and albums. I heard that Ye Ming's album sales have exceeded 10 million, which is an incredible achievement.

Even Jin Yong, who has never paid much attention to the pop music scene, can hear the songs of "Gangnam Fan" in his ears. This song and this horse-riding dance are like the flooding of the Yellow River, which is out of control. The vast influence is simply beyond expectation. Under such a situation, Ye Ming also found time to write, which made Jin Yong quite satisfied.

The old man took the manuscript and said seriously: "You have to pay attention to this matter. As a writer, what is fundamental is the reader. The ultimate goal of a writer is to write for everyone to read, so you have to treat your readers Responsible, generally one year is already a cycle for a type of mathematics like yours. One book per year is already quite slow. If you cannot arrange this time reasonably, readers will slowly alienate you. .”

This is Jin Yong’s experience. As a senior writer, why can he be so successful? In other words, Jin Yong writes with all his heart. He truly regards the readers as God and writes whatever the readers need. This is what a writer should do. The essence of a writer. If it weren't for the fact that Jin Yong liked Ye Ming, he would never have said such things with sincerity.

Ye Ming immediately said: "Thank you, Mr. Old, for your advice. I will remember these words and at least ensure that I publish one book a year and will not delay this matter." When Hua Tsai called, Ye Ming had just graduated from Jin. When I came out of Yong's office, I was in a hurry and went straight to the appointment.

In a few words, the two of them started talking about their profession.

Under such a situation, Andy expressed some of his opinions on Ye Ming's concert: "Ye Ming, if your concert is held in Hong Kong City, it would be somewhat inappropriate.

Your album sales have already created a miracle. Now fans from all over the world are looking forward to you. I think your fans also hope that you can perform more shows. Just hold a concert in Hong Kong City. It's a bit unfair to fans from other places.

You are not worried about scarcity but inequality. In fact, if you say you will never hold a concert, then your fans won’t be able to say anything about it. After all, your affairs are very busy, and you must have a suitable person to hold a concert. of schedule. But if you are holding a concert in a Hong Kong city, it is best to go to the Mainland and Treasure Island once, even if it is just one concert.

But you went, which proves that you have fans in these three places in your heart. If you have free time, go to Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand. I think it would be quite good to do a world tour with your influence. This will also have a huge impact on your record sales. "

These are Andy's words of experience. As a veteran king, Andy has rich experience in such matters. He can see the shortcomings of Ye Ming's concert at a glance. At this time, he was able to tell it directly, and it could be said that he really did not regard Ye Ming as an outsider.

Ye Ming pondered for a while and said: "I didn't think about this, but the last time I came here, I said I was going to hold a concert in Hong Kong City. Therefore, this trip to Hong Kong City is planned. What do you think? It's very timely. I will ask the company to contact people about the concerts in the Mainland and Baodao. The one in the Mainland is in Beijing, and the one in Baodao is in the Little Arena in Taibai City. Once we get in touch, we can start the other concerts. There were concerts in two places.

This is also my first time to do this kind of concert. Andy, do you have any other reminders? "

This king is an expert, at least when it comes to concerts. It would be right to ask Hua Zai at this time.

At this moment, Andy nodded and said, "That's fine. As for the other issues, the issue of guests is one question. Do you want guests at your concert?"

Ye Ming felt that this question was relatively unskilled. What does it mean to have guests or not? Is this important?

In fact, even Ye Ming did not have the opportunity to hold his own solo concert in his previous life. Therefore, Ye Ming is relatively unfamiliar with this kind of thing. Although there is help from the system, the system manages the details, and even A screw on the stage can be recorded by the system. But letting the system come up with ideas is not a good thing.

The system has no emotions, and the system doesn't care about emotional matters at all. Just like the question of guests, the system can at most recommend a few guests based on Ye Ming's style. As for the question of whether to invite guests at this time, it is impossible for the system to tell.

And Hua Tsai is very experienced in such a matter.

That is to say, Ye Ming couldn't accept the sight of asking questions like this. Is this a problem of the concert whether or not to invite guests? Therefore, in such a situation, Ye Ming said without hesitation: "Is it possible to have such a general when inviting guests?"

Andy nodded very firmly and said: "Of course this is true. When you are in the entertainment industry, you have to abide by the rules of the entertainment industry. Concerts actually have their own rules. Don't talk about anything else. Just saying As for the guest issue, if you don’t invite a single guest to your concert, it’s actually not a big deal, and I believe you can support the entire show yourself.

But some require guests to increase the excitement of the atmosphere. If you are going to invite, it is best to do so evenly so as not to offend anyone. Especially for a concert like yours, if Na Ying recommended a young singer to attend your concert to increase the popularity of this young singer, would you agree?

I don’t think you will refuse a friend’s help. But if you say you agree to Na Ying in the Mainland, then if I recommend someone in Hong Kong City at another time, then if you don’t agree to it, you will be offended. I. Of course, I'm just speaking as an example.

If you don't pay attention to things like this, it's easy to break the rules and offend others at times like this. "

Ye Ming is really not very clear about these things. This is the first time for him to listen to a concert and there are so many details. It’s not that he doesn’t know some of the tricks of this concert, but at a time like this, the specific details He still doesn't know very well.

Therefore, in such a situation, Andy's opinion is actually quite important.

Ye Ming nodded and said with a smile: "Teacher Hua Zai is indeed one of the Four Heavenly Kings. He is so clear about such things. If you want to recommend someone, just say it directly. If our relationship is not too unfair, If it’s reliable, then I think there will be no problem.”

Although what Hua Zai said at this time was just taking himself as an example, but by drawing inferences from one example, Ye Ming was also very clear. In fact, Hua Zai also had his own recommended candidates.

This is the case in the entertainment industry. When it comes to relationships, even if a friend is not from Hua Tsai, if a friend asks him for help, Hua Tsai will usually not refuse directly.

At this time, Hua Zai said with a smile: "There are two people. One is Chen Guanxi, which you have not met before. The other one is Xie Tingfeng. Although Xiao Xie is a little famous in the entertainment industry, but with you In comparison, it pales in comparison. I'm afraid it's hard to refuse Fourth Brother's request. You can choose one of the two and just give it a chance."

After all, Hua Tsai is a veteran king. Although there are some things that he cannot shirk, at this time, he does not owe too many favors to Zao Yeming. In other words, if he chooses one, Hua Tsai Tsai's best friend has an explanation.

It's just a matter of favor. (To be continued)

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