Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 633: Rules between Directors and Reporters

Ye Ming said this, but it is not an exaggeration. Ye Ming really doesn't know how much his salary is. Sister Fang Fang helps take care of these.

He just took a look at the account books at the end of the year, and Ye Ming has an entertainment empire system, which is a super agent. If Ye Ming wants to know some of his income and expenditure, even if it is from the American Brilliant Network He can calculate the cost of a piece of printing paper. But he really didn't bother to check. If someone from the company was up to something, the system would naturally call the police.

This is the domineering aspect of the future entertainment empire system. As for Ye Ming's acting skills, to be honest, most of the reporters here have watched Ye Ming step by step from his first drama to today. No one knows Ye Ming's performance better than them. Acting has changed.

Therefore, when Ye Ming said this, it was difficult for Lao Bai to dwell on this issue. But it is somewhat impossible for Lao Bai to surrender like this.

At that moment, Lao Bai changed the topic and said: "But Mr. Ye's announcements are indeed relatively few. It is said that he has offended some people. I don't know what Mr. Ye thinks of this matter."

Ye Ming was already very familiar with this kind of digging holes. He waved his hand and said, "You think our circle is too dark. There are always one or two black sheep, but most of them are good.

I won’t talk about this kind of thing, but you know it, and everyone here will also know it very well. I said that the box office of my Infernal Affairs is already 230 million. I dare you to report this number? Do you dare not report my song [Welcome to Beijing]? "

These two questions completely left Lao Bai speechless. It is true that no one dared to report the box office of Infernal Affairs. This is someone deliberately downplaying the impact of Infernal Affairs. After all, you have to promote life and death, right? Now the media is overwhelming because of the box office success of "Life and Death". Blocking Infernal Affairs is a consensus among everyone.

But Ye Ming is not an ordinary star after all, he is one of the Olympic bid ambassadors. Therefore, no one dares not to report a song like "Beijing Welcomes You" about the Olympic bid. This is also a political task assigned by the above.

Zhang Jizhong snorted and glanced at the reporters at the scene, thinking to himself, you people, you don't even think that Ye Ming can get such a good box office from the dire straits of the entertainment industry in Hong Kong City, can you deal with it casually? Now Ye Ming is no longer the young Ye Ming before.

But seeing everyone's rather embarrassing situation, Zhang Jizhong said with a smile: "Everyone, please pay attention, this is the press conference of [Swordsman], if you always mention Infernal Affairs, where do you put me, Zhang? Okay, okay, now it officially begins.”

In one sentence, the awkward atmosphere of the scene was completely eliminated.

The meaning of Zhang Jizhong's words is very meditative. Just now it was just small talk, so it can't be counted. What begins now is the real press conference of "Swordsman".

Jiang is still old and hot. Zhang Jizhong has grasped the entire scene with just one sentence. Not every director has this kind of ability to grasp the overall situation.

And Zhang Jizhong happens to be a master at this. Zhang Jizhong is always the kind of director with a very domineering aura. In one sentence, the reporter at the scene started to shift the topic to "Swordsman".

However, at this time, no one asked the question about Ye Ming being banned. If he continued to ask, it would mean that the reporter was unruly and looked down on Zhang Jizhong. Zhang Jizhong was also quite hot-tempered in the circle. Moreover, with Tianchao Taiwan as its backer, the general media is still unwilling to provoke Zhang Jizhong.

At this time, there was a tabloid reporter named Fang Lei from [Oriental Evening News], a local newspaper in Shanghai that had just been launched not long ago.

This is when media outlets are at their boldest because they need to make themselves known. Fang Lei, a reporter, is a passionate young man who was admitted to the industry just the day before yesterday. He was immediately sent to the press conference for the premiere of the "Swordsman" crew.

Fang Lei said very quickly: "I would like to ask Producer Zhang a question. I heard that at the beginning of [Swordsman], the candidate for Linghu Chong was Shao Bin. Why was it changed to Ye Ming? Is there anything wrong in the middle? Is there any behind-the-scenes operation?"

Such a question shocked all the reporters in the room. This colleague was so stupid and bold. He dared to ask such a question in front of Zhang Jizhong. Isn't this looking for death? [Oriental Evening News] But there is a danger of being banned by Zhang Jizhong. Who doesn't know that Lao Zhang's level is not as good as Zhang Yimou's, but his temper is even hotter than Zhang Yimou's.

Lao Bai glanced at Yu Guo, lowered his voice and said, "I say, Yu Yu, this guy is a lot more courageous than you were when you first debuted. This is a death-defying rhythm."

Yu Guo is now an experienced reporter and the chief reporter. He is not angry at this time, because he did have such impulsive behavior back then. He said with a smile: "You are young, I think their editor-in-chief actually sent him The purpose of coming here is to catch strong news points. He, a new reporter, does not have the courage to do this kind of thing. I dare say that such a question is something he, a new reporter, would never think of. He must be the editor-in-chief of [Oriental Evening News] I gave it to this reporter after I thought about it.”

Although Yu Guo looks relatively young now, he is already an experienced reporter. He can see the little thoughts of the editor-in-chief of [Oriental Evening News] at a glance.

Zhang Jizhong also said unceremoniously: "I have answered Shao Bin's question countless times. As a reporter, don't you have some closure? I said that as a director, you need cooperation. Are you an actor? As an actor, you must cooperate with the director to perform the play well. If Shao Bin cooperates with the director in acting, he will not be replaced.

As a reporter, you must do your homework before doing an interview. If you don't even know some things about the show "Swordsman" and you dare to do an interview, it is obvious that you are not a qualified reporter. Okay, security, please get this reporter out, he is not welcome here. "

Domineering, this is domineering. Ordinary directors will never be so domineering. It takes a lot of courage to invite a reporter out publicly.

However, in the eyes of Lao Bai and other reporters, this was Zhang Jizhong, a man of good temperament. In fact, reporters at the scene had asked all the questions about Shao Bin, and Zhang Jizhong had explained it more than once at the beginning.

Zhang Jizhong is domineering, but Zhang Jizhong is not without brains. He understands that he always has to give reporters an explanation on this issue.

Therefore, he has said this more than once as an answer to a question. Finally one time, Zhang Jizhong encountered this problem again at a press conference at a party.

Mr. Jin Yong gave Tianchao TV the right to adapt "Swordsman" for one dollar. The fact that Tianchao TV is going to remake a martial arts drama is actually quite big news in itself.

Every move made by the crew of [Swordsman] will naturally attract a lot of media attention.

However, some reporters always bring this question up. This time, Zhang Jizhong finally got angry. In front of many reporters, Zhang Jizhong gave his last explanation and said, any reporter who dares to ask this question again in the future will directly driven away.

This caused quite a stir in the entertainment industry at the time. The media is generally quite aggressive when facing the crew, and most actors and directors are cautious in their attitude towards the media.

But Zhang Jizhong is different. Behind Zhang Jizhong is the most powerful media Tianchao Channel. Therefore, he knows how to cooperate with reporters’ propaganda, but he also has his own persistence. This time, reporter Fang Lei of [Oriental Evening News] was kicked out. Zhang Jizhong is an example of what he says he does.

Most of the reporters at the scene understood why Fang Lei had this ending, but the person involved, Fang Lei, was a little unconvinced and turned away from the security guard and said, "Even if Director Zhang doesn't want to answer this question, there's no need to drive me away. , is there really some shameful insider trading in it?"

This issue is related to Ye Ming's reputation. It not only involves Zhang Jizhong, but also has a great relationship with Ye Ming.

At this time, the system suddenly prompted Fang Lei, a reporter from [Oriental Evening News], Shao Bin's college classmate and a buddy in the dormitory. He had evil intentions and wanted to bring up old things again, stir up trouble, and pose a certain threat to the host. 】

Ye Ming knew that the entertainment empire system had auxiliary functions, but he did not expect that the auxiliary functions that had not been used would appear at this time.

Therefore, Ye Ming took up the topic and said: "This reporter's suspicion is unreasonable. Director Zhang has answered everyone's questions on this issue more than once, but you still ask like this. What are your intentions?"

I think, as Shao Bin's college classmate and best friend in the dormitory, your purpose should be clear to everyone without me saying anything. Therefore, Director Zhang is being polite by asking you to go out. "

After Ye Ming said these words, Fang Lei was dumbfounded. It can be said that almost no one knew about his relationship with Shao Bin. Ye Ming should not have known about this issue in the first place. Even if the Public Security Bureau investigated If you have a household registration, this is a problem that may not be found out.

But Ye Ming just said that he knew the secret. Under everyone's contemptuous gaze, Fang Lei was asked out by the security guard in despair. If everyone had a little sympathy for Fang Lei just now, now, he is like a rat crossing the street and everyone is shouting and beating him up.

As a reporter, he has no professional ethics at all. Even Lao Bai disdains to associate with such a person. (To be continued)

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