Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 617: The Incident of [Infernal Affairs]

A few days later, Chen Hong said very firmly: "Old Chen, now we have an opportunity. Ye Ming simply doesn't take you seriously. This directly signed Hu Ge to their company. This We are openly against you. We can't just give up easily. When you were filming the movie, Ye Ming was still playing in the mud somewhere. We must seize this opportunity and make Infernal Affairs beyond redemption."

Brother Chen Kai nodded and said: "That's good. Your news is very timely. Since there are leaders in the General Administration who don't like Infernal Affairs, then this is a space worth operating. I will visit the old leaders tonight, tomorrow. On the 18th, a press conference will be held. If someone from the General Administration will appear at the press conference to tell the news, I think it must be very good. Movies are not only banned, Ye Ming, this kid wants to fight with me, so be a little greener."

Anyway, it seems to Brother Chen Kai that as long as he can deal with Ye Ming, then Brother Chen Kai will be very happy about it.

At this time, Zhang Yimou, Zhang Weiping, and Wang Zhongjun were sitting in a private room of a hotel. These three people were also discussing matters with the New Film Alliance. Wang Zhongjun said excitedly: "I didn't expect that this guy Ye Ming can give us It brought such a big surprise. At this time, the people from the New Film Alliance were already willing to compromise. Yesterday, they came to me to discuss the sharing of shares. Obviously, thirty-five is unlikely.

Infernal Affairs is liked by many viewers. Ye Ming's promotion method, promoted on the Internet, is now well known to everyone. It saves a lot compared to Chen Kaige's more than 2 million yuan promotion. Looking at this, people from the New Film Alliance still need to consider what public opinion wants. Moreover, Ye Ming himself is also a shareholder of New Film Alliance. This time New Film Alliance wants to admit defeat, which is quite difficult. "

It is said that New Film Alliance is the overlord of Huaxia Cinemas. They have a background of state-owned enterprises, so naturally they will not give up easily. But this time Infernal Affairs passed the review, and it took a unique approach to publicity, which the New Film Alliance was wary of.

Zhang Yimou was not very optimistic about this matter. He said with some worry: "Mr. Wang is relatively optimistic, but I am not very optimistic about this matter. Ye Ming's ability is good, and the time, place and people are favorable." , they seemed to be on Ye Ming's side, and I also watched the movie, which was quite a good movie. But Ye Ming was too arrogant.

Signing Hu Ge directly was offending Brother Chen Kai to death. This is not a good phenomenon. I am very done with Lao Chen. He is a cultural man with no leftovers. He is very proud and cannot tolerate others being better than him. We separated immediately after we cooperated with Huang Di. .

This is not to say that this person has no tolerance for others, but there is a prerequisite that you cannot be better than him. Ye Ming had offended him to begin with, because the [Crazy Stone] incident was actually meant to make Lao Chen hate Ye Ming.

This time because of the video Hu Ge made, the hatred is probably greater than last time, and Lao Chen will definitely fight tooth and nail. "

When it comes to understanding Brother Chen Kai, Zhang Yimou has quite a say. But Zhang Weiping said: "Lao Zhang, I can't stand on your side this time. Hasn't Ye Ming's film already passed the censorship, and you also said it is a pretty good film, what else can Lao Chen do?"

Brother Chen Kai had the opportunity to see Ye Ming's film in advance, and Zhang Yimou, who is also an international director from China, had the same channel.

Zhang Yimou said it was a good film, so it should be a good film. Zhang Weiping thinks this is no big deal, and the root cause is Zhang Yimou's judgment.

Zhang Yimou shook his head at this time and said: "It's hard to say. It's because I've seen Ye Ming's Infernal Affairs that I know that he passed this review. I dare say that without Ye Ming's status as the Olympic bid ambassador, In such a situation, it simply means that there is no possibility of passing.

Lao Chen's character, haha, I don't think he will give up. Let's see the outcome of this matter. If tomorrow's press conference goes well, we will have the opportunity to modify this share before Infernal Affairs is released, otherwise our work will be in vain. It is not easy to break this split. "

Wang Zhongjun said without any worry: "Well, Director Zhang, you are worrying too much. Ye Ming is not a fuel-efficient lamp. It is not easy to deal with him. Old Chen has not been able to take advantage of Ye Ming yet." Well, I think this time there will be no exception. I think the people from the New Film Alliance will come to see me again. They said they would come this afternoon."

Just when Wang Zhongjun was a hundred times more confident, someone from the company called and said that people from the New Film Alliance had already called and the meeting had been postponed. They said it was because the leadership team of the New Film Alliance went abroad to inspect the success of Harry Potter. On the way. This reason makes Wang Zhongjun a little depressed. What kind of reason is this?

At that moment, Zhang Weiping saw Wang Zhongjun's face looking a little bad, so he asked what happened. At this time, Wang Zhongjun was a little worried and said: "The people from the New Film Alliance said they would come to me this afternoon, but it didn't happen. Come on, something seems to have gone wrong. Let’s wait a few days and talk about it. I think people from the New Film Alliance will definitely bring this up before Infernal Affairs is released. Without changing the share, Lao Chen’s film will not be Ye Ming’s at all. The opponents, Infernal Affairs and Wuji, will judge each other."

This is Wang Zhongjun's confidence. No matter how you look at it, Infernal Affairs is a pretty good movie. Zhang Yimou said worriedly: "I hope so."

Although there are some conflicts between him and Ye Ming, at least they have common interests on an issue such as the offensive and defensive alliance. Brother Chen Kai is their common enemy. If they can only defeat Brother Chen Kai, then in such a Only under such circumstances can success be possible.

The next day, Ye Ming's Infernal Affairs and Chen Kaige's Wuji held a press conference at the same time in the conference room of the Shangri-La Hotel. This time, everyone's goal was very clear, and they all made it clear that they would overwhelm each other. Brother Chen Kai is a big deal. Starring actors such as Zhang Dongjian, Hiroyuki Sanada, Xie Tingfeng and Zhang Baizhi were all present. The media were also present, including more than 300 people from Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, etc.

This scale is a bit larger than [Jing Ke Assassins the King of Qin]. On such a problem, Brother Chen Kai has spent a lot of money. In fact, it can be seen at this moment that he invited Zhang Dongjian and Hiroyuki Sanada with the purpose of targeting the Korean and Japanese markets. This time, Chen Kai made the right bet. As expected, the media in these two countries paid much attention to Wuji. It's also quite big.

. Korean national TV reporter Hi Park In-yong and Japan's Asahi Shimbun's Sakuragi Kenzo are both big journalists in their home countries. This time they came to target Jang Dong-ken and Hiroyuki Sanada, who are big stars in their countries. That is also the case in their home countries. An existence at the level of an emperor or a superstar.

At the press conference, Sun Nan, a young female reporter from [Southern Sunday], was the first to speak: "Director Chen, one of the questions readers want to know is what kind of situation made you think about filming a movie. The idea of ​​a blockbuster film, you know, there is no domestic film that has more investment than [The Promise]?”

Brother Chen Kai smiled and said: "I have had this idea since watching Titanic. Why is it that Hollywood can film Titanic, but we don't have such a big-budget movie? That's our movie. People's minds are not open enough, and they are not courageous enough. A few million dollars is not even enough to pay a first-tier star in Hollywood.

How can you make a good movie with such an investment? So I thought about making a real big production, letting Hollywood and people around the world see it. In such a situation, we in China are also Able to shoot large-scale productions. And in order to let everyone see the wonderful magical blockbuster, our special effects were produced by a Hollywood special effects team, which is the special effects team of Titanic. "

Regardless of whether what Chen Kai said is true or not, no one can refute the fact that Wuji's special effects cannot be produced in China. Therefore, under such a situation, at this time, if Brother Chen Kai said it was from Hollywood, then it was from Hollywood. At least the reporters felt that this was a good news point.

At this time, Ye Ming's press conference, Lao Bai from [Southern Sunday], Yu Guo from Entertainment Daily, and several other relatively familiar reporters were all here. In fact, Lao Bai also received an invitation from Brother Chen Kai, but Lao Bai felt that his experience told him that Ye Ming was not a simple person, and there would definitely be a big news or something. Therefore, he asked his brother Chen Kai to A colleague went.

At this time, he, Yu Guo and other acquaintances arrived at Ye Ming's Infernal Affairs press conference. At this time, Lao Bai took a look at the scene and said with some emotion: "Ye Ming really did not disappoint us. Zhou Runfa and Cheng Long are both here. Such a scene is definitely higher than Wuji." , but there’s one thing I don’t understand about Brother Chen Kai. Doesn’t he know that Yiyi Cheng was a guest star in Ye Ming’s Infernal Affairs on Tuesday? At this time, he still competes with Ye Ming in the star cast. Ordinarily, Chen should not commit such a crime It’s a low-level mistake.”

Yu Guo thought for a while and said: "I think this question may be because the hatred between Lao Chen and Ye Ming is not so great. At such a time, he was so angry that he lost his head. No matter how this happened, To put it bluntly, Lao Chen himself is a golden brand, but speaking of it, he also suffered a lot."

At this time, Ye Ming and Xiang Huaqiang walked into the scene slowly. The most important people are often the last to arrive at the scene. Because Ye Ming is the director and starring, it doesn't matter that he is the last to arrive at the scene, while Xiang Huaqiang Qiang is an investor and a very experienced filmmaker. He finally came in with Ye Ming. Andy and the others had nothing to say.

However, the most unforgettable thing about this press conference was not the appearance of Ye Ming and Xiang Huaqiang, but the fact that Ye Ming just said welcome to everyone. At this time, people from the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television came. At that time, he was a little aggressive. He didn't take Ye Ming into his eyes at all, and said directly to Ye Ming: "Mr. Ye, I'm sorry to tell you some news. According to the decision from above, this time, some unknown things have appeared in Infernal Affairs." The question is, the distribution is temporarily suspended. When will the ban be lifted? It depends on the subsequent revision review."

At this time, all the media were in an uproar. Although it was not banned, everyone could hear that a movie that had been censored had its screening license withdrawn directly and needed to be censored. Anyone with a discerning eye could It looks unusual. There must be something fishy. Ye Ming doesn't have the final say as to how long the review lasts.

If you say you can do it, you can do it, and if you don't do it, you can do it. If you say you can't do it, you can't do it, and if you do, you can't do it. (To be continued)

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