Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 615 [The Promise] - [A murder caused by a steamed bun]

In that ruthless gaze, the stories in the darkness are filled with fragments of memories, scattered in the corners of time, and in the blink of an eye, they are full of sighs of time. When the painful eyes block the crystal tears, when the silent love sighs the endless suffering, how many people can stubbornly believe that, in fact, the compromise point of view is the bottom line of an undercover agent. Maybe Chen Yongren will never realize it.

This is a sentiment written by a fan who saw the trailer of Infernal Affairs.

This is definitely a professional level of perception. If in such a situation, what can be truly felt is the beginning of a story, Infernal Affairs, it is the beginning of a painful journey.

To be honest, appreciating Infernal Affairs is definitely not a pleasant thing. Han Shanping even said that watching Infernal Affairs is a sadistic journey, a torture of human nature, and a reflection on good and evil.

What is good and what is evil is clear in black and white in Infernal Affairs. This is also one of the reasons why Han Shanping can support the passage of Infernal Affairs. But it just happened that in Infernal Affairs, Chen Yongren, who was an undercover police officer, was actually killed. It was a sad thing.

In a small, low-rise square in the capital, Hu Ge, as a member of the Beijing drifters, did not live a very good life. However, in such a situation, he himself also had a kind of blind optimism. He thought that he was always There will be a day for success, especially after seeing Wuji's promotional video, and he also got some Wuji expansion packs through friends.

Don't think that this kind of expansion pack is very difficult to find. As long as you have friends in the circle, this kind of movie is very easy to find. At least in the past two thousand years, the protection of film copyrights was not so strong. This kind of expansion pack was often said to be a good way for some drama managers to make money. On this point, no matter how you put it, there is a big gap between the expansion pack and the main film.

Even the rough cut of the film is much better than the expansion pack. For example, in the expansion pack for the film The Promise, there is a scene where Xie Tingfeng and Zhang Baizhi are wearing casual clothes and dialogue. These contents are absolutely impossible to see in regular movies, and naturally they cannot be seen in pirated movies, but it is possible to see such scenes in expansion packs.

Hu Ge is very proud. Although the expansion packs he has obtained are not very large, and with the trailer, Hu Ge now only has more than ten minutes of the Promise movie in his hands, but for Hu Ge, these are already quite a lot. A pretty good harvest.

He racked his brains and finally saw the quality program of China Channel one night, which finally gave him a feeling of enlightenment. He immediately made a funny online short film and named it "A Murder Caused by a Steamed Bun".

At this time, an online short film competition was being held on Huihui.com. The first place would not only be able to sign with Huihui.com, but also receive a bonus of 20,000 yuan. These conditions were very important to Hu Ge, who was a depressed Beijing drifter. Those are quite attractive, so he regards this as his own springboard, a springboard to success.

After the production was completed, the short film was submitted to Huihuang.com by Hu Ge. The dedicated staff of Huihuang.com are also quite embarrassed at this moment. Looking at Hu Ge’s short film [Murder Case Caused by a Steamed Bun], it is a super spoof short film. The editing level is naturally unflattering. , amateur level, but not everyone has the inspiration for this kind of mix and match.

The staff concluded that this was a good short film. However, after all, this is a short film for Wuji. If it passes the preliminary review, then at this time, it will directly bring the crew of Huihuang Film and Television into confrontation with Wuji, which will provoke a conflict between the two companies. , that is something that a staff member cannot bear.

Therefore, under such a situation, he directly submitted the short film to Sister Fang Fang, and Sister Fang Fang watched it and laughed for a while. This short film is a very interesting creation and quite a spoof. . But Sister Fang Fang was a little embarrassed at this time, should she let this short film pass? She couldn't decide whether to pay attention to it, so she simply gave the short film to Ye Ming.

Ye Ming saw this short film and seemed to suddenly realize it. He said to himself: "Finally, it finally appeared. I just said that I forgot something, and my feelings are this [Murder Case Caused by a Steamed Bun]" .Sister Fang Fang, how do you watch this short film?"

Sister Fang Fang pondered for a while and said: "No matter in terms of quality or technique, this short film has a huge gap compared with Brother Chen Kai. It can be said that there is no comparability, but this kind of The creative inspiration is still worth learning from, it is a very good inspiration.

By the way, boss, there is also a publicity plan for Wuji. I hope you can focus on this. How to deal with this matter? You must come up with a bibimbap this morning. Otherwise, I'm afraid that others will people will have any ideas. "

After speaking, Sister Fang Fang took out a folder and directly put some of the things she collected in front of Ye Ming.

At this time, it was Ye Ming who felt in a dilemma.

This matter is difficult to handle. Faced with a murder caused by a steamed bun. Obviously, Ye Ming didn't want to give up, but in the face of Wuji's aggressive propaganda, it was up to Ye Ming to make a decision.

Ye Ming sat in the office and glanced at a report on the table with some hesitation. This report was the latest sent by Sister Fang Fang. Under such a situation, at this time, he had to sigh, Brother Chen Kai is indeed a character. Ah, at least when it comes to publicity, Lao Chen really spends a lot of money, and there is endless publicity everywhere.

Let’s look at the promotion of Infernal Affairs. In such a situation, the only promotion available on Brilliance.com is the only one.

When reporters in the media report on Infernal Affairs, they mostly report on the cast of Infernal Affairs, why Cheng Long came out, why Zhou Runfa can guest star in Infernal Affairs, and why Zhou Xingxing plays a small role in Infernal Affairs. These are the things the media cares about. As for the promotion of Infernal Affairs by Huihuang Film and Television at this time, except on the Internet, there is very little.

At this time, Sister Fang Fang’s suggestion was to increase the publicity of Infernal Affairs. Ye Ming did not agree immediately and started a propaganda war with Brother Chen Kai. Even if it was a victory, it would be a miserable victory. Ye Ming knew very well the result of this kind of confrontational propaganda. In the end, both sides might lose. If you are the victorious party, you will pay a certain price for this matter.

Ye Ming pondered for a moment and opened the system [Are you sure that the movie script you gave me has reached the four-star level? 】.

The system answered very definitely [It is definitely a four-star level. In fact, Infernal Affairs itself is a four-star level script, but it is the first time to enter the four-star level, and Titanic is also a four-star level, but the script of Titanic has been modified. It has lasted four years and is a script at the pinnacle of four-star level. 】

At this time, Ye Ming was very confused. If the so-called super classic Titanic is a four-star movie, then in such a situation, who can be called a five-star movie script? Could it be that Do five-star movie scripts actually exist?

Therefore, Ye Ming said with some doubts, "If Titanic is the pinnacle of the four-star level, then what is a five-star movie script?" Are there no five-star scripts in the world? ”]

The system's answer was more straightforward: "That's right. In fact, there is no true five-star script. Five stars represent perfection."

Ye Ming seemed to have thought of something at this time and said, "No, I saw it in the system. Titanic is a five-star movie. How do you say that the script of Titanic is not a five-star movie?" 】

The system answered [Actually there are no five-star scripts, but that doesn’t mean there are no five-star movies.

A movie script is nothing more than a literary work in itself.

But if it is shot and turned into a movie, then by virtue of the right time, place and people, a five-star movie can be produced.

A very simple example, Feng Xiaogang's "1942" is also a very good script, at least three stars. The script of "Thailand", to be honest, I give it two and a half stars, which is barely passing. For a movie script, that is already a pretty good result.

However, looking at the box office, the box office of "囧囧" is much higher than that of 1942. Therefore, speaking of it, 1942 can be regarded as a three-star movie at most, and "囧囧" can also be regarded as a three-star movie. . This is the power of the right time, place and people. 1942 originally had a chance to become a four-star movie, but it was just the wrong time. Taijiao took advantage of it, so it had the opportunity to become a three-star movie. of the movie. 】

These words made Ye Ming understand a truth. There is no perfect movie script in the world. Ye Ming himself is a director, and he also understands a truth. No director will shoot according to the script completely. Add your own way of thinking, your own techniques, give a script to a small director to shoot, and give the same script to the national director Zhang Yimou to shoot, the two films you get must be different.

This is also the difference between great directors and ordinary directors at times like this.

At this time, Ye Ming finally made up his mind and called Sister Fang Fang and said: "I have decided, you can put that short film on Huihui.com (To be continued)

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