Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 606: Fan Binbin’s worries

After Xiang Huaqiang arrived, the four of them went in together. This was also an unspoken rule. As the host, Yang Shoucheng arrived first, and Ye Ming, Xiang Huaqiang and the others came together. This was an atmosphere of peace talks.

Lao Hong greeted Ye Ming and others, and Yang Shoucheng asked everyone to sit down, and then said with infinite emotion: "Xiang Sheng, how long has it been since we sat down to eat together? Think about it, this is This is a matter that I am extremely sad about now. I am a very cheerful person, but there is something wrong with me about this matter. In fact, there is no need for us to make a fuss. "

These two have been fighting for more than a year or two. They dislike each other. They have cooperated and fought. Anyway, they have become the most familiar with each other. The person who is most familiar with you is often your opponent. This is Nothing wrong.

Xiang Huaqiang knew what kind of person Yang Shoucheng was. He was a very narrow-minded person, but his performance today was very unexpected, which made Xiang Huaqiang a little confused: "Now, harmony brings wealth, this It's the best, and there's nothing wrong with it. At this time, we don't want to make everyone unhappy, Ye Ming, don't you think so?"

Ye Ming nodded and said: "Actually, I came to Hong Kong City to film, to be honest, it was to save the Hong Kong City film market. I don't know the current film market, but you two are very clear about it. A few days ago, I was talking to Xiang Sheng and Andy Lau. We have talked about the box office of Hong Kong movies together. To be honest, except for Brother Cheng Long’s movie which has exceeded 50 million, if you look at the box office rankings of Hong Kong movies in the past two years, that is It’s a world of imported films.”

When talking about this, Cheng Long said helplessly: "If we say we don't want to change this situation, then the Hong Kong City market will become even more hopeless.

Ye Ming, you have done something very meaningful to the Hong Kong film market, otherwise I would not have taken the time to help you. I hope you can succeed. "

Cheng Long's words undoubtedly represent the current situation of the entire Hong Kong film market, and also illustrate the helpless situation faced by Hong Kong filmmakers under such circumstances.

Ye Ming is the one who wants to break this status quo. Yang Shoucheng actually said very worriedly at this time: "Actually, I have been thinking about this issue just now. The box office of the movie you mentioned has dropped. In such a situation, inflation must be deducted. It’s just a factor, so to speak, the current situation is actually more serious than we think, and I also hope that the film market can be revitalized.”

Among these words, at least Yang Shoucheng's last sentence is very sincere, because only when the film market prospers can it bring more profits to Yang Shoucheng under such a situation.

Naturally, he would not watch the Hong Kong Film Market decline. There was no way before, but now it seems that Yang Shoucheng also feels hope.

At this time, Xiang Huaqiang was a little proud. In fact, after he saw Ye Ming's script for the first time, he felt that under such circumstances, Ye Ming's movie would be a success. That's why I invested in this movie, Yang Sheng, are you jealous? "

This was somewhat of a show off, but Yang Shoucheng was not angry at such a question, but said with a smile: "You really guessed this right. I really want to join this ranks. In the early stage There is no chance, I hope to be able to help when it is released." Although these words are a bit high-sounding, they also mean that Yang Shoucheng is not thinking about starting a war with Xiang Huaqiang on this matter, but To form a united front. Such a thing surprised Ye Ming and Xiang Huaqiang. Especially for Xiang Huaqiang, this matter was an outcome he never expected. Therefore, Xiang Huaqiang's eyes widened and he said in disbelief: "Yang Sheng, this is not a good time to joke."

Yang Shoucheng's cunning is well known to everyone. He is a tough person like a wolf.

That was not someone who could admit defeat easily, but at this time, it seemed that Yang Shoucheng really wanted to admit defeat. At this time, Yang Shoucheng said with great certainty: "That's right, I want to see how far this Infernal Affairs movie can go. I don't believe it anymore. None of the movies in our Hong Kong City can compare to those Hollywood blockbuster people.”

At this time, Yang Shoucheng actually showed his long-lost side of the angry youth.

At this time, Xiang Huaqiang hesitated and said, "This matter is not something I can make the decision on alone. Yang Sheng, please let us discuss it first."

Naturally, even Yang Shoucheng himself felt that this matter was very sudden, so he expressed that there was no problem at this moment. After coming out, Xiang Huaqiang glanced at Ye Ming and said, "What do you think of this matter?"

Ye Ming pondered for a moment, weighed the pros and cons, and then finally said it: "I have no objection to this. As long as it helps the movie's box office, it doesn't matter." Yang Shengzai We still have our own unique methods for distribution. If our movie wants to create a miracle, we need everyone's help."

After thinking about it, it seemed that there was no deep hatred between him and Yang Shoucheng. Therefore, under such a situation, he nodded and agreed to the matter.

Naturally, everyone discussed it and decided on a plan, and the matter was finally over.

Since everyone was happy, at this time, Yang Shoucheng also took this opportunity to ask: "Director Ye, there is a question that has always been very strange to me. Huang Mao is the one who was knocked down by you. We also went to the hospital for examination. Even American experts can't see any problem. But Huang Mao's limbs are motionless. Is this your skill?"

Ye Ming nodded and said: "It's not mine. It's a type of Chinese Kung Fu that cuts off a person's meridians. Chinese meridians cannot be detected by electronic instruments. Therefore, in a situation like this, you go check it out." Of course it's useless. Don't worry, Yang Sheng. It's just that I think that Huang Mao guy is very angry and arrogant, so I gave him a small punishment. Don't worry, there is no big problem. In a month, there will be no problem. What’s the big problem?”

After returning to the set, it was already late at night, but Fan Binbin did not sleep. He was sitting alone in the lobby of the hotel. After seeing Ye Ming, he called over and said, "Brother Ming, this way."

In fact, Ye Ming didn't notice the person sitting on the sofa at first. After seeing it was Fan Binbin, he walked over and said, "Binbin, you girl, it's true that it's so late at night. It's not easy. It’s time to take a break while filming.”

At this time, Fan Binbin said with some frustration: "But recently when I was on the set, I saw so many people with strong acting skills. In such a situation, I was mentally wondering if my acting skills were too poor. A little bit, I deliberately sent so many movie stars at this time."

Being prepared for danger in times of peace, Fan Binbin was able to think like this, which made Ye Ming very happy.

What does this mean? This means that at this time, Fan Binbin finally learned to think about problems.

Therefore, at this time, Ye Mingcai sat down happily and said: "Well, this is very good. At a time like this, you finally realized this, and I am very pleased. Let me know what you want. "

Fan Binbin thought for a long time before saying: "No, I am so anxious just because I don't have any better way. In fact, I asked Sister Xu Qing, and Sister Xu Qing told me that if I want to improve my acting skills, , apart from studying, there is no good way.

Of course, if it means always acting with big names, then it would be a pretty good choice for me. Now, there is no big problem. Brother Ming, tell me, in this situation, what advice do you have for me? "

If Fan Binbin from Hong Kong City means that he has matured, then at a time like this, it also reveals Fan Binbin's shrewd side. She is actually a little hesitant now. Therefore, at this time, I want to hear from Ye Ming In Fan Binbin's opinion, it is impossible for Ye Ming to have no opinions for him. Ye Ming thought for a while and said, "There is no way around this. Your acting skills cannot exceed 600 points."

Fan Binbin was stunned and said: "Acting skills, six hundred. My acting skills are also six hundred. How do you calculate this account?"

Ye Ming could only explain: "Actually, this is a relatively general concept. It means your acting ability. If your acting skills are too poor, it is impossible to act as an opponent. To be honest, your acting skills are better than before. Celebrities are relatively weak, so you have to find ways to train yourself.

Success comes naturally, I think you should understand this, but it means you don’t have the perseverance. If you do, then in such a situation, you can still improve your acting skills. To improve it. "

If ordinary people saw it, they would be very surprised. Acting skills cannot be improved so easily. Back then, when Ye Ming filmed Party A and Party B, the one-time reward was only twenty. Therefore, the growth of acting skills is not something that is easy to achieve.

It is even more difficult for Fan Binbin to improve his acting skills. , (To be continued)

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