Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 596: Classic Infernal Affairs Segment

Because Ye Ming was going to act opposite Hua Zai, at this time, he also had to find out what the strength of Hua Zai was. Opened the system and scanned it, [Name: Hua Tsai. Age 40 years old, acting skills, 968, [not popular], singing skills: 1028, popularity: 986, force value, 300, understanding: three stars. 】

This is the evaluation given to Andy by the system. No matter what it is, it is finally a satisfactory evaluation. When it comes to acting skills, Andy is no match for Tony Leung. Many of Tony Leung's best actor titles can prove this. In Hong Kong City There are only a few people like Fa Ge who can match Tony Leung Chaowei's acting skills.

There is no doubt that Tony Leung's acting skills must have exceeded the standard of 1,000. But when it comes to singing, Hua Zai's singing ability is also over a thousand. This is actually a condition that the emperor superstar must have. At least one must be over a thousand, whether it is singing or acting.

As for Andy Lau's understanding, to be honest, his own song "Stupid Child" is very realistic and truly explains Andy Lau's life experience. Andy Lau is just the most diligent among the four kings. He himself knows that his My understanding is not the best, but I will definitely be the king who works hardest.

Now it seems that Andy is able to achieve his current achievements and remain prosperous for more than 20 years in the industry. Naturally, he has his own unique method.

Ye Ming greeted Xu Zheng, and Xu Zheng immediately greeted with a loudspeaker: "Every department is ready, everyone is waiting to clear the place."

This is what it means to start. Huang Bo was in charge of the drama and was preparing to make plans in front of the camera. At this time, Ye Ming walked over wearing casual casual clothes and made eye contact with Hua Zai. As a veteran actor, Andy made a ready gesture, and his face immediately became solemn. The atmosphere of the entire scene began to change dramatically. It was quiet. The entire scene was surprisingly quiet, given by two powerful auras. shrouded.

At this time, Ma Su, who was looking at the monitor from a distance, sighed and said: "Could this be the aura of an actor? The aura of a powerful actor will remain the same even if you watch it on a monitor. It has a very strong aura. If you were to watch it live, I don’t know how many people would be able to persevere.”

At this time, Ma Su glanced at Huang Bo who was hiding by the monitor and watching very carefully. He secretly wondered in his heart that he was already under such pressure. Huang Bo was watching at the scene. Could it be that Huang Bo didn't feel the powerful aura generated by the two movie kings, Ye Ming and Hua Tsai, and the Qilu people's nerves were so thick?

This really has nothing to do with nerves. Huang Bo naturally felt the powerful aura from Ye Ming and Hua Tsai. It enveloped the whole place, and even the air became still. There was a strong aura coming down, but Huang Bo didn't feel much pressure. Instead, he felt a sense of excitement. A man should be like this.

At this time, Liu Jianming, played by Andy Lau, was held up by Chen Yongren with a gun. Then he took out Liu Jianming's gun and handcuffs, and handcuffed Liu Jianming directly. At this time, Liu Jianming glanced at Chen Yongren with a somewhat complicated look in his eyes, and said slowly: "It's quite familiar."

These three words vividly interpret Chen Yongren’s disdain and contempt. In Infernal Affairs, Liu Jianming actually has great contempt for Chen Yongren. He is obviously a policeman, but he doesn’t do it because he has a bright future. Work as an undercover agent and join the underworld. Is it so easy to get involved in the underworld?

Liu Jianming himself really had no choice, so he cleared his name and joined the police academy at this time. If Liu Jianming had a choice, would he rather not be Han Di's undercover, but be an upright policeman? But he had no choice at the time.

Therefore, he somewhat looked down on Chen Yongren, and when Andy was in the performance team, the light radiating from his eyes clearly expressed this. But after Chen Yongren saw it, he didn't seem to be affected at all. He shrugged lazily and said, "I also went to the police academy."

At this time, there was a hint of helplessness and vicissitudes in Ye Ming's eyes. Ten years of undercover career, at this time, really erased Chen Yongren's edges and corners, turning him into a real one. The kind of despair for life, especially at this time, Officer Huang was dead and no one knew his identity as a police undercover. At this time, he truly fell into despair. Therefore, the whole person had a kind of despair. Decadent sadness, but in Ye Ming's eyes, there was also this kind of faint sadness that could not be erased.

Liu Jianming looked at Chen Yongren even more mockingly this time and said, "You undercover agents are so interesting, you always meet on the rooftop. "

At this time, this kind of ridicule, I don’t know if it is ridicule, or he is jealous of the identity of the policeman who hates Chen Yongren. Liu Jianming really wants to be a good policeman at this time, but sometimes, wanting to be a good policeman is not It was such an easy thing. In such a situation, what he really thought about was the last hope of directly killing Chen Yongren.

Chen Yongren seemed extremely determined at this time. This was his confidence. You are a thief and I am a policeman. I have an innate psychological advantage. Therefore, at this time, Chen Yongren said proudly: "I am not like you. Aboveboard. ”

Then, Chen Yongren paused for a moment, perhaps trying to fight for it: "Where is the thing I want?"

However, at this time, Liu Jianming naturally would not give in so easily. Even in such a situation, Liu Jianming looked at Chen Yongren very mockingly, and then said with certainty: "You may not be able to get what I want." bring."

The meaning is naturally very obvious. You will definitely not be able to give me what I want. If this is the case, then in such a situation, why should I say that I must bring it to you? This is a setting distance, and at this point, the climax of the entire movie has actually begun.

Chen Yongren saw that this was indeed the case. He was very clear about what Liu Jianming wanted, but as Liu Jianming himself said, he would not give him what he wanted. This is a generous thing for Chen Yongren. He looked a little angry, as if his last hope was gone.

Therefore, at this time, Chen Yongren's face became even paler: "Huh, what do you mean? You came up to bask in the sun."

At this time, it is actually time to start bargaining, and this is also the most critical time to see the acting skills of the two people.

The two movie stars, under such a situation, did a very good job, truly expressing the state of the characters they wanted to express.

At this time, Liu Jianming's face was a little solemn. Chen Yongren wanted something, but at this time, he knew very well that he didn't want something. At this time, Liu Jianming said very helplessly: "Give me a chance."

This is a request. He really wants to be a good person, but it's hard to say whether such an opportunity really exists.

Sometimes, if you want to be a good person, you may not really have this opportunity. Once you join the world, you will be a member of the world for the rest of your life.

At this time, Chen Yongren looked a little sarcastic and said, "How can I give you a chance?"

In an instant, the roles of the two people were reversed. It turned out that there was no real difference between the police and the thieves. What was left was just the helplessness of reality and the inner struggle. Who is the officer and the soldier and who is the thief? This really cannot be said. clearly.

At this time, Chen Yongren may not really dare to kill Liu Jianming, but he is unwilling to do so. He wants to return to his identity as a policeman, so he does not want to compromise at this time, and after being an undercover agent for so many years, he will not To compromise. Therefore, when I heard Liu Jianming's words, I felt that this matter was very ridiculous.

As for Liu Jianming at this time, he really wants to be a good person. It's hard to say who is right or wrong about this matter, but no matter what, he himself must achieve his true inner persistence. , he wants to be a good person, he wants to get rid of Han Yan's control, and now he is about to succeed.

As long as Chen Yongren gives him this opportunity, he will succeed. Therefore, at this time, Liu Jianming said with a somewhat reminiscence expression: "I had no choice before, but now I want to be a good person."

However, Liu Jianming himself had no idea whether Chen Yongren would believe this. He just wanted to believe that Chen Yongren would give him this opportunity. As long as there was a little hope, he would seize it.

However, at this time, Chen Yongren's years of persistence were not in vain. This was a real choice of a police undercover.

He wanted to wipe out Han Di and his gang. Now, Chen Yongren has almost succeeded. Therefore, Chen Yongren will not give up this opportunity at this time. Therefore, at this time, Chen Yongren said very insistently: "Okay, tell the judge Say, let’s see if he will let you be a good person.”

At this time, Chen Yongren was wearing a victorious smile. As long as he could capture Liu Jianming, then such a thing would be considered a success. A real success. My undercover life for so many years has truly come to an end under such a situation.

He has been waiting for this day for ten years, and the ten years have come to an end at this moment. Therefore, he will not let Liu Jianming go. In fact, Liu Jianming himself is quite clear about this now. Chen Yongren will not let it go easily. Let him go. (To be continued)

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