Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 593 Zhou Xingxing is here

The crew of Infernal Affairs has officially started filming. The scene is so grand that it can be described as unprecedented. More than 90% of the media in Hong Kong have sent their own reporters to cover it, whether they have been invited or not.

Countless fans enthusiastically blocked the entrance to the Shangri-La Hotel, so much so that the traffic jam in front of the hotel forced the police to dispatch 20 police officers to maintain order. Some critics immediately pointed out on the Internet that this was It is a waste of public resources. The police should not let a star act as a housekeeper.

As a result, the critic was quickly exploited by Ye Ming's fans. In the end, the critic was found out for tax evasion, mistress Bao and other things, which made the critic quite embarrassed.

At this time, the central figure in the entire press conference was naturally Ye Ming. Everyone's eyes were fixed on Ye Ming, who was wearing a moon-white Tang suit on the stage. Standing on the stage, Ye Ming's whole body seemed to have an aura, and instantly enveloped the entire hall. At this moment, Ye Ming clapped his hands and said very excitedly: "Dear guests, friends, and reporters, welcome to the opening ceremony of the Infernal Affairs crew. I said, today, Infernal Affairs The theme song will be released, so I will definitely give you an explanation today. Now, please first enjoy the MV of "Seeking Buddha"."

The prelude sounded, and a piece of moonlight filled the harbor city with a silvery glow on a neon under the brilliant starry sky. Under the moonlight, Ye Ming stood in front of the window wearing shabby casual clothes with a decadent expression.

Under the slowly flowing piano sound, Ye Ming began to sing "When the moonlight shines on my face." I think I'm about to change. There is a soup called heart-breaking soup. Drinking it has magical powers. "

The scene changes and Ye Ming is expelled from the police academy. Officer Huang, played by Xiang Huaqiang, finds Ye Ming and the two discuss something. There was a dispute, and then Ye Ming became a gangster. At this time, Ye Ming met the psychiatrist Li Xin'er played by Xu Qing. At this moment, Ye Ming's eyes seemed to see a glimmer of hope in the endless hell.

[Close your eyes and see heaven. That's where your smile is hidden. I dodged countless hunters' guns. Drive away the sadness crawling out of the grave. 】

The most climactic part of the whole song is, [For you, I turn into a werewolf. Because of you, I got crazy. For you, put on a thick disguise. For you, I changed my heart. 】

The scene at this moment is the plot of Chen Yongren played by Ye Ming and Inspector Liu Jianming played by Andy Lau meeting on the roof of the building. Although there is no sound, everyone can see the silent smoke from the wonderful performances of the two movie stars. , the infinite contradictory emotions that burst out between the lightning and flint.

The longing for a new life and the future on Chen Yongren's face, and the love hidden in his heart for Li Xin'er, were vividly expressed in his eyes in an instant.

And Andy Lau, who finally won the title of Best Actor, also showed off his powerful acting skills acquired through years of practice. Liu Jianming's eyes were facing Chen Yongren's pistol, but it could also be seen from his eyes, He really wants to be a good person.

There is no wind and the clouds are moving. What the picture shows is a somewhat cloudy weather, just like the weather that Liu Jianming and Chen Yongren are experiencing at this moment. At this moment, Ye Ming truly demonstrated the powerful acting skills of the Berlin Best Actor, and his eyes that can pierce people's souls in an instant became the magic touch in this MV.

In the end, when Chen Yongren's back was gone, Li Xin'er, played by Xu Qing, shed tears when she looked at Chen Yongren's photo. They were broken like pearls in the endless darkness. There is no time and no space. It is the ultimate endless hell.

【Can we meet again? I have been praying in front of the Buddha for thousands of years. Before I cross the Naihe Bridge, let me kiss your face again. Let me kiss your face again. 】

The entire MV is in a low tone, but the infinitely penetrating singing voice and the soul-shaking lyrics truly express the inner essence of the movie Infernal Affairs.

When the music ended, there was warm applause in the hall. Even Hua Tsai applauded in the same way. This song by Ye Ming can really touch people's hearts. Even if it is played alone, it will become a song. A classic song.

What's more, it is quite consistent with the theme of the movie Infernal Affairs. Therefore, in such a situation, no one will not be attracted by the sadness, the pain, the kind of struggling in contradictions, but... I was moved by the look in my eyes that didn't give up a trace of hope.

Ye Ming narrowed his eyes slightly and waited until everyone's applause dispersed before saying: "Everyone has their own Infernal Affairs. One is the self under the mask, and the other is the real self. We always like to hold the mask. When facing life with your lower self, few people care about what the other real self is like under the Infernal Affairs. These two selves are often contradictory. After you discover the real self, maybe you You’d be shocked yourself.”

This is not Ye Ming's alarmism. Freud told us with his almost completed theory that everyone has different selves, one in reality and one in dreams.

At this time, a reporter from Asia Television asked: "Mr. Ye Ming, when we were selecting roles last time, many reporters and fans saw that three stars entered the cast of Infernal Affairs on Tuesday. I wonder, these three Will they join in the filming of Infernal Affairs? Why didn’t they attend the opening ceremony this time?”

This time, many reporters actually came here for the gimmick of the 201% increase. Of course, Ye Ming’s Infernal Affairs is also very attractive. Even if there is no 201%, Ye Ming, Hua Tsai, and others have already Xiang Huaqiang, who had not joined the cast for a long time, reappeared, which is quite eye-catching. But people who are not from Hong Kong City will never realize the impact that Tuesday's 10% will bring to them in such a situation.

This is the memory of their generation in Hong Kong. It is even said that many Hong Kong people grew up watching the movies made on Tuesday.

Therefore, to a large extent, February 10% has brought a lot of attention to Infernal Affairs. This time, reporters did not notice that February 10% came, which was a bit regretful. Therefore, the first one to stand up was Asia Television. The reporter asked a very concerning question like this.

Ye Ming said with a smile: "This matter has been confirmed. These three stars will all participate in the filming of our movie, but they are just friendly guest appearances. These three are all busy people. Only I’m just going to make a guest appearance on the set when I have free time during the schedule, so there won’t be much shooting time. I really can’t guarantee who among the three of them will come to the opening ceremony this time.”

These three are all superstars in the Chinese film industry, so there is nothing wrong with saying that their schedules are tight.

Therefore, the reporters immediately turned their guns. One tabloid reporter asked: "Director Ye, this time, many actors from the mainland will participate. I don't know why Director Ye will use so many actors from the mainland. Could it be that we in Hong Kong Are there no actors available in the city?"

This reporter had some bad intentions for asking such a question, but a tabloid is a tabloid and they didn't have too many concerns, so they asked such a sensitive question. At this moment, Xiang Huaqiang frowned and his face suddenly darkened. This guy looks very familiar. He is a reporter from East Weekly under Yang Shoucheng. Anyway, this guy is a very annoying kind. He often breaks the secrets of artists. What.

If Ye Ming refuses to answer this question, he will not only offend the artists in Hong Kong, but also the artists in the mainland.

But at this time, Ye Ming smiled very seasonedly and said: "Friend from the media, I don't understand. I don't know how you understand this concept. The Hong Kong city and the mainland are not both China's territory. Mainland people People from Hong Kong and Hong Kong are not all Chinese. Are you still a reporter from South Korea or Japan? Hong Kong has returned to the motherland for so many years, and you still want to separate us?"

At this time, the reporter from East Weekly was dumbfounded. He originally had a lot of questions about me, but in this situation, he couldn't ask a single word.

Ye Ming's answer left the reporter speechless. He was an entertainment reporter, not a current affairs reporter, but he also understood very well. If he dared to continue provoking Ye Ming's answer, there would be no need for Ye Ming to take action. Yang Shoucheng would be the first to kill him and throw him into the Pacific Ocean. Because this kind of problem will definitely bring endless trouble to Yang Shoucheng.

This reporter from East Weekly didn't know that if Ye Ming swung him out of the way when it came to arguing, what kind of god-level questions would not appear on the Internet in future generations, and what kind of perfect answers would not appear on the Internet. For Ye Ming, this question is simply trivial.

Therefore, the reporter from Shidong Weekly said awkwardly: "Well, I am a reporter from Hong Kong City."

He didn't even dare to say that he was a reporter for East Weekly, for fear of causing trouble to the editor-in-chief and others. Ye Ming nodded with satisfaction and thought to himself, boy, you are wise, otherwise I will not be able to kill you.

At this time, there was a temporary silence in the scene. Ye Ming's answer surprised many reporters. If they were not careful, any reporter would be transferred into Ye Ming's pit. No one dared to do so at this time. Feel free to continue asking this question.

And just when it was time to cool down, Zhou Xingxing and Mo Wenwei slowly walked in, and suddenly the whole scene began to become heated.

It's 10% on Tuesday, and one has already arrived. (To be continued)

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