Entertainment Empire System

The theme song of Chapter 574 [Infernal Affairs]

Life is the sighing sound that the summer breeze gently passes through the cracks in the hourglass of time. The suffering of all living beings is just to find a way out in this vast sea of ​​people.

Ye Ming said meaningfully: "Infernal Affairs, what I seek is a liberation, the liberation of a police undercover, and the liberation of a gangster undercover, which is right and which is wrong, that is just asking yourself. As the saying goes, put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately. , Only when you are free and free can you see the truth."

Some Zen-like words opened the press conference of [Infernal Affairs]. King Charles began to ask: "Mr. Ye, it seems that there are still many actors in your production team who have not yet been determined. What type of actors do you want to invite to join? Do you want more actors from Hong Kong or from the mainland?" "

Ye Ming said with a smile: "This reporter made the distinction very clearly. Not all mainlanders in Hong Kong are Chinese. In fact, my crew does not require people from any place. As long as they are suitable for the role, then there is nothing." There is no problem. For example, Edison Chen, who is very popular recently, is within the scope of my consideration. As long as you are suitable for the role, the rest will be no problem."

Now the reporter also understood the bottom line of this guy Ye Ming. He would never talk about his own standards. It is not the director who has the final say on what roles are suitable for movies. If the director says you are suitable, then you will be suitable. If the director says you are not, then you will be suitable. If you are suitable, then you are not suitable. No one can refute this.

Seeing that there was no breakthrough on this issue, Pang Guo stood up and said, "I would like to ask Mr. Xiang, as one of the investors this time, what do you think of this movie?"

Xiang Huaqiang, that's a big shot in the industry. After hearing this, Xiang Huaqiang said meaningfully: "I don't have any opinion. As one of the producers of the movie, I just do a good job of logistical support. As for The operation of this crew, with the director, will follow the director's orders. Since I chose to cooperate with Director Ye, I believe in his ability. Therefore, for the movie itself? If I didn't appreciate this movie, I wouldn't invest in it. , I believe that this will be the salvation of Hong Kong movies."

The downturn in Hong Kong movies. In fact, the reporters present knew very well that under such circumstances, no one could easily prevent Hong Kong Film from declining. Rescue, if you want to save this situation, it is very difficult.

Yan Meng asked a more pertinent question: "I think you two are very confident in the movie. Mr. Xiang expects the box office to be what it will be. Can it break the record?"

Xiang Huaqiang is still really hard to answer. To set a new record means to break Cheng Long's record of 57 million. In fact, this record was broken by Zhou Xingxing.

Although Xiang Huaqiang has great confidence in Infernal Affairs, in such a situation, he will not say such big words casually. After all, this is true in front of so many media, so naturally he is speaking Be cautious.

Ye Ming took up the topic and said: "Refresh the record. To be honest, I want to refresh the record of Titanic. In fact, when every filmmaker makes a movie, even if the cost is only one or two million, he will They have a heart to set new records. Every director and every actor is actually nothing more than that.

Of course we are no exception, but I believe that the box office of Infernal Affairs will give everyone a surprise. As for whether this surprise will exceed everyone's expectations, you can go to the cinema to see it. I believe that Andy and I have box office appeal, coupled with a good script, this surprise will not disappoint everyone. "

Ye Ming did not answer this question directly, but said that he showed very strong confidence.

Mentioning Andy, a reporter from Nanyang Daily asked: "Hua Jai, since Infernal Affairs is known as the savior of the Hong Kong entertainment industry, but at this time, I actually want to ask, except for the two actors in this movie, , are there any big stars joining us?"

Fan Binbin is here, but Fan Binbin is now at most a first-line star. Huanzhugege has made all the actors and actresses in this drama hugely famous. But to be honest, Fan Binbin is at most a first-line star in the Hong Kong entertainment circle. , it’s just familiar to the audience.

A big star, of course, means that he is on the same level as Hua Tsai.

Andy is a veteran who has been on the battlefield for a long time. Faced with this problem, he said calmly: "Big stars, there will definitely be this, but there are many actors, and we have not decided yet, but these two days should be The answers to this question will be announced one after another. These are the director's jobs. It seems you have asked the wrong person."

At this time, a reporter immediately turned his gun and pointed it at Ye Ming. Ye Ming smiled broadly and said like spring breeze: "Actually, we have studied this issue and will try our best to invite as many big stars as guest stars. Zhou Xingxing has already agreed to play a guest role. Brother Cheng Long, I also I want to get in touch, but I’m afraid that Big Brother won’t have the schedule. When the time comes, I will invite some of your favorite celebrities to guest star, which will bring you a different enjoyment.”

Since it is a movie in which Ye Ming appears, the theme song is naturally a topic of concern to everyone. At this time, Yan Meng, as a female reporter, asked Ye Ming a question on behalf of many female fans: "Mr. Ye, I believe that watching your movie Movie fans are very concerned about one issue, and that is the theme song of the movie. For this [Infernal Affairs], what kind of theme song have you prepared?"

Ye Ming's theme songs, whether in movies or TV series, have never disappointed fans. Therefore, Yan Mengcai is very concerned about this issue. She believes that many Ye Ming fans will also want to know the news. Some The king Andy, with Ye Ming here, this theme song is naturally very worth looking forward to.

Ye Ming thought for a while and then said: "Theme song, of course, I will bring you a different theme song. This one is also very consistent with the overall style of the movie.

To be honest, Infernal Affairs is a relatively depressing movie. "Infernal Affairs" is about seeking great liberation. This is a name with a Zen meaning. Therefore, the theme song of this movie is also very special, called "Seeking for Great Liberation". Buddha】"

A very weird name, at least in the eyes of reporters, it should be a very weird name. At this time, many reporters were whispering that Ye Ming's theme song was quite strange.

King Arthur immediately said: "I don't know if Mr. Ye's theme song is one of the content to be released today. We are all looking forward to listening to this song with a Zen-like name."

Ye Ming said very definitely: "This is not the case. Today is just a press conference for the movie. When the theme song is almost cast, I will shoot a MV and I will notify everyone as soon as possible."

Pang Guo targeted Fan Binbin. From Pang Guo's point of view, Fan Binbin is relatively unknown. Is it suitable for a big production like this? Even the supporting cast is Zhou Xingxing's cameo. This shows how much Xiang Huaqiang and Ye Ming are looking forward to this movie.

But now it seems that Fan Binbin is definitely a weak link in the cast.

At this time, Pang Guo said in a rather unkind manner: "Ms. Fan Binbin, I would like to ask you a question. How do you feel about participating in a big production like this, with stars like Andy Lau and Zhou Xingxing acting as kings and queens? Isn’t it stressful?”

Fan Binbin hesitated before saying: "There is always pressure, but I believe that only with pressure can I be motivated. Working with these seniors, I will have many learning opportunities."

Pang Guo then said unceremoniously: "Do you think you have enough courage to face the challenges of these celebrities? As a newcomer, you need to have enough courage to face all of this."

Naturally, these big star reporters wanted to be polite to Ye Ming Hua Zai, but for a star like Fan Binbin, there was nothing wrong with Fat Guo.

There is no direct questioning of Fan Binbin's qualifications, which is already good. This is because Fan Binbin is already the actor selected by Ye Ming. Questioning Fan Binbin's qualifications is naturally questioning Ye Ming.

At this time, Fan Binbin was a little hesitant. She didn't know what to say. She said that in such a situation, my courage and confidence were enough at this time. This was a sign of arrogance. But if you talk about not answering, then at this time, facing so many reporters, this is obviously not very good.

But Ye Ming took over and said: "Well, actually there is no lack of courage. Acting is acting. I think the role is more suitable for Fan Binbin. This is enough. As for newcomers being better than newcomers, don't forget it. Although Fan Binbin is relatively young, he almost debuted at the same time as me, and we both came out of Fair Princess."

Speaking of this, all the reporters were speechless. What Ye Ming said was absolutely correct. Fan Binbin and Ye Ming were both from Huanzhugege, and Huanzhugege only lasted two or three years. Kung Fu, just because in the past two years, Ye Ming has too many masterpieces.

The first album won the title, and now the sales volume of the second album has also reached a terrifying level. There is absolutely no problem with the sales of diamond records. Therefore, no one dared to look down on Ye Ming. They ignored it intentionally or unintentionally. In fact, Ye Ming only debuted for two or three years.

In the past two years, Fan Binbin actually didn't have many masterpieces, which can be regarded as a return to Zhugege's capital. Therefore, he was somewhat ignored by reporters. (To be continued)

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