Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 553: Wonderful Performance

Mr. Doyle faced the camera very happily and said: "Everyone, viewers, welcome to the entertainment weekend. Today, we have invited you to two movies that everyone is looking forward to. One is [Batman and Robin] , I believe everyone has been looking forward to the fourth Batman movie for a long time."

The next step was for Doyle to introduce the director, actors, and other members of the crew of "Batman and Robin." Although the director Schumacher was introduced first, Mr. Doyle actually focused all of his attention on Arnold Schwarzenegger. Singer's body.

And Mr. Doyle didn’t mention the Terminator or anything at this time. This is the spirit of professionalism, because it is the TV show of [Batman and Robin] now.

Of course, Mr. Doyle also said jokingly: "Mr. Schwarzenegger, I heard someone said that you want to run for governor, right? Are you planning to follow the path of President Reagan?"

This is a topic of ridicule to stir up the atmosphere. But Schwarzenegger seemed to be very interested in this: "President Reagan, well, he is the greatest president among actors, the greatest actor among presidents, and has always been the goal of my study."

It may not be certain that Reagan is the greatest president of the United States. But no one objects to saying that Reagan is the greatest president among actors and the greatest actor among presidents.

Mr. Doyle seemed to have discovered a new world and said: "Then I will call you Mr. Governor from now on? Which state do you plan to run for governor?"

Schwarzenegger thought for a moment and said, "It might be California. I'm not sure yet. California is the most likely."

Mr. Doyle immediately said to the camera: "Everyone, why don't you go to the cinema to watch [Batman and Robin]? This may be Mr. Governor's last movie after being elected. Although he is a big villain, The governor's last movie before entering politics is worth looking forward to. From now on, after Mr. Schwarzenegger, you will call him Mr. Governor. I think this should be very worth looking forward to."

Mr. Doyle's ability to become the host of Entertainment Weekend is not based on connections. No matter what topic he starts with, the host can bring the topic to the movie he is talking about. This is the real skill of the host. Naturally, Schumacher was very satisfied with this introduction, and took advantage of the situation to introduce the luxurious lineup of his own movies. Warner spent hundreds of millions of dollars, 110 million U.S. dollars to be exact, and produced the movies from the details. To be honest, there is nothing to fault.

More than ten minutes, this is not very good enough for Schumacher to introduce, not to mention that there are some situations in which Director Columbus introduces [Harry Potter]. This makes Director Schumacher a little dissatisfied, thinking that it is not enough to introduce his own crew. It's enough that the time is not good enough, and I also introduce what [Harry Potter] does.

When Schumacher was still unfinished, Mr. Doyle said: "Batman and Robin is a movie worth looking forward to. Like everyone, I also very much hope to know what director Schumacher will bring us this time. surprise.

Today, there is a familiar person from the [Harry Potter] crew with [Batman and Robin]. Harry Potter fans should be very familiar with this person. Mr. Ye Ming from China, This time, Mr. Ye Ming has brought us a very big surprise. Please wait and see what he will bring to you. Mr. Ye Ming, are you ready?"

At this time, Ye Ming nodded, and the staff came over with a long table. There were thirty-two bottles of Coke on the table. Of course, they were all bottles with the labels removed, but everyone could tell at a glance that they were standard Cokes. Beauty bottle.

Ye Ming stretched his muscles, walked up to these bottles and said: "Everyone, now is the time to witness a miracle. I will perform two programs for you today, one is Chinese Kung Fu, this is a Coke bottle, I want to invite two The audience comes up to verify it.”

Someone in the audience randomly picked two bottles, and Ye Ming hit them directly with his thumb, his movements were quite cool. The two spectators were also very happy and drank Coke and left. This proves that it is not a lie.

At this time, Ye Ming stretched out a finger, and the close-up of the camera came over directly. In mid-air, Ye Ming's finger drew a straight line, and pointed towards the Coke bottle as fast as lightning. With a bang, the whole bottle exploded. Come. It exploded quickly like a grenade.

Blooming in front of the camera like delicate flowers.

Thirty Coke bottles were directly smashed by Ye Ming in less than a minute.

The miraculous skill shocked everyone present.

Arnold Schwarzenegger even said that he couldn't help but walked over to check the fragments of the Coke bottles. He was surprised and said to Mr. Doyle: "It's incredible. The real Coke bottles, I thought they were props from your TV station." Well, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would have thought you were the Terminator who traveled from the future?"

Next, Ye Ming played a little magic trick, took out a magic wand and said, "This is a Harry Potter prop. I think everyone will be very familiar with it in the future."

In an instant, the magic wand turned into a piece of black silk, and the black silk circled Ye Ming's body and slowly fell down. Ye Ming, who was originally wearing a black suit, was now wearing a suit from the Harry Potter movie. Unique wizard costume.

Amid everyone's screams, Ye Ming stretched out his right hand and emitted a blue flame in front of the camera, saying: "Welcome to the world of Harry Potter."

Then he gently closed his right hand, and the flame disappeared instantly. Just as mysterious as it appeared, it disappeared also very mysteriously.

Although this is just a small magic trick, no matter what. In an instant, everyone's hearts were transported to the world of Harry Potter, magic, and wizards, which is a very mysterious profession.

The show ended, and Director Schumacher looked livid. At this time, Harry Potter took the lead. Although the Harry Potter crew only occupied one-third of the entire show, it was even said that Less than a third.

But everyone on the TV station can see that the real highlight of this entertainment weekend is the two programs performed by Ye Ming. Those two small programs can be said to have opened up a mysterious world for everyone in an instant. Behind the gate, there is not only the mysterious Chinese Kung Fu, but also the surprising world of wizards, a world of Harry Potter.

It can be said that this time the two movies were promoted together, and the real winner was the Harry Potter crew. Batman and Robin almost became a foil, and one occupied two-thirds, still for Harry Potter. It serves as a foil for the movie, so it’s strange that Schumacher’s face can become happy at this time.

At this time, backstage, Clooney said with some doubt: "I personally doubt the Chinese Kung Fu that the boy named Ye Ming performed. Is there such a powerful Chinese Kung Fu? Could it be said that the first one he performed was also Can’t the same magic work?”

Schwarzenegger said with great certainty: "George, don't doubt it. In fact, I went to check it on the spot. Those Coke bottles are all real, and there is absolutely no suspicion of them being props. Besides, giving a fake show to the audience , BBC TV station is not idiotic to this extent. If the first one is magic, then it is quite attractive. Therefore, I think that is the real Chinese Kung Fu, it is just that we don’t understand it. "

Clooney also said in disbelief at this time: "Well, can I believe it when you say this? Unless I find the Coke bottle myself, Ye Ming can give me a live performance. The props he found himself, I It’s not very trustworthy.”

Schwarzenegger didn't know if he was a supporter of Chinese Kung Fu, but he vowed: "There should be no problem with this. Ye Ming is still on the TV station. Let's go to him and ask him to give us a live performance." , then there is nothing wrong with it at a time like this. You can find the bottle yourself, and I also want to experience the magic of Chinese Kung Fu."

George Clooney is also a very cheerful person. He actually asked his assistant to buy two bottles of soda. It seems that at this time, Schwarzenegger's stubborn temper also came. He called the staff and asked: "What is Ye Ming doing now? Can you help me find Ye Ming?"

This person happened to be Edward who had spoken lines with Ye Ming before the show started. Therefore, he was very familiar with Ye Ming. He nodded and said: "Hello, sir, I am very willing to serve you. Where is Ye Ming? His crew was backstage filming the show, and Rowling and some members of the Harry Potter crew were pulled over by him."

Clooney immediately said, "Isn't the show over?"

Edward immediately ended and said: "Of course, our show is over, but it is said that Ye Ming brought a crew from China to film a travel reality show, and London is their starting point."

Without any leaks involved, Director Columbus, Ms. Rowling, Daniel and other members of the Harry Potter crew all appeared in the show "Flowers and Boys" and gave away their own Blessed.

I remember that while everyone was filming, there was a commotion outside the crowd. At this time, a group of people pushed aside everyone and filed in. The leader was none other than Mr. Arnold Schwarzenegger, and those who followed Schwarzenegger Behind the gentleman is George Clooney, the current Batman.

What kind of battle is this? It's really shocking beyond words. Fan Binbin even said that he screamed after seeing the governor. (To be continued)

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