Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 527: The man behind the scenes

Ye Ming glared at Miao Yiyi with a very fierce look and said: "Sister Miao Miao, please figure it out, okay, what are these and what are they, mess up the relationship. What is fate and not fate? Don't mess with this matter. talk.

In fact, Sister Qing just needs an excuse to divert her attention now. I just gave her this excuse. It's not a big deal. It's like getting an injection when I was a child. If the baby is sleeping, the cry after the injection will not be so loud. . Diversion of attention, you understand this, right? "

Miao Yiyi nodded quickly and said as if she understood everything: "I understand, I understand, don't worry, I understand everything." It's not that I don't understand, it's just that the world is changing too fast.

How this happened and whether Xu Qing was slightly ill were originally a big news, but now, in fact, not many reporters are paying attention to this matter.

Because a much bigger news happened on the Swordsman crew, and it was news that no one on the crew knew about.

Suddenly, almost the entire media was breaking the news. Ye Ming, the new Berlin Best Actor, had been in love with the proud heroine Xu Qing for a long time while filming. They secretly dated each other and the relationship was quite intense. [Southern Sunday] expressed its position with the headline [The returned actor is domineering and proud of both his love and career. 】

Moreover, there are pictures and real thoughts. The photos of Ye Ming and Xu Qing entering the set in a car at the same time have been published.

[Entertainment Morning News] Although I have always had a good relationship with Ye Ming, I did not miss the news this time, but my attitude was more swaying [The story of Ye Ming on the set of Swordsman]. Anyway, I was issued a scene Photo.

Now the entire media is flooded with this kind of news. At this time, there are dozens of media at the entrance of the crew waiting to interview Ye Ming. Huang Jianzhong is a little overwhelmed by this matter.

When Na Ying was being interviewed by a reporter, she gave the reporter a straight look and said, "That's nonsense. I don't know anything about Ye Zi, so you can just make it up."

The eldest sister's arrogance arose spontaneously, which was a kind of contempt for reporters, but reporters were helpless. Na Ying had such a personality. Xiaoyanzi Zhao Wei replied, "I can't comment on personal issues. One photo can't explain anything. There are too many photos of me and Ye Zi." 】

If taking a group photo is a scandal, then there are too many group photos of the Huanzhugege family. This is also the attitude of Xiao Yanzi Zhao Wei. The princess's answer was more personal [I don't know], which was in line with the queen's always indifferent attitude. This time the princess was able to express her attitude, which was already quite a favor to the media. Ye Ming, as the client, was answering the phone at this time. Sister Fang Fang called and said: "Boss, what are you doing? Please, can you have some professionalism? How long have I been away? , you came up with this incident. Did you know that reporters blocked the entrance of our company, and I didn’t dare to go out. "

Ye Ming didn't take this matter to heart at all. Having lived in two lives, he knew very well that those who came out to fool around would always have to pay back. Since they were in this business circle, no matter who they were, they would inevitably be troubled by such things. of.

Therefore, Ye Ming smiled and didn't take it seriously, but laughed it off and said: "Sister Fang Fang, please, do you believe such mindless news? There will be more of this kind of news in the future. You don't have to worry about him, otherwise the reporters will write more about it."

Sister Fang Fang didn't give the boss any face at all and said angrily: "I don't believe it, but does it work? I don't believe it. Readers believe it. Your fans believe it. Your second album is about to start." Now that it's on the market, don't make such a big move, okay? According to the level of your album, there is no need for hype at all. Strength is the last word.

By the way, this is not a hype created by the Swordsman crew, right? Are you very cooperative with them? "

If this refers to the hype of the crew, then everything is easily solved. This kind of hype is still relatively rare in the mainland, but in Hong Kong City, Baodao and other places, news like this is too common.

Therefore, Sister Fang also began to wonder if it was a problem with the crew.

Ye Ming said with certainty: "No, the crew doesn't need such hype. It's not the crew's behavior. If it was, I couldn't have known it. It should have been taken out of context by the reporter. By the way, it was me and Zhang Jizhong last time The producer picked up Xu Qing. Not only were Xu Qing and me there, but producer Zhang was still in the car, and he might have been photographed by reporters when he came back."

Sister Fang Fang shook her head and said: "It's useless for you to tell me this. It doesn't matter whether I believe it or not. The key is whether the readers believe what you say. I don't think those reporters will believe what you say for the time being. God, this matter is not over yet. Please remember it clearly. You cannot accept any media interviews without my permission. I am responsible for your personal reputation. I will answer this matter after my lawyer and I discuss it. .”

As an agent who came back from the port city, his legal awareness is quite strong. Huihuang Film and Television has its own legal team, so professional matters naturally need to be resolved by professionals.

Ye Ming actually knew how to deal with this matter, and it would be good to cool it down for a while, so he nodded and agreed.

The people on the crew are actually the most gossipy. The news about the Zhang family and the Li family spread very quickly. What's more, it was in the newspapers at this time, so there was a lot of discussion. Is there really something going on between Ye Ming and Xu Qing?

The crew is concerned about this issue, readers in the mainland are concerned about it, and even the media in Hong Kong and Taiwan are very concerned about it.

Many media have already published this news. Chen Xi couldn't sit still, so he called the same day, and his tone was naturally a little jealous.

Ye Ming kept explaining for half an hour and finally coaxed Chen Xi over.

This matter is not over at all. Ye Ming is busy here, but Miao Yiyi comes over with a smile and says: "Ye Zi, I really didn't expect that you have the talent to be a spy. You are quite talented." You're not bad, if it was before liberation, you were a very good underground worker. Sister Qing and I were together every day about this matter, and we didn't even know any clues, but the reporter actually caught it."

Which pot is this? Ye Ming was too lazy to explain. He raised his head and glanced at Miao Yiyi and said: "Sister Miao Miao, tell me what you are good at. You are not a three-year-old child. This kind of You believe the news, forget it if others believe it, but it’s not like the crew didn’t know what was going on at that time. I wasn’t the only one who went to pick up Sister Qing. Producer Zhang also followed her. How can you believe it? Where’s the newspaper?”

Although he was too lazy to explain, Ye Ming believed that if he didn't explain clearly, Miao Yiyi might not have said anything. Miao Hongniang raised her head, showed a kind smile and said: "I understand this, explanation is just a cover-up, you don't need to explain.

There are some things that you know very well. You don’t need to explain this to me. The director is looking for you. Reporters have blocked the entrance of our crew, just waiting to interview you. "

Huang Jianzhong looked at the seven or eight newspapers in his hand and said: "Old Zhang, look, do we need to step in to suppress this matter? What is being spread is too outrageous. You have a big beard. Why didn't you say anything about it? It’s also in the car.”

Zhang Jizhong said with a disapproving smile: "I'm a bad old man. What's the use of me? This has no selling point at all. I still say that Ye Ming and Xu Qing are interesting. You don't need to worry about this matter. We don't need exposure, but Those media also need to have a breaking point, how about love, as long as it is not nonsense, after all, there are photos, right?"

Not supporting, not opposing, not refuting rumors, this is Zhang Jizhong's current attitude.

Although Zhang Jizhong is quite forceful towards reporters, when it comes to such an issue, Zhang Jizhong also understands the truth very well, that is, it is not good to always whet the appetite of reporters on such a matter. You always want others to have food to eat, right?

Moreover, that little girl Miao Yiyi seems to have the potential to be a matchmaker, but Lao Zhang will not interfere with this matter.

Huang Jianzhong said with some worry: "Those reporters are waiting outside. If we don't accept interviews, they will probably stay there. What do you think we should do about this matter?"

When reporters come, it’s always hard to tell the crew if they don’t give an explanation. Tianchao Station’s signboard works, but it also has to take into account the emotions of the people below, right?

Zhang Jizhong said very domineeringly: "You don't have to worry about this matter. They can do whatever they want. If we don't answer, what can they do? Can they rush in? Lend them the courage to see who dares to do this. , it’s fine if we don’t refute the rumors. They can write whatever they like, as long as they don’t spread rumors. As for the interview, let’s see what Ye Ming means. This guy is very cunning. Don’t underestimate him.”

Zhang Jizhong always felt that he could not see through Ye Ming. Therefore, when it came to such a problem, Zhang Jizhong wanted to see how Ye Ming handled the matter. Just as we were talking about Ye Ming, Ye Ming and Miao Yi came over.

Huang Jianzhong immediately said: "Ye Ming, you came just in time. The reporters are outside, waiting to interview you. Look, how should this matter be handled?"

Looking at a star's crisis public relations skills, you can also see how far he can go. Ye Ming has always handled such issues very well. This time Huang Jianzhong also wanted to see with his own eyes what Ye Ming is like. Made like this.

This matter, no matter how it is said, must be handled properly, and it is obviously not possible to hang up reporters. If Zhang Jizhong loves someone, Huang Jianzhong, as a director, cannot do this.

Ye Ming was not fooled at all, and directly shirked the responsibility and said: "Director Huang, I need to make this matter clear. What's waiting for me? It seems that I provoked those reporters. This was provoked by the crew. This It has nothing to do with me directly. Can't you just watch and deal with it? You don't know what the matter is like. Speaking of which, I went to pick up Sister Qing for work, right? "

Huang Jianzhong said with a smile, "Boy, don't do this with me. Anyway, you took care of those reporters today. Don't always block our crew." "

Ye Ming wanted to shirk the responsibility, but Zhang Jizhong and Huang Jianzhong were both here. How could these two old foxes be fooled so easily? Ye Ming was a man of two generations, but these two people had also come through strong winds and waves, and they were not fuel-efficient lamps.

Ye Ming immediately changed the subject and said: "Let's not talk about it for now. What's wrong with Sister Qing? It's Ye Ming's problem. How is Sister Qing's mood? As a director, you have to pay attention to the emotions of the actors. This may be a little bit troublesome for Sister Qing. Influenced."

Xu Qing is actually what Ye Ming cares about the most. Reporters, they can write whatever they like. Ye Ming doesn't take it to heart at all. Those who come out to fool around will always have to pay back. Ye Ming believes this very much. But this matter is actually somewhat unfair to Xu Qing.

As a director, Huang Jianzhong is quite qualified. Knowing this, he immediately went to see Xu Qing's situation. Therefore, he said with peace of mind: "Xu Qing, don't worry about me. I have gone to see it. This is A very qualified veteran actor.

He is not very old, but he is also an actor with many years, so he is naturally able to bear it. Moreover, Xu Qing has a good attitude towards life and does not pay attention to some things at all. Therefore, Xu Qing's emotions are not a problem and will not It will not affect the filming and there will be no accidents. I am completely assured of this. "

Xu Qing is a person with mental mysophobia. A person like this is destined to be very indifferent. She has a no-nonsense attitude towards things that she doesn't like. Are the scandals about reporters not a thing at all? Naturally she took it as a joke.

Xu Qing has not been in the entertainment industry for a year or two. Ten years are enough for Xu Qing to have enough time to understand what the entertainment industry is like.

Hearing that Xu Qing had no problem, Ye Ming said with relief, "If that's the case, then it's settled. Since Sister Qing has no problem with this matter, what do we care about it?"

Ye Ming's attitude on this matter is similar to Zhang Jizhong's. Huang Jianzhong looked at Zhang Jizhong and found that the two men were surprisingly consistent in how they dealt with problems.

At that moment, Huang Jianzhong said worriedly: "It's okay to ignore this matter. This matter is not as simple as you said. If it is just a few reporters, then there will naturally be no problem with this matter. But this is a matter of fear. There are people behind this who are adding fuel to the flames. They have ulterior motives, otherwise there wouldn’t be so many reporters. It’s better for you to go out and deal with it. Otherwise, it’s hard to say what the reporters will write about tomorrow.”

It is inappropriate for Huang Jianzhong to let these reporters write. Isn't this just making the masterminds behind the scenes proud? (To be continued)

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