Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 462 The Director’s Decision

The next day, Ye Ming also started preparing very early. Any film award is worthy of being taken seriously by actors, because when you respect film awards, you respect the film itself. Wearing a dragon-patterned trench coat, she was quite stylish when walking on the red carpet. She murdered many reporters. At this time, Zhang Ziyi was also wearing a bright red bellyband modified into an evening dress, which looked very elegant.

But when it comes to what really attracts attention, it is Ye Ming's dragon-patterned windbreaker, which reveals his true domineering attitude and demonstrates a domineering and domineering attitude. What Zhang Yimou said is correct. At the Berlin Film Festival, modesty is useless, especially for Eastern movies. If you are blindly modest, it will always make people look down on you.

In such a situation, Ye Ming's dragon-patterned windbreaker gave people a shocking visual impact. Although not all reporters could recognize that it was a dragon pattern, the domineering look of the dragon pattern on his body was still the same. It became the center of the entire red carpet.

Even if they are enveloped by Zhang Yimou's momentum, Westerners have a good appreciation for tasteful clothes. The red carpet of the Berlin Film Festival is also a gathering place for the fashion industry, including Armani, Versace, Prada, etc. When all kinds of famous brands compete for beauty, they all want to dominate the crowd and come out on top on the red carpet. However, at this time, several people in the fashion circle have truly appreciated what it means to wear domineering clothing that is full of masculine atmosphere. Ye Ming's windbreaker truly illustrates this point.

In the red carpet scene, a glamorous woman in a candlelit costume waved to her subordinates and said: "Simon, this Oriental is nice. I'll take my business card to contact him later. If you have any Maybe invite him to lunch tomorrow." Simon said very confidently: "Don't worry, Miss, I don't think any star can refuse Versace's invitation."

The cold and charming woman snorted twice and said: "Simon, you'd better put away your cynical face. Although I may not be very accurate in reading people, through clothing, I can also be very accurate." You can clearly see the domineering character of this oriental man. You have to be polite. If you screw up, be careful and I will deal with you. Versace and I are not the only ones on the red carpet in Berlin."

At this time, only this cold and charming woman knew best that Versace was slowly going downhill with the passing of his emperor. Whether she believed it or not, Versace's influence was shrinking day by day, even though it seemed like it now This shrinkage is very slow, but it is an indisputable fact. Even if she is the emperor's sister, even if he is Versace's princess, she still lacks the domineering style of her brother.

But this time, when she went to the Berlin International Film Festival to relax, she accidentally caught a glimpse of her brother's domineering charisma exuding from an oriental man. The person who designed this dragon-patterned windbreaker is very lovesick, no matter in terms of design concept, design style, or even his grasp of trends and expectations of the public's psychology. He is even better than his brother. More domineering and unparalleled.

It is a kind of domineering and domineering style full of masculinity. Therefore, at this time, the cold woman wanted to know who designed Ye Ming's windbreaker.

At this time, another old man with snow-white hair greeted his assistant, pointed at Ye Ming and said, "Contact me about this man. I want to see him." As soon as the old man spoke, people around him were attracted. Some celebrities were surprised for a while, and even Moritz, who was sitting next to him, was very surprised and said: "Mr. Armani, is this person really worthy of your popularity?"

This is Giorgio Armani, the real emperor of the internationally renowned brand Ama, the king of fashion who stands at the top of the fashion circle. The overlord who has led the fashion trend time and time again. His words are golden words in the fashion industry. It is conceivable that he actually said he was interested in a young man from the East, which was definitely surprising.

Mr. Armani showed a mysterious expression and said: "Maybe this young man is not worth it, but his windbreaker is very worth it. I can smell it keenly. This is the beginning of a new trend. I I really want to know which oriental designer designed this trench coat."

Moritz became even more strange and asked curiously: "Mr. Armani, how do you know that this was designed by an Easterner? Maybe it was designed by a Westerner, but not necessarily."

Armani shook his head and said: "You don't understand. This mysterious pattern can only be designed by people who truly understand the East, only local people who are born and raised and full of Eastern culture in their bones. It's like an apple." Only in the hands of Steve Jobs is it called Apple. Without Steve Jobs, Apple would be just a relatively large electronics company."

Ye Ming received a lot of attention on the red carpet. Because Ichikawa Kun arrived earlier, he walked on the red carpet first. It only took ten minutes for Ichikawa Kun to walk on the red carpet, but Ye Ming, Zhang Yimou, and Zhang Ziyi It took a full twenty minutes to walk across the red carpet. It's not that Zhang Yimou is greater than Ichikawa Kun. In fact, it took more time because there were many reporters who wanted to take photos of Ye Ming. Therefore, at this time, Zhang Yimou also looked a little unhappy. Ye Ming was taking the spotlight. The entertainment industry was very taboo about this kind of thing happening.

During this trip to Berlin, Zhang Yimou was the well-deserved protagonist. Ye Ming and Zhang Ziyi were just supporting roles. Even if Zhang Yimou wanted to praise Zhang Ziyi, Zhang Ziyi could not ignore the rules and walk in front of Zhang Yimou at this time. She If you can go with Zhang Yimou, that is already a pretty good treatment.

Ye Ming is actually the same. Although Ye Ming's taking over the spotlight is unintentional, he just relies on the style of the dragon-patterned windbreaker. But at this time, Ye Ming broke the rules and made Zhang Yimou feel very unhappy. This is a fact.

At this time, Zhang Yimou originally thought that if he was to receive the award, it might be inappropriate to take Zhang Ziyi alone to receive the award at this time, but now he saw that Ye Ming broke the rules and actually said Some of them robbed him of the limelight. At this time, he quickly started to care about it. After taking a look at Ye Ming, who was smiling at the reporters and looking like he was strolling around, Zhang Yimou finally made up his mind. Take down Ye Ming.

The lively awards ceremony has begun. For directors from various countries participating in the Berlin International Film Festival, what they are most concerned about is naturally who will win the grand prize. The scene was very lively, and the whole hall had a suffocating momentum. People with a slightly lower psychological quality will find it a bit unnatural to walk here.

At this time, Zhang Ziyi's face was also a little pale. The suppression of this powerful momentum made her feel uncomfortable all over. However, under so many spotlights, Zhang Ziyi did not dare to be negligent in the slightest.

If he made a joke on an international occasion like this, he would really be famous. When the award ceremony started, the tense atmosphere reached its climax.

After the Silver Bear Award for Best Short Film, it was time to announce the Jury Prize. German beauty host Eva held the envelope and Moritz announced very excitedly: "The winner of the Jury Prize is."

This award can be said to be the second highest film honor at the Berlin International Film Festival after the Golden Bear. The best short film has nothing to do with most of the directors present, so it didn't attract much attention at all. But when it came to the Silver Bear, the jury's grand prize, many people started to get nervous. Even Zhang Yimou, who said that this was not the first time he came to this occasion, his heart was in his throat at this moment.

Especially you and Moritz, the pumpkin-headed ones, are still trying to whet your appetite and haven’t announced the grand prize for a long time. In such a tense atmosphere, it can almost force out a person's heart disease. Many directors in the audience wanted to go up and beat this pumpkin's head. If you just announced it, it would be over.

Finally, despite the endless calls, Moritz seemed to enjoy everyone's attention. He smiled very happily and said: "[My father and mother], director, Zhang Yimou."

Suddenly, Zhang Yimou's honest shoehorned face finally bloomed with a smile like a flower. It was a worthwhile trip to win the Silver Bear Award. This is the chance to go on stage to receive the award. Originally, Ye Ming also wanted to stand up and see it more clearly, but think about it, this is Zhang Yimou's honor, go up to the stage to receive the award, if the director really has something to do, he will not come, and the lead actor will not come to receive the award. It's impossible, but Zhang Yimou is here, and only he is qualified to receive this honor.

Zhang Yimou accepted the award with a smile and delivered his acceptance speech.

As I walked down, I was invited by reporters, hoping that Zhang Yimou could be interviewed by everyone. At this point, Ye Ming felt that he should also enjoy this kind of interview. As an actor, being able to enjoy such a happy moment may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. That was the Silver Bear Award. Ye Ming might not have expected to stand on the awards stage at the Berlin International Film Festival one day after all his hard work in his previous life.

But under such a situation, Zhang Yimou agreed to the reporters' interviews afterwards, but said to Ye Ming with some regret: "Ye Ming, two people will be enough to be interviewed later. In fact, one person is enough, but with the There’s nothing wrong with bringing a female companion, but it would be a bit inappropriate to bring two people up there.”

In fact, if you take Zhang Ziyi with you, it would be a bit unruly.

But Zhang Ziyi is an actor whom Zhang Yimou supports. Therefore, in such a situation, if the winner brings a female companion, this is not without precedent based on the principle of Western ladies first. Therefore, Zhang Ziyi followed. , although it is a bit against the rules, it can be regarded as passable.

However, it is not impossible for Zhang Yimou to say that he must bring Ye Mingyue back, because this is the jury award. If the director is no longer there, it is not impossible for the leading actor to accept the interview instead of the director, let alone follow the interview, but Zhang Yimou did not do this. (To be continued)

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