Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 438 Everyone gets what they need

Sometimes when foreigners become stubborn, it is very surprising. They can donate millions to charity, but they may be very fussy about parking fees of a few dollars. Because they think charity is charity, even if they donate millions, it is a reflection of their true wishes. But sometimes if you charge someone a few extra dollars for parking, they think it is not what they should pay. , it is not impossible that a lawsuit may arise.

By the same token, foreigners still don’t quite understand some of China’s policies. They think that if theaters are controlled by the government, it may harm their interests. This is why Ai Qiuhua strongly opposes it. an important reason. If things reach such a point, then things become a bit unpredictable. No matter how it is said, under such a situation, the negotiations are on the verge of breakdown. Liu Dong must control the power, and the theater chain of the New Film Alliance must be in his own hands. In this way If so, they will have real initiative in determining the box office share.

When Ai Qiuhua is like this, he will never let New Film Alliance control more than half of the shares. He can let Ye Ming control so many shares. This is because Ye Ming is a private company, but New Film Alliance is an administrative company. As an official company, this makes Warner Brothers feel a little worried. At this moment, the two people were facing each other tit for tat, neither giving in to the other.

Ye Ming came out to play cards and said in an embarrassing situation: "This issue does not need to be so tense. What Liu Dong wants is just control. As long as Liu Dong really supports me in establishing the website, then at this time, I It is not impossible to give up control. According to President Ai Qiuhua's wishes, I hold 134% of the shares, and Warner Brothers and New Film Alliance each hold 33% of the shares. I We and Time Warner can give up control, but New Film Alliance must not do anything that harms the brilliant theater chain, otherwise we have the right to join forces to take back the control of the board of directors. This is not to say that there is no precedent in the world."

This was later taken to the extreme in Alibaba. Originally, the founder's shareholding was only about 123%, but the founder had expanded voting rights to 100%, which means that as long as the shares controlled by Alibaba If it is no less than 11%, then the founder will be able to control Alibaba, and the remaining investors can only wait for the money without decision-making power.

Ye Ming also learned from such a system, allowing New Film Alliance to have control, which will be very beneficial to Brilliant Cinemas in a short period of time, because then Brilliant Cinemas will be able to use the resources of New Film Alliance to develop, and now Brilliant Cinemas What theater chains lack is actually opportunities for development.

Hearing Ye Ming's proposal, Ai Qiuhua said: "I don't object to this. As long as New Film Alliance does not have absolute controlling rights, then it is not a big deal at this time."

In fact, Warner Brothers does not say that they care so much about who controls the brilliant theater chain. What they really care about is that New Film Alliance cannot have absolute controlling rights. This is Warner Brothers' uneasiness about New Film Alliance.

Director Liu also thought for a while and said: "What the New Film Alliance wants is control. As long as you agree to give us control, then this is not something that our New Film Alliance cannot accept."

Because in the eyes of Director Liu, in fact, at this time, Ye Ming also has 134% of the equity, which in total is always more than Warner Brothers. This person must always be easy to talk to, and the above What the leaders want is control. What changes will the provincial Brilliant Cinemas have when determining the box office share?

As long as the box office share is determined, then on this issue, even if Ye Ming and Warner Bros. renege, the box office share has been determined, and New Film Alliance will not be afraid. At this time, no matter what it is, on such an issue, whether Director Liu can complete the task assigned above, the number of shares does not have much impact.

The matter was settled like that, the two parties signed a contract, and New Film Alliance officially took control of the brilliant cinema chain. Before the start of the Lunar New Year season, people from the New Film Alliance suddenly announced that they would officially join the Brilliant Cinemas chain, and the partners are Brilliant Films and Warner Bros. This matter will always have a certain impact, but the impact at this time still exceeds Ye Ming expected. Wang Zhongjun and Zhang Weiping worked together to find Ye Ming in order to confirm the authenticity of this matter.

After hearing Ye Ming's affirmative answer, Wang Zhongjun said with some frustration: "Manager Ye's actions like this are undoubtedly attracting wolves into the house. Such a thing was done by the people of the New Film Alliance.

Without the obstacles of private theater chains, they can easily determine the box office share. This is very disrespectful to us. Do you know what the result will be? "

Hearing Wang Zhongjun's tone, it sounded like he hated iron for not becoming steel. But at this time, Ye Ming said with a smile: "What's the big deal about this matter? I know how to run, it's just a share of the box office. In fact, before this happened, I knew that New Film Alliance consciously wanted to determine the share of the box office. Last time Director Zhang and Director Feng, I and I worked together to force the palace, which made the people above very angry. Therefore, at this time, the actions of the New Film Alliance people were very normal, 135%, right? I think this will be a real box office share, and it will become a routine in the future. It will not be easy to change this box office share by then."

Zhang Weiping's eyes widened. He heard that Ye Ming actually knew the secrets here, but he never expected that Ye Ming would agree to this request, because this not only pushed Ye Ming himself to the forefront, but also The entire private film market has been pushed into the abyss.

At this time, Zhang Weiping said earnestly: "Since Mr. Ye knew about this situation, why did you agree? Don't you think you don't know how much trouble your actions will cause to private film companies in such a situation?"

Ye Ming nodded very relaxedly and said: "I know this, but think about it, if I don't agree, the one who will be really hit is our brilliant film and television family, but you have no problem, hiding Behind my back, let us Huihuang Film and Television bear the wrath of the New Film Federation. If I agree, we will all bear the monopoly regulations of the New Film Federation. It will not change until someone establishes a private theater chain again in the future. Friends who die will not die in poverty. Dao, what obligation do I have to protect all private enterprises from mines? When we, Huihuang Film and Television, are in danger, you guys don’t have anyone to lend a hand to help. It’s good if you don’t add insult to injury. I That’s right.”

These words left Zhang Weiping and Wang Zhongjun speechless. Yes, in such a situation, they themselves also thought about this problem. What the people of the Credit Company did in such a situation was absolutely incredible. Yes, if Ye Ming dares not to agree, he will definitely kill Huihui Film and Television. Think about it, will he help Huihui Film and Television by then? That part-time job is a certainty. Ye Ming has a saying that is true, die Taoist friends are immortal and poor, so what obligation do I have to defend you against thunder?

Brilliant Film and Television does not have such an obligation. Originally, he wanted to mobilize a large number of people to question the crime, but in the end, he was stabilized by Ye Ming's words.

And they also understand Ye Ming's plan. Even if they give up the control of Brilliant Cinema, they still have 34% control of Brilliant Cinema. When the time comes, dividends and other things will definitely be better than Huayi. Brothers, Xinhua Noodles and other private companies are going to take advantage of this. This is Ye Ming's plan to build plank roads openly and covertly to defeat Chen Cang. At this moment, Zhang Weiping and Wang Zhongjun had no choice but to leave.

The matter has become a foregone conclusion. They originally wanted to see Ye Ming to see if there was any remedy. Putting Brilliant Film and Television in the front to resist the thunder was the best option, but Ye Ming was not fooled. This matter was just a matter of time. There is no possibility of any change, so at this time, they are very clear that private film and television are still living in winter, and the real spring has not yet arrived.

At this time, after Ye Ming returned to the office, Sister Fang Fang said with some confusion: "Boss, I actually don't understand either. It would be very convenient if we could have a theater chain. Why do you have control over it?" Give me a break, my uncle also made a movie, but why it failed is because he didn’t have the support of his own powerful theater chain, so you are following his old path."

Shaw Brothers has made a movie, what's the secret of this one, and it failed in the end and ended sadly. If it weren't for the strong backing of TVB, Shaw Brothers Company might have closed down due to the failure of the movie. Although there are many factors such as the departure of directors and actors, there is no strong support from private theaters. This is also a very important privacy issue. In such a situation, what does Sister Fang think of Ye Ming? They all need to have their own private cinemas. In this case, it will be easier to seize the initiative.

Ye Ming said confidently: "Actually, you don't understand this problem. This is not a Hong Kong city. Our brilliant film and television industry is not Shaw Brothers. We have our own way of playing. Besides, how do you think I will fail? Website , this dish is the real focus of our work. In fact, theater chains should also pay attention to it, but private theater chains will not have major development until three or four years later. Our steps are a little bigger, so at this time we will We must accept the cooperation of the New Film Alliance and move it to the website at this time. We can achieve this, but it is not easy.” (To be continued)

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