Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 436 Cinema Crisis

Zhang Yimou's movie, "My Father and Mother", starring Ye Ming and Zhang Ziyi, cannot be missed. Even if Ye Ming participates, the focus of the media is still only one, Zhang Yimou, a great director who won the Golden Lion Award. , this is the pride of China, therefore, the entire premiere ceremony is like Zhang Yimou's personal show.

Just like after the bustling, what was left behind was loneliness. It can be seen that Zhang Yimou's fatigue after the premiere was deeply rooted in the wrinkles on his forehead. The red Zhang Ziyi showed her delicate and beautiful face like a blooming flower. It has to be said that Zhang Ziyi, who is under the spotlight, also shows her youthful and beautiful appearance at this moment.

No one's success can be underestimated. Zhang Ziyi has the help of noble people to be able to reach the level of an international movie star, but her own efforts and being able to seize the opportunity are also very important.

The movie "My Father and Mother" did not disappoint. Newcomer Zhang Ziyi's performance is remarkable, especially Ye Ming's acting. There are not many people who have been out of the country alone. You can tell how this movie is. It is Zhang Yimou's work that praises Zhang Ziyi. The whole movie is quite simple and clear, but it is also beautiful, as fresh and pleasant as a pastoral tune.

The entire media is full of praise for the film, and there are always voices that disparage Zhang Yimou. However, in the face of Zhang Yimou's achievements, these voices were quickly suppressed by the rolling tide. bingo.

Speaking of Ye Ming, there are not many real frontal shots of Ye Ming in the movie, but the light shines like the sun on the entire sky, especially when he first saw Zhao Di and Zhang Ziyi, that look in his eyes and that momentum were definitely It was a stroke of genius that made people's eyes bright. On the contrary, Zhang Ziyi's momentum was suppressed in front of that camera, leaving no room for resistance.

Professionals can see why there are fewer scenes for Ye Ming. That’s because Ye Ming put too much pressure on Zhang Ziyi. Even the scenes of Ye Ming later suppressed his acting performance. , but the suppression of Zhang Ziyi was still obvious. Therefore, when Zhang Yimou was editing the scenes, he edited out some of Ye Ming's scenes.

Fortunately, Ye Ming didn't say anything when he saw the movie. This made Zhang Yimou take another high look at Ye Ming. If it were him, Zhang Yimou himself might not even say that there were too many possibilities. I thought I could bear not asking.

At the celebration banquet after the premiere, Zhang Ziyi was in high spirits, as proud as a peacock enjoying her own glory. At this moment, Ye Ming was facing the camera in a low-key manner, without any publicity, and watched from the side with Zhang Yimou. During the entire celebration banquet, Zhang Ziyi understood very well that this was the opportunity Zhang Yimou had won for herself. Otherwise, Ye Ming's limelight would definitely overshadow her at this time.

Zhang Yimou accompanied Ye Ming in a corner. Looking at the lively scene in front of him, he said, "Do you feel that you are at a disadvantage? Your performance in the movie is very good. Many of the shots are perfect. However, your performance was so good that I had to edit out those scenes of yours, otherwise, the whole film would be dominated by the guest star, and you would have given Quan Bu the limelight to Zhang Ziyi."

Contrary to Zhang Yimou's expectation, Ye Ming was not angry at all and said calmly: "After reading the script, I knew that Zhang Ziyi was the real protagonist, and Sun Honglei and I were just supporting actors. But, what's the point? I just As an actor, I want to enjoy the process of acting. How to perform is my job, and how to edit the movie is your job as a director. This is understandable."

Zhang Yimou was stunned, and then he said with a look of realization: "Well, I really forgot that you are a director yourself, so your perspective on the problem is different. However, among young actors, there are It’s rare to see someone with a mentality like yours. Let me tell you something, someone is thinking of attacking your theater chain. You should be careful yourself."

Ye Ming said with a smile: "Is there someone from the New Film Alliance? I've heard about it. It seems that the last time we forced the palace had some sequelae. We wanted to change the box office share, but it made some people unhappy. Therefore, I just thought of integrating the theater chains of the New Film Alliance and unifying the box office share." In fact, after Ye Ming learned about such a problem, he knew very well that someone in his theater chain was jealous.

Seeing that Ye Ming didn't take this matter seriously, Zhang Yimou said curiously: "Aren't you angry? You established the Brilliant Cinema with your own hands, and if someone took control of it like this, you don't have a single A little bit of anger?”

Ye Ming said with a smile: "I actually take this for granted. If I want to control the theater chain, it will make some people uneasy at a time like this. Therefore, in such a situation, even if they It is reasonable to want to take it back, but how to take it back is hard to say. If you want to pick peaches halfway, you must have the ability of the Monkey King."

Now, Zhang Yimou also found that he could no longer see clearly what kind of identity Ye Ming was. It seemed that when faced with this kind of life and death, he didn't take it seriously at all.

In fact, Ye Ming knew that he was a little impatient about this matter. It was more economical to establish a theater chain now, but some people above him looked uncomfortable.

But if we want to take back the brilliant theater chain, it is not that simple. It must get the nod from Warner Bros. After all, Warner Bros. and Ye Ming are in a cooperative relationship. At this time, without the nod of Warner Bros., New Film Alliance will not be able to do it. Ways to take back the brilliant cinema chain.

Sure enough, Ye Ming's guess was very correct. Within a few days, Ai Qiuhua called Ye Ming to discuss the matter of Brilliant Cinema. When they arrived at Ai Qiuhua's office, what surprised Ye Ming was that this place not only had Ye Ming alone, but also Chairman Liu of the New Film Alliance.

After seeing this situation, Ye Ming immediately understood what was going on. When Ai Qiuhua saw Ye Ming coming, he said simply: "Mr. Ye, you are here, let's start talking about the problem." . Chairman Liu of New Film Alliance came over and said that he wanted to acquire the shares of Huihuang Cinema. I don’t know what Mr. Ye thinks of it.”

If Ye Ming was a normal partner, then Ai Qiuhua wouldn't have to go to such trouble to invite Ye Ming over at this time. In fact, it's because Ye Ming is a partner with Warner Brothers, Harry Potter The copyright belongs to others, and Warner Bros. has to pay attention to Ye Ming's opinion on such issues.

Of course, the New Film Alliance represents the Radio, Film and Television Administration, which Warner Brothers dare not ignore. Therefore, we simply invited both families over to discuss how to solve the problem.

What Warner Bros. wants is just profit. As for who to cooperate with, as long as there is enough profit, then who to cooperate with is not cooperation? Ye Ming said very simply: "I have no objection to the acquisition. If there is one more person to cooperate, it will also be more strength. However, we have to talk about what kind of acquisition. What are your conditions, Director Liu?"

Ye Ming's answer surprised Ai Qiuhua and Liu Dong. Will Ye Ming give in so easily? Obviously it was impossible. In fact, Liu Dong was already prepared for Ye Ming to open his mouth, but Ye Ming was so easy to talk and agreed immediately. This surprised him.

At that moment, Director Liu said with some confusion: "Mr. Ye agreed so easily?" Ye Ming said very definitely: "This matter is inevitable. Even if I don't agree, are you willing?"

It is true that Ye Ming does not have to agree, but the people from the New Film Alliance will never give up. This brilliant film and television must be in their own hands. Therefore, in such a situation, even if If Ye Ming didn't agree, Director Liu would also think of other ways to win over the Brilliant Cinemas.

Therefore, Director Liu said very definitely: "This is the general trend. The division of theater lines must be fixed and cannot be changed casually. Therefore, the brilliant theater line has become a top priority. If It means that all the other theaters of the New Film Alliance have a unified box office share, but you have your own independent rules for Shansi. This server meets the needs. Mr. Ye is also half of the system. You should understand that the above will not watch This happened."

Ai Qiuhua interjected: "Does this mean that monopoly generates profits?" These words made Liu Dong almost choke to death. Foreigners speak so directly. Even if they say that this matter is handled this way, but You can't say that either.

However, Director Liu was not like foreigners. He smiled and said with a benevolent expression: "It's not about monopoly, it's about unified action and obeying the organization. Mr. Ye, you can make any demands as long as they are not excessive. I think it’s negotiable.”

This is the bottom line of the New Film Alliance. If Ye Ming's conditions are not excessive, they can be negotiated. In other words, if they are excessive, then the matter will not be discussed, and the New Film Alliance will use other methods to achieve its goals. . This is also a warning to Ye Ming. It’s okay to make conditions, but take it easy.

Ye Ming was not surprised at all by Director Liu's warning. However, he knew that he had to take the initiative in this matter, so he said with a smile: "The first condition is that my New Year's film will be released. , I want the New Film Alliance to give me the treatment I deserve, and I won’t agree if it acts like a [nightclub].” (To be continued)

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