Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 425 is all decided by default

When choosing actors, Rowling actually seems to need the most suitable ones. But at this time, Heyman and Ai Qiuhua don't seem to do it this way. They have their own set of standards. For example, after Tom arrived, Heyman was the first to ask impatiently: "Kid, what I want to know is why you want to participate in the [Harry Potter] audition."

This Tom is worthy of being a seasoned veteran. Although he is still a child, if he can make a name for himself in the entertainment industry, then such a young actor cannot be looked down upon. Therefore, in such a matter, , Tom did not have the nervousness of the previous people, but adjusted his thinking and said: "I want this role because I think he can promote my career to a certain extent. I still believe that Harry Potter will be a big hit, and when the time comes, by doing something like this, I will have the opportunity to enter Hollywood, the paradise that every actor in the Valley longs for."

If you are talking about adults, you may not say this, but as a child, it is very normal to do this. Speak directly of your ambitions. But this is what Harry Potter needs. At this time, Ye Ming finally understood why the child actor named Tom in the previous life could not get the role of Harry Potter.

No matter what the acting skills of this child actor are, under such circumstances, it is impossible for him to get the role of Harry Potter.

At this time, Rowling seemed to realize that this answer was unknown and appropriate, and immediately said in the text: "Tom, you'd better show off your acting skills. Let's perform the first time Harry Potter knew that his parents were the Sorcerer's Stone." That paragraph, I think you should be very familiar with this book."

As a candidate to compete for the role of Harry Potter, Tom did a very good job at this time. Moreover, Harry Potter is indeed a very good children's novel. Therefore, Tom is very familiar with the content of the book. It was very familiar, and it was hard for him to show the expression of Harry Potter at that time.

But at this time, Heyman actually did not give Tom a chance because of this matter, and immediately interjected: "I think this is not necessary. To be honest, this time we have to choose a suitable candidate from ten people to star in Harry Potter, in a situation like this, we have to be more serious. At this time, if all ten people perform, it will be a huge waste of time. I think it is not necessary at all. As for It is said to be Tom's performance, and we have seen his advertisements, so we don't need to evaluate this at all, we should just wait for the next person to come in."

What he said is quite decent. What Hyman did like this was actually out of jealousy. Now Ye Ming was at the scene. If he gave Tom a chance, then in this way In a situation like this, it would not be beautiful if Ye Ming truly sided with Luo Lin.

Therefore, Heyman rudely shouted to stop, and the reason he gave was difficult to refute.

However, how could Rowling let go of such an opportunity? She said firmly: "I think it's better to put on a show, so that everyone can have a more accurate judgment about Tom."

At this time, Ai Qiuhua also stood up and said: "Forget it. Don't waste time on this matter, forget about the performance. My child, recite a classic poem by Shakespeare to me and express it with your richest expression." That kind of mood in poetry.”

Letting Tom perform is not the result that Ai Qiuhua wants to see, but if he doesn't give people a chance, then it's all about seeing what kind of accidents may happen. Therefore, in a situation like this, it is said quietly that those who enter the village do not want to shoot.

It's enough to ask Tom to recite a poem and show off his acting skills.

Therefore, in such a situation, Tom also seized this opportunity and recited a Shakespeare poem with great emotion. To be honest, Ye Ming saw this kind of performance and saw that a child could have such acting skills. It's already quite good. The system scanned it, and Tom's data came out immediately. His acting skills and popularity were actually said to have reached 600, which is a pretty high number.

Even if there are some adult actors, it doesn’t mean that everyone’s data is like this. Therefore, Tom, as a child actor, does not have an unearned reputation. But it is a pity that in such a situation, one cannot be kind to a woman. Maybe Ye Ming really wanted to see Warner Bros. suffer a loss, but for the Harry Potter movie, he still couldn't use this person.

The next one is Daniel, the real Harry Potter. To be honest, Ms. Rowling has never seen Daniel in person, but she only said that she has seen the photo on his profile.

Therefore, after Daniel came in, Rowling was shocked. Harry Potter, this person was the real Harry Potter. The little wizard-like boy with glasses whom he saw on the train seemed to It means that he has returned to his own memory.

Daniel is almost like a real-life version of Harry Potter. It was as if there was a voice deep in Rowling's heart that kept calling, it's him, it's him, no matter what, it's him.

However, at this time, Luo Lin still resisted the call of her heart and sat there as if she were in danger.

You must know that this person was recommended by Heyman. Whether such a person can truly become an actor in Harry Potter still depends on the outcome of this rematch. Rowling did not express her true inner thoughts in public.

At this time, Columbus said without any politeness: "Daniel, what I want to know is, what is your understanding of acting? Have you ever been exposed to film shooting, or even advertising shooting, before this?" It’s a matter.”

This matter can be seen very clearly even in the data, but it is precisely because Columbus knew this that he asked this question at this time.

This is a question he has wanted to ask for a long time. If it can hit Daniel, it will be a good result.

At this time, Daniel said honestly: "I'm sorry, sir, I really don't have any performance experience. To be honest, my father recommended me for this selection. Otherwise, I might not have the chance to stand." On this stage."

This is a typical unintentional story. Therefore, under such a situation, Columbus immediately expressed his opinion and said: "I think it is no longer necessary to investigate further."

Although he didn't say no directly, the meaning of Director Columbus's words was very clear at this time. At this time he refused to accept Daniel as Harry Potter.

But Heyman, the producer, didn't give it for free, and immediately said, "I think it's better to investigate."

At this time, the two sides finally faced each other head-on. In this deadlocked situation, Ai Qiuhua suggested: "Forget it, Daniel, you go out and wait for the notice." After Daniel left, Ai Qiuhua immediately said: "That's it, I think , it is better to vote. Anyway, we have seen all ten young actors. In such a situation, it is better to vote. I think Daniel is more suitable, with temperament, appearance and other conditions. It all fits this factor. I think he is the perfect choice for Harry Potter."

Each expressed their own opinions. There is no doubt that Heyman supported Daniel, while Ms. Rowling hesitated and chose to support Tom. She didn't want to see the person recommended by Warner Bros. now star in the movie. Although she also believed that Daniel was more in line with Harry Potter in all aspects, who made him the person recommended by Heyman?

Columbus, on the other hand, stood with Rowling and supported Tom in playing a role like Harry Potter.

For a moment, the atmosphere at the scene became tense. Two to two, a tie. In such a situation, everyone's attention was directed towards Ye Ming. Now Ye Ming's The vote has become the key point. It is difficult not to attract other people's attention.

Ye Ming said with a smile: "I have heard your decision, and I have also heard your reasons. As far as I am concerned, I still support Daniel. He is the best choice for Harry Potter. If it is If Daniel plays the role of Harry Potter, then I think this little guy can handle this character."

Ye Ming actually said that he supported Daniel. Not only was Rowling very surprised, but even Heyman felt that this matter had some incredible results.

When she returned to the Hilton Hotel's cafe, Rowling asked in disbelief: "Mr. Ye, I don't understand why you support Daniel. He is someone recommended by Warner Brothers."

Ye Ming said with a smile: "Ms. Rowling, haven't you been able to see it clearly until now? In fact, this role has already been pre-determined. It is Daniel. People from Warner Bros. have already decided on the actor. This is just a game. It’s just a game to promote Harry Potter, so no matter who I vote for, the winner in the end will always be Daniel’s, and the default one will always be the strongest. After all, groceries are in China This is the situation in the entertainment industry, and it is also the same situation in the British entertainment industry. It is even said that under such a situation, Hollywood is also in such a situation. There is no way for you and me to change it. What is decided by default is what is decided by default. Yes, no matter how hard you and I try, it’s all in vain. If I had known it would be like this, I wouldn’t have come here.” (To be continued)

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