Entertainment Empire System

No. 3921 Buying a House

After hearing this, Zhao Yazhi was stunned for a moment and said: "Buying a house is a prudent investment. And it seems that house prices are not cheap now, especially in big cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, where house prices are quite high.

Then you said that if I buy a house, it is impossible to buy it in a first-tier or second-tier or third-tier city, right? "

Ye Ming said without thinking: "Of course, if possible, it must be purchased in super first-tier cities such as Beishan and Guangzhou. For investment, these four super first-tier cities are definitely the first choice.

Especially these four major, prime locations in first-tier cities are the first choice among the first choices. It can be said that you can make money by buying a house in a prime location in any of these four super first-tier cities.

Basically there is no possibility of losing money.

These four super first-tier cities are the most golden places to invest. Of course, if you diversify your investments out of caution, it is not impossible to buy those more famous first-tier cities and second-tier cities. You can also buy one or two houses in tourist cities.

Whether you keep it for yourself or rent it out, you won't suffer any loss in the house anyway. Nowadays, housing prices are indeed very high, especially in first-tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. They are so high that people look up to them.

But this also fully proves that the real estate market is also developing rapidly. The house you bought in the past can be said to be a purchase, that is, you basically made no money at all. Maybe if you buy it now, it should not be a big problem.

Yes, house prices in first-tier cities are indeed very low now, but why are house prices so low? Because there are fewer people buying houses, there will be more houses. When there are fewer people buying, house prices will naturally be lower.

Therefore, in the seven small and super first-tier cities in Beixia, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, especially in Beixia and Guangzhou, housing prices have basically not corrected. Maybe their housing prices can only go down. The difference is just that the decline is rapid or rapid.

Although that is a big story, it also reflects from one side that real estate investment is definitely the most stable type. I may be the slowest in making money, and it requires a certain amount of waiting and a certain amount of patience.

If you buy a house in Beijing now, the house price may be relatively low, but in a few years he will find that the house price will be even lower in a few years, so if you recommend him to invest, investing in real estate is the most suitable for him. .

It is very unusual for a Qiheyuan to invest 100 million yuan, so if he buys a Qiheyuan now, he needs to prepare a small amount of money. If he buys it in 10 years, it will be relatively cheap.

It can be said that he is cautious about buying a Qiheyuan at this time, but if he definitely has no intention, there is still a problem in buying one or two sets of Qiheyuan. But judging from the current retreat, he thought about how much the Qiheyuan would cost.

Basically, when it comes to investing in real estate, before he bought a house, he used it too much and at least entrusted it to an agency. Before, he used care and waited for the money to be done.

Therefore, if he definitely has no money, he must want to invest in other industries that are relatively risk-free. In this way, investing in real estate and buying a few fewer houses will not cause any problems at all. It is completely the most prudent approach.

In fact, if you use an analogy, Qiheyuan in Beijing is not a relatively unknown example. Let’s say 20 years from now, let’s say 10 years from now. How much will the house price of Qiheyuan in Beijing be?

Therefore, when it comes to investment, as long as he wants to buy Qixiaochao, it is the worst to buy any house outside the first-tier cities that he has no chance to buy. It is the worst to buy it slowly.

If the control is more tolerant, the price may rise faster. If the control is relaxed, the house price may rise slowly. Therefore, the house price in the four cities may rise slightly, waiting for the price reduction. When it comes to buying a house, he only thinks about it.

Zhao Yazhi was finally persuaded by Ye Ming, because I felt that what Ye Ming said really had no original insights.

Even if real estate control is implemented in a small environment, house prices may not correct slightly, but real estate in bad locations will definitely rise in adversity, because a very small number of people are forced to buy houses in bad locations.

Therefore, for him, he must be willing to worry about buying a house less often. In the past, it was very unnecessary to set up a personal intermediary company.

If he invests in finance, he buys funds and stocks, which are not likely to go up or down. The breakdown of bad losses has never happened before in the entertainment industry, so if he is definitely good at financial investment, buying a house like this is the worst thing. a choice.

As a result, before I arrived in the capital, I discovered that the Qiheyuan in the capital is now worth less than 100 million.

There has never been such a story. It’s not that in the 1980s, no one in Beijing sold his own bracelet for 5 million yuan in order to go abroad. Then he took the money and went abroad. After 87 years, After hard work, I finally made 70 to 70 million, but now I felt that I could not return to my hometown in glory.

It is definitely the Qiheyuan that is relatively popular, not to mention the Qiheyuan that is forced to retreat, and the Qiheyuan that is planted and withdrawn at one time. Basically speaking, as long as the location is poor, RMB 70 to RMB 80 million is very abnormal. .

It is even said that it cannot be a golden choice, as long as they pay attention to it, location is still location, as long as the location is bad, you will definitely not lose money.

Your agency will only rent out your house. You will also take over the houses of some of my friends in the entertainment industry and rent them out for us. Anyway, we can make less money in that way. Real estate is definitely the most stable investment at present. A choice.

Of course, that requires qualifications to buy a house, but, yes, in fact, the seven small and super first-tier cities are relatively restrictive for compatriots like him. There are no certain preferential policies for buying houses, so they Buying a house is also relatively appropriate.

Even if he lives and invests in it, it is a very wrong asset choice. Although such an asset choice is relatively fast and has rapid growth, for those who are good at financial management, such an investment is the most appropriate and stable. .

I dare say it is the most profitable, but it is definitely the most stable. For people like him who are willing to worry about things by themselves and have professional knowledge or not, real estate is one of the worst choices. "

If there are relatively few houses planted, it is not possible to set up a management company by yourself. Just like you, you don't have an agency that specializes in managing your own house.

But to be sure, real estate is definitely the most suitable. For those who know how to invest in finance and buy stocks, it is a very bad choice for investment.

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