Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 410 Star Wars Premiere

This is a feast for the Chinese film collective. Directors and actors of all sizes, as long as they are slightly relevant, must find a chance to enter. The premiere ceremony of Guangming Cinema was initially planned to accommodate twenty colleagues. It was quite crowded, but as it turned out, there weren't hundreds of people on Tuomen Road looking for connections. Even if I just saw them, the names of the remaining people all seemed to have connections. Moreover, it is difficult to refuse anyone. If New Film Alliance wants to develop, it cannot offend everyone.

Therefore, Chairman Liu was in a difficult situation at this time. The premiere of twenty people was already the largest number, and it would be almost impossible to attend any more.

But after seeing the streamlined list, it was impossible to win anyone.

This time Chairman Liu felt a little bit like he had the urge to shoot himself in the foot. This is simply a painful and torturous process. It is obviously said that he will be a credit, but if the premiere ceremony is not handled well, the New Film Alliance may use him as a scapegoat.

Thirty people, it is obviously impossible to sit down on the rostrum. What should we do? It is about to start in half an hour. Reporters have already been waiting at the scene, and the actors and directors are not there. A late one, many people even said they arrived half an hour early. This is simply unimaginable, which shows how great the charm of George Lucas is.

When the time came, Ye Ming came over with Fan Binbin. As he approached, Ye Ming said hello: "Dr. Liu, you are a busy man. You are a landlord today. Why are you here alone?"

Chairman Liu naturally wanted to show off at this glorious moment, but in such a situation, he knew that if he did not solve the current difficulties, he would definitely be in trouble.

His position as chairman is not very stable in the New Film Alliance, and no one will covet his position.

Therefore, many people are actually waiting to see his jokes. At this time, Chairman Liu did not hide anything. After all, Ye Ming was not really from the New Film Alliance, so he let Ye Ming know that it was not a big deal with Ye Ming.

The key is that Chairman Liu wants to find someone to complain to: "Director Ye, don't laugh at me. This time it is urgent. There were originally twenty people on the rostrum, but in the end there were thirty important guests. No one can simplify it. This time It looks like I'm going to be unlucky at a premiere."

After speaking, Chairman Liu sighed heavily. Since he is in this circle, in such a situation, he must abide by the rules of this circle. Once he makes a mistake, he must bear the price. .

At this time, Chairman Liu truly realized the meaning of the words "warmth and warmth of human nature". Ye Ming said with a smile: "This matter is very simple to say the least."

After saying these words, Ye Ming stopped talking. Chairman Liu naturally understood what this matter was about. Originally, there was no way out, but he didn't expect that there would be a bright future in another village. At that moment, Chairman Liu immediately said: "Brother Ye, let me know if you have any clever tricks, and I will give you an extra point of film arrangement in the nightclub tomorrow."

Don't underestimate this point. You must know that apart from Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, the New Film Alliance is not the only one showing "Nightclub".

If you can give Ye Ming one more point, it will be Chairman Liu's greatest right at this time.

Ye Ming wanted this kind of effect. He nodded and said, "It's actually very simple. Remove the rostrum and put six round tables in front. There are only five people at each table for thirty people. It's not too crowded."

At this time, Chairman Liu was fortunately a little confused: "What about the rostrum? A director like George Lucas is here, and it doesn't make sense not to let people go to the rostrum."

If you offend George Lucas, you won't get any good results from him. Ye Ming said very firmly: "This is simply impossible. George Lucas is a director, and there is actually only one protagonist on the scene today, and that is [Star Wars]. As long as you put Star Wars on the chairman On stage, this is the greatest respect for the movie, this is the greatest respect for the director, and it ensures that Lucas will not be angry and will be very happy."

Of course, what a director, whether he is an underground director or a big-name Hollywood director, wants to see most is everyone's respect and recognition for his movies. A word that woke up the dreamer. Upon hearing this, Chairman Liu suddenly realized and quickly asked people to arrange it. The premiere officially began, and it was obviously difficult for reporters to adapt to the lack of a podium layout. However, soon everyone put this discomfort behind them, because George Lucas appeared, a A very gentle old man with a beard, his seemingly wise eyes are full of endless mystery. Everything that happens in the distant outer space is expressed through this huge head.

Lucas's aura was very strong. When he showed up, Fan Binbin, who was chattering non-stop, actually said he didn't dare to speak anymore. That is a kind of deterrence from the superiors. As a giant standing at the top of the entertainment industry, Lucas is qualified to be on an equal footing with the eight giants.

Therefore, as soon as Lucas appeared, for a moment, the whole audience was silent at first, and then there was thunderous applause. Such applause reminds people of the kind of fervent hope, the unlimited future, and the future. hope. It seems that this is also an expectation that Chinese filmmakers have for their film careers. The fact that George Lucas can come over also shows that the development of Chinese films in the past two years has been recognized by this great director, otherwise he would not come over at all.

In this situation, it is impossible for Ye Ming to be ranked in the middle. This time, there are five round tables in the front row, instead of six. Five naturally has the purpose of five. Director Lucas, Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige, Warner Bros. Asia President Ai Qiuhua, Paramount Asia President Mr. Wood, and Chairman Liu of New Film Alliance, this is the lineup at the middle table . It's so powerful that it's shocking.

At least now, Ye Ming is not qualified to sit with Zhang Yimou and others. However, fortunately, there is a place for Ye Ming on the left, where he sits with Feng Xiaogang. The premiere got off to a gorgeous start, and the beautiful host was also very good at stimulating the atmosphere. Chairman Liu also paid attention to Lucas's expression and found that the great director was not unhappy at all. On the contrary, he was full of joy. At this time, a big stone in his heart fell to the ground.

After a boring process, the reporter's question-and-answer session began. A reporter from the Asahi Shimbun stood up and asked: "Director Lucas, this is the first time that Star Wars has been released in China. What do you think of this ice-breaking trip?" How did you watch it, and did the Chinese movies leave any deep impression on you?"

This question was asked in a very high-level way, and he tricked Lucas into saying that the quality of Japanese movies is much higher than that of China, because this is not the first time that Star Wars has been screened in Japan. This little devil's insidious plan was immediately seen through by his Chinese counterparts. But this is an outright conspiracy, and there is no way to break it. At this time, even Zhang Yimou was sweating in his heart to see how Lucas would answer such a question.

Lucas seemed to be aware of the difficulty of this problem, and said with a smile: "China has the largest movie-going crowd in the world. Although the movie theater chain is still in its infancy, it can be seen that they have been Hard work, I very much hope that the Chinese audience can accept my Star Wars, this is my treasure, naturally I hope to be recognized by the broadest audience. As for my impression of China, hard work, Chinese filmmakers, He is the hardest-working filmmaker I have ever seen. God, when we make movies in Hollywood, we actually say there is still Sunday. I heard that this has never happened in China."

Hollywood movies not only have Sundays, but also have an eight-hour working day. If you are a child actor, there are all kinds of harsh conditions that are outrageous. You are not allowed to have night scenes. You must have something to say, and you must sign a very long contract. It is a contract that is humiliating and humiliating the country. Lucas was shocked when he heard about China's film model for the first time.

This is simply a paradise for movie directors. It is normal to shoot a movie in China for two days. The eight-hour working day, to hell with it, if the work can be finished before midnight, it means that the director has a great conscience. Staying up late while filming is commonplace. There is a saying in the Chinese entertainment industry that actors who cannot stay up late are not good actors.

This evaluation made some Asahi Shimbun reporters dumbfounded. China is like this, and so is our Empire of Japan. We are more able to endure hardships than they are.

At this moment, the mustache said reluctantly: Director Lucas, you appreciate Chinese movies so much, so who are the Chinese filmmakers you are most looking forward to? Is there anyone you would like to collaborate with? "This is a huge trap. Sharing a house with George Lucas. Look at who they are. Only great directors like Spielberg are qualified to cooperate with Lucas. Lao Lu's special effects company is the best in the world. Top.

Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige of China, Akira Kurosawa, and Takeshi Kitano of Japan, etc. are all world-famous directors, but it is impossible to cooperate with Lucas. Even if you try to do something for others, you may not succeed. Therefore, even if a great director like Lucas wants to find a Chinese, that is, a small supporting role in a movie, or a martial arts director, it is impossible to be considered a real director. cooperate.

From the perspective of the Asahi Shimbun’s mustache, even our Empire of Japan does not have such a genius. Can China have such a person?

It is simply impossible. The purpose of this reporter from the Asahi Shimbun coming here is now obvious. This is a slap in the face. This is a blatant slap in the face.

After hearing this, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly fell into embarrassment. China's top directors and top actors are all here, and everyone who has a way to get in has come in. But being slapped in the face by a little reporter in front of so many people is unbearable.

Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige have mixed feelings in their hearts. They are the two who truly represent the level of Chinese films. Now they seem to have realized that in such a situation, tomorrow's world-wide The local film magazines will discuss this matter specifically. A chill flashed across Zhang Yimou's eyes. Even honest people sometimes get angry. In this song, Chen Kaige glanced at the Asahi Shimbun's mustache meaningfully. This guy needs to be dealt with.

At this time, it seemed that Lucas also realized something, and realized that he might have jumped into a pit at this time. Before Lucas could say anything, Ai Qiuhua said with a smile: "George, it seems that many people are very concerned about your opinions. You should share your ideas with everyone for win-win cooperation." , this is the kingly way. In Chinese movies, there are also some interesting people who can think about it, and they are worth looking forward to."

Lucas was stunned for a moment. If Ai Qiuhua could say this, it was definitely not aimless. Who is the person he needs to pay attention to? At this time, Lucas scanned it and found nothing worthy of his expectation and surprise.

At this time, Mr. Wood also said with a smile: "That's right, George, you should take a longer view. There are some people in China who are worth looking forward to." Even Wood started to recommend it. At this time, I have to say This made Lucas pay attention, and he said solemnly: "Wood, please tell me clearly. Don't hide it from me." Mr. Wood quickly spoke in a low voice. Lucas frowned first, and then said, "Are you sure?"

Mr. Wood said with great certainty: "Emotions, can I lie about a question like this? I didn't come here alone. Almost everyone in Hollywood knows about this, and only a technical geek like you doesn't know about it." What about this kind of thing? Is a person like this with such vision qualified to cooperate with you?"

After hearing this, Lucas pondered for a moment and said, "If this is really the case, does that mean there can't be a basis for cooperation? It's interesting. I didn't expect that when I came to China, I just walked around casually. I never expected to meet such an interesting young man. It’s not easy, it’s really not easy.”

For Lucas, this time, it was actually more like going on a trip. He didn't take this matter into his mind at all. (To be continued)

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