Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3770 Accident

Wang Xiaoshu originally planned to deceive one of them, but Ye Ming was not fooled.

This is actually a method of sharing risks. This method is very common in the entertainment industry.

In fact, in the entertainment industry, unless it is an official one, such as China Television or higher, otherwise, under normal circumstances, when investing in a movie, it is rare for you to invest everything yourself.

Generally speaking, if a movie or TV series project wants to be approved, there will usually be a leader, but if there is a leader, he will definitely recruit some colleagues with better relationships to share the risks. For example, Wang Xiaoshu does this. .

Wang Xiaoxiu and his company want to invest in a science fiction movie, even if it is pseudo-science fiction, but they do not want their company to invest in such a movie alone.

Well, this rarely happens in the entertainment industry, so Wang Xiaoshu thought of dragging Ye Ming into trouble.

Of course, in the entertainment industry, this method is definitely a way to share risks, but another point is that in the entertainment industry, under normal circumstances, you should not eat alone, unless you have an official background, otherwise you should not eat alone.

For example, it doesn't matter if it's a movie or TV series with a certain designated task level, but generally speaking, this is not the case. If a company invests in a movie or TV series, it will be able to eat alone and eat alone. If it is alone, it will be difficult to survive in the entertainment industry for a long time. To stay.

So under normal circumstances, even if it is one of the three major film and television companies in the entertainment industry, if they want to make a project movie or TV series, then in such a situation, they will not take all the investment themselves, and they must recruit some peers. Buy shares and attract some peers or powerful individuals with good connections to join the company.

It is even said that there are some super kings and queens who can use their own remuneration to invest in shares. This is a relatively established rule.

Ye Ming rejected Wang Xiaoshu, but had no intention of continuing to discuss this issue. He said directly, "We can't talk about this anymore. At least for science fiction movies, our company really has no plans to enter the market at the moment." , at least now it can be said that there is basically not much success in the science fiction market in the entertainment industry.

At least now is not an opportunity for our company to invest in science fiction. Maybe it will be possible at some time in the future, but at least not now. So in this case, I don’t want you to get into the field of science fiction movies casually.

Even if your science fiction movie is pseudo-science fiction, the same principle applies. As for our company's next investment projects, that will at least wait until I get the company straightened out. Think about it, if I set up my own film and television company, it won't be as simple as I did on my own before.

In the past, I was not afraid of offending people even in the entertainment industry, but in this situation, I am no longer alone. I have to be responsible for our company and the actors who participate in our company.

Those actors believed in me, so they joined our company. Although there are not many such people, but in this case, I also want to get this thing done. At least I have to get our company done first. good.

Then if there are suitable investment opportunities in the future, whether it is a movie or TV series, then we can have the idea of ​​​​further contact. "

Wang Xiaoshu smiled bitterly and shook his head and said: "Let's stop this matter. When I came here, my dad wanted me to ask you if you were interested in this. After all, the chance of making money is still very high. .

Although I am quite disappointed with some things and have not been able to achieve the best, but in fact we have done quite well. If you are added to this, then there is no possibility of losing money in this part of the movie. Extremely large. "

Ye Ming also said quickly: "Of course I don't want to miss out on making money. I've also thought about this science fiction project your company is doing, although I haven't seen the entire script.

But according to your plan, it’s just cutting leeks, so the focus is on the box office in the first three days. If the box office can go up in the first three days, the result will be good.

But if the box office in the first three days is not that good, then it’s hard to say. Of course, this is just a guess on my part and should not be taken seriously.

I really don’t want to cooperate. As I said just now, if there are suitable movies and TV series in the future, it is not impossible for us to cooperate, but at least it is not this time.

Wang Xiaoshu didn't know how to answer these words, but he sighed and said: "I originally wanted to pull you up, but then, I started to do something, so I would ask you to do the work, but it didn't happen. Thinking of you, I wouldn’t agree.”

Ye Ming answered this point with 10% certainty: "This question, even if our company does not invest in your movies, science fiction movies, we can still cooperate directly.

For example, if you want songs, then you can contact me, Taozi, your store, well, I won’t do this for the time being, it’s too distracting, I can’t do it, I don’t have the ability to do it at the same time Control three things together.

But I don’t invest in your movies. I don’t have the songs in your movies or anything like that, so I say I won’t cooperate or anything like that.

After all, if I invest in a movie, I will have to distract myself from paying attention to your movie, but if you ask me to decide on a song, then this matter will be easier to handle.

Song writing is not a waste of time. Especially for me, song writing is relatively easy and does not waste too much time. In this case, there is no problem in cooperation.

But the key point is that we have to stipulate specific obligations in the contract, as well as the consequences of breach of contract. These must be written down.

If you want me to write the course alone, then we don't even need to sign the contract.

But this is a project of your company, and your company is not just yours, but also has many shareholders. So if we cooperate with your company, we must publicize the public contract and other things, and we must prepare them. .

After all, if I cooperate with your company, the two contracts will be re-signed, which is simply outrageous. "

When Wang Xiaoshu heard this, he nodded with certainty and said, "Of course it's like this. Our company paid for you ourselves. We originally planned to get you on our ship, but in the end you didn't get on board at all. The pressure was all of a sudden But it was transferred to me.

But if you can help us write songs, it’s a good reward. "

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