Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3767 Traffic

Wang Xiaoshu said nonchalantly: "Of course I know about these problems. Anyway, this is basically the case for people who play science fiction in our circle. The eldest brother, let alone the second brother, it's not like others don't know how to sell dog meat like a sheep's head. Anyway, as long as it sells well and promotes well, other problems are not big.

Besides, I know that the investment in hard science fiction you mentioned is very large. In terms of special effects, especially props, it is also very expensive. I guess no one in China dares to do that at least so far.

Good guy, if you want to invest in a science fiction movie with high quality and quantity, two to three hundred million is the minimum amount. Maybe it will be more. With just such a sum of money, even if I have money to invest in real estate, it will be much more. OK.

A science fiction movie among investment movies. It is possible to hit it in your hand.

Think about it, for a science fiction movie with an investment of 300 million yuan, the box office must be at least 800 million yuan to be able to maintain capital.

In this case, who can guarantee that some movies will have a box office of more than 800 million? I guess even the two most famous masters and other directors cannot guarantee that their science fiction movies can achieve such a level. A box office.

And domestic science fiction, to be honest, even people in our country are unwilling to admit it or watch it. Think about it, those of us who make movies will actually engage in hard science fiction. This is basically impossible to achieve. a thing.

Everyone knows that science fiction makes money, but everyone also knows that science fiction only makes money if it is done well. If you want to do it well, you have to invest money. If you want to invest money, you must have a guaranteed box office.

Without a guaranteed box office, no one would dare to invest money casually, so this is an endless cycle.

As for the people in the planning department of our company, although some of them like to tease me with our salary, they still have brains anyway. They also know that it is best not to touch our company if they want to, so what they proposed this time is actually a form of using traffic to harvest leeks under the guise of science fiction.

Although our company says it is going to be science fiction, in fact we will still use traffic niches and traffic florets. The current standard model for a movie is 1~2 traffic niches, 1~2 traffic buddies, plus a few veteran actors with acting skills. As long as the script is not particularly disappointing, it will just be enough to harvest fans. Our company will not lose money.

And this kind of science fiction movie is just disguised as science fiction after all. Needless to say, in these aspects, there will definitely not be a lot of investment. Our main focus is actually on traffic stars.

Think about our company, there are so many traffic niches and top traffic people. Eating, participating in variety shows, doing activities, eyesight, etc. are one thing, but at least they have to give them a movie to show off their faces.

That’s why we have this pseudo-sci-fi movie. Although our company’s sci-fi movie is under the banner of science fiction, it is actually just a youth film under the banner of science fiction. It is the type of sweet pet movie, but with a few extra touches. It’s just sci-fi elements and sci-fi scenes.

So you don’t have to worry about the investment. It will definitely not be particularly high. Our company will not spend money on this casually. Many people in the planning department would not dare to mention it. If he dares to propose that our company engage in hard science fiction If so, my father would directly fire me from the football team.

So under such a situation, those people came up with this pseudo-sci-fi form of harvesting leeks.

What our company is arguing about now is not that whether or not this movie can be cast, it must be cast. Even the actors who support our company must be cast in it, but our company also has its own differences.

For example, when promoting this movie in the early stage, we focused on promoting science fiction and then focused on promoting science fiction. Our movie is a science fiction film. This is where our company struggles.

Now, some people in our company support the promotion of this kind of movie with the theme of sex, but there are also some more conservative people who hope that our company will focus on promoting the content. Ours is a science fiction youth film, with youth as the theme. That is, movies that attract traffic and make fans spend money.

So each method in this regard has its own advantages and disadvantages.

But there was no room for debate. In fact, my dad was in such a situation, but it was also a headache. After all, there were some things in our company that my dad couldn't just decide, and some still needed to be discussed with the board of directors.

Especially in this situation, if my dad wants to make a direct decision, there is no need. Precisely because my father gives face to those conservatives, the company has not yet decided how to promote this movie in a more appropriate and prominent way. The key points are also very critical to this movie.

If the focus is not highlighted, then the box office will not be good enough, which is also a problem. So I came to you today. Actually, I mainly want to ask you, based on your experience and your opinion, what should we focus on promoting this time? Is it better?

Ye Ming didn't expect that I wanted to go out and come to him to ask this question, so he thought about it carefully. After about 7 minutes, he said cautiously: "In fact, as an outsider, I It's not easy to get involved. After all, it's an internal matter within your company.

But as a friend, I can tell you that at least so far, the situation of hard science fiction in our country has not really been established. After all, we do not have a benchmark movie that is a true hard science fiction movie.

So our domestic science fiction environment is actually the same thing. Everyone can see that it is a relatively low period.

You may not have noticed that what our country actually calls a science fiction movie, which is not scolded by fans, is a movie called Thunderbolt Beibei filmed more than 20 years ago, and it is also a children's science fiction movie. Think about it. You can only imagine how far science fiction movies have developed.

If any of the remaining sci-fi movies can be considered a blockbuster or a money laundering movie, basically none of them will be criticized by fans anyway.

So our domestic science fiction environment is like this. There is no movie with the same benchmark. This is where we are in trouble. So if your company follows my opinion, it is best to promote youth. Maybe you can highlight youth. come out.

Don't focus on promoting it. You are a science fiction movie, because if you focus on promoting science fiction, it will make the audience and fans have certain expectations for your movie in terms of objective aspects.

When the time comes to see your effective shots, the 5 cent shots will be rubbish shots. In this case, fans and audiences will be very disappointed and they will scold you even more harshly.

But if the focus of your promotion is to highlight youth and the traffic of your company, then in such a situation, after those fans and audiences see your movie, although your special effects shots are very It's just 50 cents, but at times like this, the audience will be more generous to this movie.

After all, your promotion focuses on light luxury, so there shouldn’t be much of a problem with this shot. "

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