Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3745 Cruel words

Master Ma is a martial arts master in the traditional martial arts industry, and he is also quite popular in the entertainment industry. There is no doubt about this.

But Menglong is no ordinary person either. Menglong is an international free-fighting athlete from China, the champion of Chinese free-fighting, and the runner-up of the World Free-Fighting Championship.

It can be said that this guy Menglong is also quite famous in the free fighting circle, and he is not just a second-rate guy on the street who makes up the numbers.

Menglong Yanming and Ma Rulong were born as blacksmiths in their family. The three generations in the family were blacksmiths. It can be said that, at least from the perspective of ancestral genes, Ma Rulong must have a lot of strength.

The physical fitness must be quite good. It would be impossible if the physical fitness is poor. Being a blacksmith, and being a blacksmith for three generations, is quite difficult.

Punting boats, forging iron, grinding tofu, these were the three most difficult jobs in ancient times. It can be said that most people would not choose these three occupations unless they had to.

But people believe that the three generations of Lu Long ancestors were all blacksmiths.

However, when it came to Ma Rulong's father's generation, they encountered a turning point in their lives. For some reason, Ma Rulong's father actually entered a steel factory and then became a city dweller. For a formal worker in a steel plant, that can be regarded as an act of honoring one's ancestors.

At least at that time, being able to work in a factory was an iron rice bowl. Especially for workers in steel plants, it was definitely a real iron rice bowl.

As for Ma Rulong, his health has been very good since he was a child. There is basically no child among his peers who can make Rongrong the best.

Moreover, Ma Rongrong was the sports committee member of her class from kindergarten until she graduated from high school. The position of sports committee member had never fallen to other students.

With Ma Rulong's physical condition, he would definitely be a good hand in a steel factory, but Ma Rulong didn't like blacksmithing very much and always found blacksmithing boring.

And as a sports committee member, Ma Rulong, who loves basketball very much, admires the Menglong team the most. Later, when he entered the free fighting industry, he gave himself the nickname Menglong.

Ma Rulong met his first teacher and was brought into the fighting team at that time. He left after graduating from high school. With such a path of professional fighting, it seems that Ma Rulong was born and exists for free fighting. Same.

When Ma Rulong was 15 years old, he had not yet officially become a professional kickboxing sports basketball. He had already become the provincial and municipal champion of the youth kickboxing competition, and he was a multiple-time champion. This can be regarded as a local reputation.

After Ma Rulong won the national free fighting championship, the title of Menglong almost became an idol worshiped by many young people in the fighting circle.

Many people say that we guys have a bad temper and can get angry easily, but Ma Rulong's talent is so good. After winning the national and only international championship, Bu Mengyu felt a little bit elated. .

In fact, this is the case. This guy Meng Long believes that he has reached the point where his peers can hardly meet opponents in the free fighting circle.

So he began to compete in international competitions. It is true that Menglong is quite talented in fighting, and he actually won the runner-up in the World Free Fighting Championship.

According to Meng Long himself, in the next Free Wave First World Championship, he will go for the championship. As for whether he can win the championship, it is hard to say, but Meng Long’s idea is very worthy of appreciation. of.

So for a time, both the people around Menglong and the media were all praising Menglong, thinking that we were a strong contender for the World Free Fighting Championship. It seemed that Menglong had already obtained this championship medicine. World champion.

Especially in free fighting, if you can win the world championship in this event, it will be absolutely amazing. But this kind of thing means that you can't be arrogant on your own, and you can't be arrogant because of other people's compliments.

Meng Long was like this. Meng Long felt that he had reached the pinnacle of his life, and he no longer knew what his last name was.

Even in the entertainment industry, there are actually very few celebrities who dare to say in public that they are movie kings, that their acting skills are very high, and that they can look down on many of their peers, so this is purely to bring trouble to themselves.

So in fact, generally speaking, whether as an actor or as a freelance manager, modesty is a relatively important existence, but this kind of thing seems to be nothing worth showing off to Ma Rulong.

Ma Rulong doesn't know what humility is. Anyway, he thinks that he is the champion of the national championship and the second place of the world championship. For the free fighting event, that is also quite powerful.

Therefore, Ma Rulong was a little arrogant, thinking that he was a free fighter and a savior. At least this should be the case in China.

So he started to feel in a daze and didn't know what to do. As for young people, it is understandable that they have achieved some results and are praised by people who do not know their last name. This is also normal.

Especially when it comes to being the runner-up in the national championship and the world, for a young man like Meng Long, it is definitely difficult for his peers to achieve this kind of result.

Therefore, at this time, Ma Rulong actually did a very unwise thing, that is, he publicly challenged traditional martial arts on the Internet and publicly challenged martial arts masters.

Since it is an open provocation, of course you have to choose a relatively good target. This target must have sufficient status in the martial arts circle. In this case, it will easily anger Secretary Wu's people.

The second is that it must be someone you are familiar with. If you are familiar with someone, it will not be easy to expose the secret. In fact, Ma Rulong did exactly this. "

Ma Rulong directly chose Senior Brother Ma and Master Ma. Ma Rulong also had his own considerations. That is because if he chose Marx, he would be 70 years old soon. No matter how good a 70-year-old man is, he may not be his opponent. .

In other words, he is not his opponent at all, and he is afraid of being young and strong. This kind of thing is not a joke. Master Ma wants to be famous and has good physical fitness. If he has poor physical fitness, he is the most suitable challenger.

If we are talking about challenging the masters in traditional martial arts, then in this case, Ma Rulong, this kid, said that traditional martial arts are all incarnations of warlocks and have no offensive power, especially when Master Ma has approved a song called Lightning Five. Continuous whipping is just a trick, please don’t take it seriously.

Not to mention that Ma Rulong still had some achievements in these three times. Ma Rulong looked down on Master Ma and quickly became the focus of public opinion. This was the reason for this group competition.

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