Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3739 Confused

Suddenly news came from the entertainment industry. The nearly 70-year-old martial arts master, Ma Dayong, Master Ma, suddenly announced that he would return to the world and compete in the ring.

At that time, Teacher Ma was one of the few well-known martial arts masters in the martial arts world. He had been practicing martial arts for more than 60 years, and he had seen a lot of storms. It was said that he also enjoyed a high reputation abroad.

The No. 72 Hunyuan Thunderbolt Hand is also a famous exclusive secret book. It is said that only the Taoist temple in the mountain in Longmen, the Lion City, practices, and the integration of all the disciples. When he was young, he was also a master who fought all over the world.

That is to say, because of his old age, Teacher Ma gradually withdrew from the world. Later, the situation was like this, and Teacher Ma gradually became Master Ma.

Of course, some people have doubted Master Ma's hand, but most people admit that Master Ma must have Kung Fu. For a man who is almost seventy years old and still in such good health, Kung Fu may not be as miraculous as the legend says. , but at least there are two brushes in the hand.

Now Master Ma said that he will return to the arena and take a written examination. This news has indeed attracted the attention of many people.

You must know that there are actually no big things worthy of attention in the entertainment industry right now. Except for the fact that the second male lead in Jiangnan Film and Television’s big-invested TV series Jianghu Heroes was taken down and classified as a tainted artist, there is no other big news.

Of course, it is just ordinary news that the legend of the new White Snake is on the Chinese stage. Because no one has watched the quality of The Legend of the White Snake. Only those who have really seen the specific content of the TV series The Legend of the White Snake will know that this is a god-level TV series.

Whether it is in terms of ratings or classicness, this TV series can be regarded as a super god-level TV series.

Even among so many classic TV series, this TV series still has its place. It can be said that it was sold out when it was broadcast.

But now this TV series has not been broadcast after all, and the person who invested in this TV series is still a young person like Ye Ming. Whether such a young man is sure that he can control the entire TV series, everyone still doesn't trust this.

Only after the TV series "The Legend of the White Snake" is aired will everyone know what a classic TV series this is.

From the songs of this TV series, Love and One Thousand Years, we can feel that this is indeed a work that can be taken seriously.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to have two such good theme songs and ending songs.

But these are indeed ordinary news, so there are not many big news in the entertainment industry now, and there are not many melons to eat. So the common people are paying attention to Master Ma's return to the world to compete with others.

Ordinary people can know this matter. As the boss of Jiangnan Film and Television, Li Jiangnan naturally knows it very well. After he got the news, he immediately called Manager Ma and said, "Xiao Yu, have you seen this matter?

Why, your master actually wants to come back to the world. Isn't it inappropriate to compete with others at such an old age?

Although I hope that your master can help us, it cannot be done in this situation. If the old man has an accident on the stage, our company will not be able to live without it.

After all, we were the ones who invited Master Ma here. We can’t say that we let Master Ma take risks because we need to attract traffic. Why don’t you tell your master? If it really doesn't work, forget it.

There is no need to make it so big. "

Manager Ma also broke out in a cold sweat at this time. His master is a bit unreliable. Just do it if you ask him to do it. Supporting you in doing things and attracting traffic can reduce the attention of the company.

But he didn't expect that his teacher would actually do this.

So Manager Ma also said nervously: "Boss, if you ask me to persuade my master, I don't think I need to persuade him. My master has a stubborn temper. Once he makes up his mind, even if he hits his head, Nan Qiang, he would not give up so easily.

I never thought that my master would actually compete with others. He is 70 years old. Although he is still very healthy and his face is radiant when he practices martial arts, he is actually a young man after all.

Seventy years are rare in life. My master will soon be 70 years old. Doing something like this is indeed a bit surprising.

But the effect is still very good. Once this news was sent out, it immediately dropped to the top 10 of the hot search list. It can be seen that my master still has a certain influence. Using it to attract the attention of the audience should be a problem. Not big.

However, although it is impossible for me to persuade my master to change his mind, I will advise him to be careful about this kind of thing. If he is prepared beforehand, it should not be a big problem.

He also pays attention to acting on the stage, and he can also pay attention to these things in the ring, but he does it in a more subtle way.

Life is like a drama, it all depends on acting, and the same is true in the martial arts arena. No one knows what my master is thinking. "

After hearing this, Li Jiangnan shook his head and said, "Okay, you just have to know what you're doing, but I'd better advise your master to use other methods. We just want to use your master to attract traffic. You The master's trick is quite unique.

When the time comes, you have to be on the spot as an apprentice. If you don’t go on the spot, what will happen? Don’t worry about the company. I will definitely arrange a publicity meeting to fully cooperate. Your master’s publicity will definitely not lose the chain because of the publicity. This is our company’s greatest support for your master.

Also, go and find out why your master wants to get into the ring at this time. You must know that for a 70-year-old man to step into the ring again, this in itself is a big publicity point.

It seems that your master is quite familiar with the Internet as he is older, but he is not the kind of person who can fool people casually. Why did you use the ring method this time? It is indeed a bit dangerous. "

Manager Ma gave a wry smile and said: "Boss, I just heard about it. I heard before that my master has some conflicts with reporters. It seems that some reporters or fans are causing trouble. I don't know how to say it." , now you are someone who looks down on traditional martial arts regardless of free fighting, boxing, etc.

This makes my master very unhappy. They all think that if they compete directly, everything will be clear. But these bastards don’t want to affect them. They are all young men in their 30s. I The master is almost 70, so there is no comparison at all.

But my master did not back down because of this and agreed to the written test. I don’t know what my master was thinking, but there is nothing wrong with the fact that he did agree to the competition. "

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