Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3714 Confidence

Damimi is considered an old man in the entertainment industry. She knows the unspoken rules in the entertainment industry and knows what kind of position Tianchao TV Station has in the entertainment industry.

Seeing that her boss was so confident, Damimi said with some worry: "Boss, is this thing as simple as you said?

After all, it is China TV. If you want to broadcast it on China TV, even if you know the person, even if I am very confident in our TV series, I believe it is a very good TV series, even if it is a TV series with a very large investment. Jianghu Heroes, our TV series is not bad either.

But that is China Channel after all. You just said that it can be broadcast on China Channel, even if it supports the promotion of traditional culture. Such a document does exist, but at this time, can we be on China Channel? , it may not be certain in such a short period of time.

Even if you know the person, it's hard to tell him, but you can definitely confirm it.

We have signed an agreement of intent with Mango Channel. I believe many people in the entertainment industry know this. Now that Mango Channel has given up on our New Legend of White Snake, I guess this news has also spread throughout the entertainment industry.

Everyone knows that we had a falling out with Mango Channel. Otherwise, Mango Channel would not have given up on our TV series so directly. That day must have known about it.

Tianchao TV has always been relatively neutral. He will not interfere in the grievances and grudges in the entertainment industry at all. Will he agree to broadcast our TV series?

In such a short period of time, we still lack confidence in me. Of course, it would be better if it can be broadcast.

But after all, it is Tianchaotai. It doesn’t mean that you can go up just because you ask. It requires a certain occasion. "

Ye Ming said very confidently: "There are two things you said that are wrong. The first is that we did not fall out with Mango TV.

There are no permanent friends or enemies in the entertainment industry. There are only eternal interests. Although this sentence may seem a little direct and a little dark, it can indeed clearly describe some relationships in the entertainment industry. The presence.

There is no such thing as betrayal. We and Mango TV did not have a real falling out.

It’s just that Mango Channel didn’t cooperate with us, at least on this TV series, and Mango Channel also gave a more reasonable reason.

That is to say, there are regulations from above to promote positive energy and broadcast a modern TV series with progressive significance and common prosperity in rural areas, which replaced our TV series.

What they expressed was very clear. They were not saying that they really had a falling out with us, but that there were regulations from above that a certain amount of evidence must be broadcast every year during prime time on every satellite TV.

So at this time, Mango Channel announced that it would air the main drama, so it conflicts with the broadcast time of our new Legend of the White Snake. This can be regarded as giving each other a step down.

This means that Mango Channel, although it gave up the legend of White Snake because of Li Jiangnan, it does not mean that Mango Channel is willing to fall out with us. It makes sense for others to give such a reason. It means that between us There was no real falling out between them.

If you really want to break up, Mango Channel will not give you any explanation at all, nor will it give you any reason. They will just cancel the contract and be done with it. Now Mango Channel has given you a sufficient reason.

For this reason, whether it is stated publicly or privately, it is a reasonable reason. Even if it is interviewed by a reporter, when we answer this question, we can only say that we are unlucky.

Because TV stations do have certain tasks and must broadcast a certain number of dramas in prime time each year.

This is what is stipulated above and must be broadcast. This is part of the mission. Regardless of the ratings, a certain number of positive TV series must be broadcast during prime time. Therefore, we must recognize the reason given by others.

In this case, we can only say that we do not have enough benefits to defeat Li Jiangnan. If we provide enough benefits to defeat Li Jiangnan, then it is not impossible for our new White Snake Legend to be broadcast on Mango Channel at this time. Possible things.

But at least this time, due to negligence, we did not expect that Li Jiangnan would take action in this regard, so we lost the opportunity. Since Mango Channel has decided not to broadcast our new Legend of the White Snake, at least we will not broadcast it in a short period of time. It may change the decision of Mango Terrace, so at this time we can only think of other ways and Mango Terrace does not need to think about it.

Of course, if we don't give enough benefits, they won't change their decision, and we won't say that we have to pay a higher price to let Mango Channel continue to broadcast the New Legend of White Snake, because in fact, we have a better choice.

Also, what you said is that Tianchao TV is neutral and the TV station is wrong. What you said is wrong. Tianchao TV is a super TV station and it is the only one that exists.

It can be said that among all TV stations, it is no problem to say that it is the one who sets the rules. Therefore, it does not mean that it is necessarily neutral, but that it is somewhat disdainful to compete with the provincial discipline inspection commissions. It is not on the same level at all. Therefore, Tianchao TV is a special existence in the eyes of almost everyone in the entertainment industry.

If our TV series is broadcast on China Channel, its influence will definitely be greater. I said that the time you said was short, of course I know this, didn’t I say it?

With this document and our connections at Tianchangtai, we will definitely be able to jump in the queue more smoothly. As for whether it can be successful as you said, there is definitely no problem.

The General Administration once asked me to attend a meeting before, and some leaders from the General Administration asked me about this issue. They asked me if our company could produce some works that spread traditional culture. This is actually what the leaders are more concerned about.

As long as we can contact our acquaintances at Tianchao Station through the leaders of the General Administration, if you think about the things that the leaders care about, Tianchao Station will definitely have a green light. Originally, I didn’t want to use this kind of relationship, because This kind of thing is a matter of favor, use it once and then less.

But there is no other way. Who would have thought that Li Jiangnan, a shameless guy, would actually do it himself? I am happy that he is my senior. They are all existences belonging to the elder level.

I had some minor conflicts with his son, and it was a bit inappropriate for the old guy to actually take matters into his own hands. So if I just used this relationship, it wouldn't be a big deal.

Let me tell you that if the leader cares about things, small things are also big things. If the leader doesn't care about things, then this matter is not a big deal. "

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