Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3844 Complaint

When President Zhao handles this matter, give me a slap in the face. Although the sweet dates given are relatively small, they are still given to me. From President Zhang’s position, if I can give you a sweet date, that’s enough. Not bad.

Sometimes the association even directly tells everyone that if a certain news report is blocked, they cannot report on this situation. Then everyone must abide by it. If you don't abide by it, you will definitely be severely punished.

Although the association will not easily interfere with some things that happen in the entertainment industry, once the association intervenes in something, it basically represents the will of certain parties.

Therefore, everyone is more considerate to the association. Once the association says what can and cannot be reported, then everyone must abide by it. At least now, it seems that no one is so stubborn that they will casually go to the association to cause trouble.

So at this time, although some of the paparazzi were not convinced, in any case, the matter had happened, and President Zhao also gave everyone an explanation.

At this time, everyone should naturally know what will happen next.

And at this time, Chairman Zhao also arranged the paparazzi, and enthusiastically pulled Ye Ming to basically be in the C position, and then introduced him to everyone enthusiastically, saying: "Today's young people That’s incredible.

Our association also wants to cultivate the rapid development of the younger generation so that the younger generation can take the lead as soon as possible. This is the top priority of our association. As for Mr. Ye Ming, I will not introduce him in detail.

Ye Ming's performance in recent times has been really remarkable, and he is a key target of our association's evaluation of outstanding actors this year.

Ye Ming has made quite impressive achievements in singing, movies, novels, etc., so everyone should report the key points of such positive and uplifting things.

As for the matter of Ye Ming, I will introduce it to you in detail at the meeting later. I hope that everyone will work hard to learn from Ye Ming's positive spirit and contribute to the construction of our spiritual civilization. "

Good guy, this time President Zhao treated the people very elegantly. The points are in the same position as him in C position. This has already shown that he has come to the association. It can be said that Zhao also shows the importance he attaches to Ye Ming. The president attaches great importance to Ye Ming.

You must know that in an official place like the association, there are very strict unspoken rules about who occupies what position.

Although there is no explicit regulation on who should be where, the more unspecified the requirements are, the more stringent they are.

So at this time, who is standing in the first row, who is occupying the C position in the first row, who is occupying the second row, and who is occupying both sides. It is even said that after everyone has occupied the C position in the front row, it will be very clear. The position is reserved.

Because that is the position of a leader, and no actor would be so stubborn as to take that position casually. Even a humble person like Li Tailang would know very well that the C position must be in the group photo. Reserved for leaders.

If you go to occupy that position, you will make yourself uncomfortable. Now President Zhao is very enthusiastic to pull Ye Ming over and pull him to almost the C position. Basically, this position is the vice president of the association. occupied the position.

Since Ye Ming can stand in that position, it already shows that the association attaches great importance to Ye Ming.

In fact, on such a matter, although everyone was already very clear about the drafts of some conferences about reporting on Ye Ming, they were wondering if there were still people who really had such thoughts in Ye Ming.

However, in such a situation, President Zhao actually pulled a direct stander and approached Ye Ming at a position close to the C position. This already showed the association's attitude towards Ye Ming, which was to praise and encourage him. an attitude.

At the same time, it is also to inoculate the reporters and paparazzi on the scene. When reporting on someone, you should report on Ye Ming's achievements, and you should report on Ye Ming's outstanding and positive side.

Don't report on some unhealthy things casually. Although such words do not directly indicate anything, they are a protection for Ye Ming.

At this time, if there are more reporters or paparazzi going to blackmail Ye Ming, it will definitely be suitable for the association to take action against him. This does not mean that Ye Ming cannot be blackmailed, but since the association's rules, at least the president stood up and endorsed Ye Ming for this news. You can't light up the night.

As for next time, it’s okay next time. If you are not afraid of being the defendant, you can go to Baiye Ming, but not this time. This time, President Zhao of the association has endorsed it, which means a semi-official endorsement. When reporters and paparazzi report on Ye Ming, they must consider whether they want to discredit Ye Ming.

Of course, it is almost impossible for Ye Ming to do this, so President Zhao praised Ye Ming emphatically on this matter, which is equivalent to giving Ye Ming a protective shield in this matter.

So after hearing such words, everyone naturally knew very clearly in their hearts how to write about Ye Ming this time.

Naturally, we should focus on these achievements of Ye Ming. So since we write about Ye Ming's achievements and write about Ye Ming's outstanding aspects, who is the villain at this time? Of course, it goes without saying that it is this guy Li Tailang.

So in fact, some reporters and paparazzi who had a good relationship with Jiangnan Film and Television on the scene felt silently sad in their hearts.

This kid Li Tailang is usually arrogant. Even if he causes any trouble in the entertainment industry, Jiang Nan can easily settle it in his mind, so this also creates Li Tailang's arrogant and domineering character.

But it seems that Li Tailang has indeed kicked the iron plate this time. Ye Ming will not be hacked casually this time. Since Ye Ming will not be hacked, then Li Tailang will obviously be hacked this time. A negative example of news events.

This is almost certain, so everyone has an idea of ​​how to write about this matter after returning home.

I really felt flattered by Chairman Zhao's concern for Ye Ming. The association showed so much enthusiasm this time that it was so sincere that Ye Ming could not believe it.

However, since Chairman Zhao gave him face, Ye Ming would definitely keep it. He also said very modestly that his small achievements could not have been achieved without the support of the association leaders and the majority of journalists and fans. He will continue to work hard and strive to create Greater glory and so on.

It can also be seen from this that Ye Ming is quite experienced in dealing with the media in the entertainment industry.

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