Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3795 Deliberately

Wang Xiaoshu is watching Youth with his friends at this time, and the purpose is naturally to support. If he is not named on this show, how can a person of Wang Xiaoshu's level watch a variety show like Youth Idol.

Their lives are beyond the imagination of ordinary people, so it can be seen at this time that after Ye Ming became a youth idol, he had a considerable impact on the ratings of the entire program.

0.3 was just the ratings driven by Ye Ming's appearance just now. Now Ye Ming has transformed a small module in less than a minute.

It was even said that the whole magic took about 20 seconds. As a result, in 20 seconds, the ratings of the show increased by 0.3%. In other words, the program's ratings increased by 0.3 in these 20 seconds. This rhythm is already very surprising.

Now the ratings of the entire program have exceeded 3. If it exceeds 3, it will be a symbol of a hit program. If such a rating continues, or even does not drop too much, then this The standard program is a hit program.

Don't forget that Ye Ming is just the trump card among youth idols, and Ye Ming is not their last trump card.

This situation actually made Director Zhang feel very happy. Although Lenin performed a small magic trick in front of the camera, he did not tell the program team about this, which also caught the program team off guard.

But no matter what, Ye Ming has brought everyone a huge increase in ratings, with the ratings breaking 3. This is actually quite important for a variety show.

This can be said to be the threshold for a variety show. If you cross this threshold, you can say that this show is a relatively popular variety show.

If the ratings of the show continue to increase, then the youth idol will be a real hit.

In fact, the show Youth Idol is borrowed from popular foreign variety shows, which are almost completely ripped off. Therefore, it is very normal for this show to be called a hit in China.

If it doesn't become a hit, it's possible that you didn't pull out the vest thoroughly enough and didn't pull out the magic water. It's like this.

But now judging from the ratings, this show is actually quite thorough. The key to ratings is ratings. Whether it is a program, a movie or a TV series, the key is ratings. Ratings are an important reference target for advertisers to invest.

If your ratings go up, then it’s good no matter what. If your ratings don’t appeal, then it’s not good. This is very crucial. The winner is the king and the loser is the loser. This is the capital now. In the entertainment industry, there is talk of recruiting superstars, but this is of no use.

The key is to look at the ratings. Every period of time there will be a dark horse hit, which means that even a new movie or TV series produced by Xiao Ming with a low cost may also become a hit.

But if the program, TV series or movie is not done well, even if all the big-name stars are invited, it will be very urgent. This is quite critical.

So no matter how you succeed, then whatever you do is right. If you fail, then whatever you do is wrong. Capital is so direct and cruel, so at this time, the ratings of youth idols are now It is a very important sign that it has passed three years.

Although this threesome was just temporarily brought over by Ye Ming, it still proves one point. It proves that the program team did the right thing by inviting Ye Ming over. After all, Ye Ming alone has increased the ratings by 0.6. .

Moreover, under such a situation, Ye Ming had not officially performed the program yet. Ye Ming just performed a small magic trick before the performance, although this was not communicated to the program team.

But because the ratings of the show have improved, everyone thinks that it is simply a fantasy. Of course, if the ratings do not improve, or even drop, then it is obvious that it is self-destruction.

Anyway, if you succeed in the entertainment industry, there will be many people praising you. If you fail, it goes without saying that you will definitely be waiting to be trampled on by others.

This time, Ye Ming temporarily added a small program, and the ratings increased so much, which proved that everyone's expectations for Ye Ming were very necessary, and it was clear that he did not disappoint everyone's expectations.

This time it also helped the program to increase its ratings. The ratings were directly over 3, which meant that the entire program had a good start.

If this trend continues, it is conceivable that youth and idols will stand out in this domestic variety show model, and there will be more follow-up works in the future, but no matter what, let’s talk about the youth idol program.

This live broadcast is a bit risky, and it also won a very big start. In this case, it is a very big praise for the entire program team. Such a ratings may not be able to be maintained forever.

But in fact, the crew is quite satisfied with this start. As for how the ratings will change next, that is the next thing. At least the current ratings are quite good.

This depends on whether Ye Ming's next show will be able to further improve the show's ratings. If it can go further, then even if the subsequent ratings drop, it will not be as low as 3.

If the overall ratings share of the program can exceed 3, then the program Youth Idol will become a hit, which is very important.

Whether the program's ratings can reach a level of three overall is also a sign of whether the program is truly successful. If it has really passed the threshold, then it can be explained to the audience and to the leadership of the TV station. Accounted for.

This is actually a goal that the entire program team, staff, actors, etc. hope for. Everyone hopes that the ratings of this program can be further improved.

After all, if the show becomes popular, it will be beneficial to both the staff and the actors participating. This is also very important. If the actors gain recognition, the program team will have its own achievements. This can be said to be a A win-win or even a win-win situation, after all, both of us will be happy.

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