Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3790 Taking the Stage

As far as the list of this live broadcast is concerned, people within the program team actually know it, but the majority of the audience does not know it.

Therefore, under such circumstances, the appearance of Ye Ming, in front of the TV or at the scene, may be considered to be arranged by the program team, but no matter what, Ye Ming is finally here now of top traffic.

His status in the entertainment industry may not be higher than those of the superstars, but in terms of traffic and fans, he is definitely at the top.

As one of the four top traffic players, Ye Mingna is attractive enough to attract more viewers to watch this live broadcast.

This point is undoubtedly a problem as mentioned above.

And backstage, Director Zhang En also saw through real-time monitoring that the ratings increased by 0.3 percentage points after Ye Ming came on stage.

In fact, this is one of the attractions of top-level traffic. If some people in the entertainment industry must compare with these click traffic, only those top-tier superstars will have a stronger attraction.

But the attraction of those super superstars is the industry, which is accumulated through their own works every month, which is the songs.

As for these top traffic figures, they came out relatively late. You have only been out for two or three years, and you can suddenly reach the top traffic position. Their attraction to fans and the audience have been greatly improved every year. , under such a situation, a spiritual idol can directly improve by 0.3 percentage points, which is also a very high sign. You must know that it is just Ye Ming who just appeared on the stage. He is now on stage to perform. program, but at this time, he has not started yet. It’s a show, but Ye Ming’s appearance on stage directly increased the ratings by 0.3 percentage points. Faced with such an improvement, Mr. Zhang is of course very happy. The ratings of his program are still quite influential to him. If this program can reach 3 in ratings, it will definitely It is a hit show, especially if it can reach three times in the first episode, it is really a hit show many times over. Therefore, when Ye Ming just appeared on such a matter, he directly let the show The ratings increased by 0.3 percentage points. Well, this is definitely a huge victory for Ye Ming personally for noise reduction eyes. Director Zhang was also very reluctant backstage. He said that top traffic is top traffic, and it is worthy of it. Popular. Due to the existence of top-level traffic, Ye Ming was able to increase our program by 0.3 percentage points after joining Channel 5. This is an achievement that has never been achieved by previous actors. , this is an achievement that has never been achieved by previous actors. If we knew early that Ye Ming could make such an improvement and we found the name of the store, it would have been more helpful to our entire program.

If our program's ratings can pass 3, then it depends on whether Ye Ming can make a good start this time.

If you can stabilize your mood this time, it will be a good start for our live broadcast. Did the appearance of the dancer just now have a certain impact on the ratings of our program? "

In fact, a staff member responsible for statistics followed up and said: "The director does have a certain influence. After the dancer appeared just now, our ratings actually dropped to a certain extent.

Because the dancer appeared relatively suddenly, it seemed that the whole program was not physically harmonious enough, so you think we might have had an accident during the broadcast.

But after what happened at that time, the dancer brought up such a strong topic, the ratings of the show actually increased by 0.1 percentage points.

But one minute later, the show's ratings dropped by 0.3 percentage points. It wasn't until the show's complete performance that the ratings began to stabilize.

When Ye Ming's previous show appeared, the previous ratings were always stable at a rating of 2.0 to 2.1 anyway.

Such a result is not said to be particularly good or particularly bad. For our program, and the general ratings, the appearance of the dancer does have a certain effect on you. Suppressed, the one he reported was considered a relatively big figure in the entertainment industry.

The audience was also out of curiosity, so there was some improvement for a short time. But then, a group of viewers seemed to be quite disappointed with our program. Suddenly, a situation like this appeared, and many viewers thought it was a performance accident. So It’s the ratings that are down.

After completing a program, it takes a while to settle down. If the ratings of this program can be stable at 2.0 to 2.1, it can be considered that our program is doing relatively well.

But in fact, the appearance of the dancer had a certain impact on our entire show. Indeed, many viewers thought that there was an accident when we performed again, and some viewers quit watching because of this.

So this and the ratings of the entire show had a certain impact before Ye Ming appeared.

But although we have stabilized a little, according to monitoring, the ratings are still declining. I am actually not very sure whether we can maintain the rating of breaking two.

But now Ye Ming has appeared. Before Ye Ming had a show, his appearance could instantly increase the ratings of the entire show by 0.3 percentage points. This is very good news for us.

Now the ratings of our program have reached the point where it is at 2 o'clock, and it is rising slowly. Maybe after the Ye Ming show starts, the increase in ratings will explode for a while.

After all, Ye Ming is a top traffic, and top traffic contributes quite a lot to the ratings of the program. I should be relatively confident in it. As a top traffic, bringing such a result should be the beginning. "

Director Zhang was very happy, nodded and said: "Yes, this result is quite good. Now is just the beginning. I think I am relatively confident in the ratings of our entire program.

Not only Ye Ming, but also the two actors brought by Ye Ming should be remarkable. This is a very big advantage for us. We still have a trump card that we haven’t come up with. These They are all our magic weapon to break the three. "

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