Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 379 [Nightclub] Shooting starts

Huang Bo looked at the script and said with some doubts: "Boss, is this thing going to work? It seems to me that it's a bit too simple. Are you trying to fool us?"

Looking at the script, the plot is indeed a bit too simple. Huang Bo just felt that something was wrong. It was not his first time making a movie. Therefore, at first glance, this book is relatively simple.

Ye Ming nodded very firmly and said: "Movies are not only good or bad based on simplicity. Our company invested in this movie ourselves. Do you think I would invest in a movie where I lose money?"

Obviously, if you look at it from the perspective of a boss, when it comes to a question like this, Ye Ming definitely said that he would not invest in a movie that loses money. According to Ye Ming's eyes, Huang Bo also doesn't believe Ye Ming. Would invest in a movie that is obviously going to lose money.

As for Xu Zheng, he is relatively professional. Huang Bo is a wild boy and has no formal experience in such things. He can rely on his innate sense of being an actor to tell that the script is very simple and is already quite good. . This is an actor's innate intuition, which not everyone has.

Xu Zheng, on the other hand, is able to look at problems from a professional perspective.

He took a brief look at the script while Ye Ming and Huang Bo were talking, and frowned and said, "Boss, this is just a theatrical version of a play. I guess it won't have much advantage in terms of competitiveness."

Xu Zheng suddenly hit the mark on the weak point of this movie. It has no competitiveness. The whole movie is a small story that takes place in a supermarket. The competitiveness is not that high. It is indeed a theater. version of the drama.

Ye Ming nodded and said: "Absolutely. This is indeed a movie similar to a drama, but I'm not asking you to compete with [Star Wars]. That is the real boss. It is estimated that it will be released in more than a month. Well, by then the filming of "Nightclub" will be almost completed. You just want to seize the opportunity like this. Anyway, I don't expect you to have a higher box office than "Star Wars". Don't lose too badly. That’s it, what we are fighting for is a gap period before the Lunar New Year period, and there is only one truly deterrent movie during this gap period, and that is [Star Wars]. Don’t you feel too lonely? ?"

At this time, Xu Zheng was a little confused. Could it be that he was dreaming, or that his boss was crazy? A movie like this was actually said to be released when [Star Wars] was released. This was simply asking for death. . At this time, Xu Zheng immediately said: "Boss, the two of us can't handle this matter. This is absolute. This is simply impossible. We compete with Star Wars. This is simply an egg hitting a rock." "

[Star Wars] has an indelible position in the history of world movies. To compete with a movie like this, no one can even think about the possibility of victory. [Star Wars] has hundreds of millions of dollars. It is a movie made with top-notch high-tech technology. Xu Zheng said that there is no comparison. This is normal. "

Ye Ming shook his head and said: "You didn't understand what I meant. I didn't mean it would be released at the same time as [Star Wars]. Generally, the release cycle of movies in our country is one month, and we are still two months away from the Lunar New Year period. I As I said just now, I want you to seize this gap period, waiting for the screening of "Star Wars", which is basically a seamless release. After all, the filming of the movie has just been completed in more than a month, and there is still editing. We have a lot of work to be done, we are a low-budget movie, and we only challenge [Star Wars] when we have nothing to do. As long as we can guarantee a profit, that is our victory, how can you expect to be able to compete with others."

If the opponent at a time like this is [Jing Ke assassinating the King of Qin], then it is still possible to fight for it at a time like this.

Even if [Star Wars: The Phantom Menace] encounters Waterloo in China, only movies of the caliber of [Titanic], [Lord of the Rings] and [Harry Potter] can compete.

Xu Zheng felt relieved now. With a suitable schedule and a star like Ye Ming participating, [Nightclub] is quite tempting.

Xu Zheng can still tell the quality of the script. The next day, the entire entertainment industry started publicizing that China Film Group was going to introduce a world-class blockbuster [Star Wars: The Phantom Menace]. This was the biggest move since [Titanic].

Therefore, the New Film Alliance has done a good job in promoting a movie like this. At a time like this, no matter how it is, China Film Group also spent a lot of money to buy [Star Wars: The Phantom Menace] ], therefore, on such an issue, they have always spared no effort to promote it, and even placed eye-catching billboards at the exits of the Beijing Station and Airport.

Compared with this raging event, at this time, the filming of "Nightclub" of Brilliant Film and Television officially started, which did not attract much attention from others.

And before filming started in [Nightclub], Han Shanping deliberately ignored this. He said straight to the point: "You kid, are you looking for something to do for me? What is the name of your movie? It's not good, use [ People from the General Administration had quite a bit of criticism about the two words "Nightclub" and the script, thinking that the name was not very good and might seduce the audience."

Ye Ming argued with reason: "Isn't this right? Director Han, who is so full and panicked? You have also read my script. It is just a story that takes place in a 24-hour supermarket. In fact, the story The plot is also super simple. There is no complicated story. It is like a theater version of a drama. This thing can also be suspected of inducing consumers. Where do you start talking about this? This is basically talking about let us. It’s so chilling.”

Han Shanping looked at the nagging Ye Ming with a smile and said: "You kid, don't do this. You know best how you get this name. There are also some comrades in the bureau who will object. This is normal. Yes, and, I think, some people may be dissatisfied with you and think that you disobey the leadership. This is somewhat similar to Feng Xiaogang and Jiang Wen’s gang. There are still some people above who are not very good to you. Satisfactory, this can be seen from the fact that some people find problems with the script name.

However, I still argued hard and got the script approved. I asked you to come here to remind you that someone may have attacked you. Moreover, I think this time it is definitely not an ordinary person who attacked you. Therefore, you can just take it easy on such a problem. . "In this case, it is somewhat consistent with what Luo Xiumei said. When Luo Xiumei said this, Ye Ming was already a little alert.

And under such a situation, when Han Shanping said this thing again, Ye Ming felt that there was a conspiracy approaching him.

The start-up of [Nightclub] was naturally a lot of caution, and it was a start-up ceremony without the media. In other words, several media outlets that have a relatively good relationship with Brilliant Film and Television received a notice from Brilliant Film and Television, saying I have a movie that I have just started filming, and I didn’t even say the name, which made everyone depressed for a long time. They even said that after investigation, a reporter with great powers actually said that he found a good situation in Zhao. Next, Huihuang Film and Television even said that it did not recruit even a single extra performer.

Ye Ming just left a message on the forum that he was filming a new film, but he didn't expect that Wawa would actually reply immediately saying, "What masterpiece does Director Ye have? Please reveal some of it. I will definitely go to the theater to support it." 】Ye Ming【One Step is an interesting popcorn movie. It doesn't have any educational significance, but it is very interesting. It can be regarded as a warm-up before [People on the Road]. 】

Wawa immediately asked: "Will Director Ye play a role here or direct this movie? Later I will organize some fans to visit the class. The big landowner in this village chatted with me yesterday and said that you have not done much recently." I didn't expect that you actually said that you would start shooting a new movie, and there would be two movies at the beginning. 】

Ye Ming said very politely, "There is no need for a visit. The filming of my new movie was carried out in secret. I planned to do an experiment to test the future development trend of low-cost movies in our country. Therefore, this movie My cost will be controlled at about one million, not too high, and it will be released immediately after "Star Wars: The Phantom Menace". Because it is experimental in nature, I will not notify the media when it is launched. Directly Just let our company's artists participate in the shooting. 】

How small-budget films can survive in the future wave of film reform is something that China Films needs to explore in the future. Therefore, Ye Ming thought of doing an experiment on his own to see how he should understand and explore the solution to this matter. plan. Seeing Ye Ming say this, Wawa stopped talking about going to visit the class, and instead said that he would take people to book the theater on the first day of the screening to support Ye Ming.

[Nightclub] was filmed in a large studio in a movie studio. Because it is a movie similar to a drama, it is enough for the scene to have the setting of a supermarket.

Ye Ming sat in the director's seat, silently looking at the time on his phone, his expression becoming darker and darker. This was the first time he turned on the phone, and it actually said that someone was late, which made Ye Ming feel unusually angry. He had never had any control over the company's affairs before, so he was not very clear about the discipline of the company's actors. Anyway, the crew had no complaints, so there shouldn't be any major issues with discipline. It's a mistake. However, at this time, it was actually said that someone was late, and it was Ma Su, whom Ye Ming was very optimistic about, who was late.

I'm already half an hour late.

On the set, if you dare to ask the director to wait for one minute, it means that the person has lost the qualification for the role. This is a rule of the set. Even if an actor waits for the director for half an hour, there is no problem. Inside the set The director is God. Unless he is a powerful and powerful actor who can suppress the director, any remaining actor is not qualified to make the director wait and the entire crew wait.

Obviously, Ma Su, a newcomer, definitely does not have the qualifications to do this.

At this time, Tang Wei, who played the role of the proprietress, explained anxiously: "Director Ye, there may be some misunderstanding about this matter. I have been in contact with Ma Su for a long time. He is a very hard-working and dedicated person. Actors will never be late for no reason."

Because the relationship with Ma Su is very good, so at this time, seeing the clouded expression on director Ye Ming's face, Tang Wei quickly explained.

Ye Ming snorted and said noncommittally: "Xu Zheng, keep calling Ma Su and ask her what she wants to do. Does she mean not to take the crew seriously?"

Xu Zheng was a little helpless. Ma Su, a little girl, was very popular in the company. She was a carefree and heartless little girl who was very popular. Therefore, Xu Zheng was also very anxious at this time. , called Ma Su's cell phone again, but no one answered the phone.

This was already the third time he called Ma Su. At this time, he still couldn't get through. Xu Zheng had no choice but to put down the phone and said: "Director Ye, I'm sorry, I still answer the phone alone. Is the phone out of battery? There's a traffic jam. Traffic jams are normal in Beijing. Usually we take the subway, but if we are going to be filming, we will take a taxi. If there is a traffic jam, it is not impossible."

These two people all said good things for Ma Su, which shows that Ma Su is still very popular in the company.

Ye Ming hesitated for a moment, then slowly stretched his eyebrows and said, "I hope that's the case, otherwise, we won't be able to use actors like this, no matter how good their acting skills are." At this time, Wang Di, who was the crew's recorder, left. He came over and said, "A few of us can all come on time. We all live in the same dormitory. Some people just can't come on time."

Because Wang Di's acting skills are not enough, Ye Ming checked and now he has not even passed 300, which is not enough to participate in the show. Even if Wang Di is thrown into the TV series crew to play a supporting role, then she herself is very It was very difficult. At this time, if she were to participate in a movie performance, the requirements for acting skills would be very high, and it would be impossible for Wang Di to master it.

Therefore, when selecting actors, Ye Ming did not consider Wang Di's role. He was a member of the company anyway and could not be idle. He was brought in to do scene notes to fill the role, and he was considered a member of the crew.

For Wang Di to say something like this when he was in this situation, it was a bit heart-wrenching. (To be continued)

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