Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3750 Accident

Director An Quan was still a little bit unwilling at this time, but there was nothing he could do about it. Things had reached this point, and Blueberry Channel definitely had no chance of doing a live broadcast.

At least it is impossible to do a live broadcast today. The conditions of South American Channel are not as good as the live broadcast hardware conditions of Mango Channel, so he can only look at Director Zhang's youth idol from a distance, and the live broadcast is so smooth. For director An Quan. That is absolutely a complete irony.

He had fallen into the hands of Lao Zhang for the second time, which made him very unconvinced. Although he was a little unwilling when facing the leader, because he wanted to regain his position, but he knew that the conditions were not enough. , so I can only endure it.

But that doesn't mean he doesn't do anything. Being able to become Lao Zhang's old friends and rivals, the two of them basically fall in love and kill each other, so the struggle between the two of them basically has no bottom line. Within the scope allowed by the law, their fighting style There is no lower limit. If you want to lose face, then don’t even think about playing in the entertainment industry.

Anyway, as long as the behavior is not prohibited by law, you can use it at any time, and you can even use edge-passing methods, provided that you don't get caught, and this time Director Ernst and Young decided to give Lao Zhang some color.

Anyway, as long as the behavior is prohibited by law, you can use it at any time, and you can even use it as an edge-of-the-seat method, as long as you don't get caught, and this time Director An Quan decided to give Lao Zhao some color.

Because this matter was indeed done by unscrupulous means, Director An Quan, in order to protect his glorious and great image, at least he wanted to maintain his glorious and great image among the program crew, so he did not tell his confidant Lao Huang about this matter at all. .

Thinking about it, he didn't even tell his confidants about this kind of thing, and he did it himself, which shows how powerful his method is.

At this time, the preliminary ratings of Youth Idol have actually come out, and the time-based ratings are only above two. Although Director Anquan cannot know the accurate ratings, at least now he cannot know the accurate real-time ratings. But it is still possible to inquire about similar situations through connections.

This result is actually not a good result for Yu Lao Zhang, because this is basically Happy Camp. Ratings above the passing line can achieve this result, so this result is really not considered good for Lao Zhang's personal idol.

This is good news for Director An Quan. As long as the youth idol cannot become an instant hit, he will have a chance to come back in the next step. On the contrary, if the youth idol does well this time and can become popular, Basically, it is more difficult for him to become the standard idol below.

But Director An Quan also knows Lao Zhang relatively well. It is also very strange for this guy to invite the old guy Chen Dali to come over. Although Chen Dali is not a superstar of the king level, his appearance has indeed caused a sensation.

Because his disciples include kings and superstars, Chen Dali’s connections are all there. In the entertainment industry, they are seniors and masters, not kings. What the kings basically say is that Chen Dali is a matchmaker for people like them who may not usually Showing off one's appearance but not showing off one's appearance may not be particularly famous, especially among young people.

But their works, the songs they wrote, etc. are very influential, and the students they train are also quite meaningful, so it is difficult to describe Chen Dalin with qualifications. This is where Lao Zhang caught himself by surprise.

He can always think of some ways to make up for some of his shortcomings, so the temporary ratings are just a breakthrough, and this is not very good news for Director An Quan, because he believes that Lao Zhang should have I'll try to boost the ratings again.

The key is to see how he rushes.

Moreover, the superstars that Lao Zhang invited have not yet officially launched their efforts. After they come out, they will definitely increase the ratings. This is the ratings of the kings. Nowadays, the ratings of more than two youth idols are basically brought about by Chen Dali, and most of the shots are given to this old senior first, which is regarded as respect for this old senior.

There is nothing you can do if you don't respect him. After all, the old man's status is there. Even if the superstar sees the old man, he has to call him Teacher Chen politely. So you can imagine what kind of person Mr. Chen Dali is in the entire entertainment industry. Status.

So since you have invited the old man here, you must have enough respect for the old man. If you don't respect him, it will be a slap in his student's face. Obviously, Lao Zhang will not fall for such talk, so in addition to introducing him at the beginning In addition to the entire program process, the first goal that I am most concerned about is Teacher Chen Dali.

He also has the most shots. Basically, 4 of the first 10 minutes were given to the old man. This fully demonstrates the respect that Youth Idol has for Mr. Chen Dali.

Of course, there are sacrifices. After all, Teacher Chen Dali’s influence among young people is not particularly high. He is just famous for his works, but it does not mean that Teacher Chen Dali is very popular in front of all audiences. So after this competition, The sales self-discipline exceeded 2 or more in the first 10 minutes, which was also expected.

Of course, in such a situation, many people are actually thinking about this question, is it worth it?

But Lao Zhang felt that this was worth it. As long as Mr. Li agreed to come, it was worth it to the old man, so he generously gave Mr. Chen Dali at least 4 minutes of footage to introduce this person, who in China belongs to Mount Tai. Beidou level, master level existence, but this is indeed sacrificing part of the ratings of the implementation. The key is to see how Lao Zhang can improve the ratings in the end.

And in such a situation, Lao Zhang definitely didn't know that Director An Quan had already used his own methods, with the purpose of blocking the Youth Idol program. Ah, at this time, Lao Zhang may have been too busy to faint or something, and he didn't even notice that his old opponent, Director An Quan, actually gave himself a big gift at this critical moment.

It may be that Lao Zhang has been a little busy and dizzy in the past two days. He actually forgot that there was a poisonous snake watching him. As a result, Lao Zhang must pay the price for his negligence.

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