Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3696: Give Money

Such a passage gave Lao Huang a bit of a headache.

Qiangzi actually doesn't play according to the routine, but considering that this guy is a stubborn guy after all, it's normal for him to not play according to the routine.

And if this kind of person is not single-minded, I really don’t dare to trade with him. After all, this kind of thing always needs to be guarded against, but if you do this kind of thing with Qiangzi, you don’t have to worry about him being behind his back. Stab.

It's just that this guy is too cautious and wants money directly now.

Lao Huang said with some embarrassment: "Brother Qiang, we can't play around with this matter like this, right?

We have to follow the rules. If you ask for money directly, you are breaking the rules. "

Hadron at this time. But he refused to give up and said: "Don't say anything to me. The rules are set by people. According to the rules, do you think it was a bit of a trick to buy my news for 60,000 yuan?

Such a big news, don’t think that I don’t know anything. According to the rules, it is impossible for you to buy it without hundreds of thousands or millions. This is because of the relationship between the two of us. I sold it to you after breaking a bone.

Why are you still bothering me now and you don’t want to give me money? Let me tell you, you have to give me money for this matter. If you don’t give me money, I will really just lift the table and no one will play with it. , don’t think I’m joking with you, give me the money within two hours, call me and forget about it.

If you can't call within two hours, just wait and see. "

When Lao Huang heard this good guy's ultimatum, he felt a little embarrassed at the moment, but he gritted his teeth and said, "No, Brother Qiang, can I agree to this?"

I haven't verified this news yet, whether it is true or false, then you really want money, which is also related to our relationship. I will believe you for once. You wait for me to apply for it. It is estimated that 6 Ten thousand yuan within two hours should not be a big problem.

But this kind of thing only happens once. It will not be the same next time. No matter what happens next time, we must follow the rules. "

At this moment, Qiangzi snorted and said: "If you really follow the rules, you can't do this with 60,000 yuan. What about you? Take the time to apply for me and just pay me the money."

To be honest, Lao Huang really didn't think about this matter.

After all, this is also a family where the brothers have a very close relationship. They can't see each other without looking up. He really doesn't mean to trick anyone.

Of course, he originally planned to take the commission, but he didn't expect that Qiangzi would give him such surprising news. At this time, he felt that it would be inappropriate for him to take any more money.

Therefore, under such a situation, Lao Huang dared to promise at this time that he would not take his share of the commission and give all 60,000 yuan directly to Qiangzi alone.

Of course, there is some meaning of compensation in this. After all, the news that 60,000 yuan is indeed the price of breaking a bone as Qiangzi said.

After getting the news, Huang didn't dare to stay for a moment. He went to the director directly and explained the situation immediately.

After Director An Quan heard this, he said with a look of sudden realization: "Sure enough, I know the bastard named Zhang, he can't give up so easily.

For a TV station like Mango Channel, if the leader of the TV station really came forward to invite a superstar-level guest, it would be easy to do it.

After all, as the boss of a provincial satellite TV station, everyone will still give it some face. Even if it is difficult for our leaders to handle this matter, Mango Channel has this face.

I would say that this guy named Zhang still looks calm and collected, and he must have a trump card in his hand. "

Lao Huang followed and said, "Director, what do you think we should do now?

Now our two aspects of mentors and guest content are basically on the same starting line. If this is the case, if we face youth idols, our chances of victory are not very high.

Although I don’t agree with Mango Channel’s idea of ​​elimination based on money, I have to admit that they are quite good at producing variety shows and TV series.

As the leader of a provincial satellite TV station, we did not launch it casually, but accumulated it step by step. If we want to challenge youth idols, we actually want to catch them by surprise.

Unexpectedly, they were not vegetarians either, so they directly invited a king-level guest to help him, and he was invited temporarily.

Then our chances of winning here seem to be slim. "

Director An Quan said helplessly: "Yes, I didn't expect that Lao Zhang would actually shy away and ask for help from his boss. I don't think it is so easy to invite guests of the king and superstar level. It turned out that Lao Zhang didn't follow the routine." After playing his cards, he suddenly pulled out all the stops and went to the leadership for help, and invited a superstar of the same level as a guest.

No, in this case we can't sit still and wait for death. Otherwise, as you said, we were relatively well prepared this time, but we might lose if we do this.

If we really lose, then our entire program team will not end well. After all, our TV station made great efforts to beat the competition this time and waited for us, but we lost.

This is also quite disadvantageous for us.

Let's do this in two ways. On the one hand, let's find out who the superstar-level guest invited by Mango Channel is.

anything else? Let's make preparations and see if we contact the sponsor to hold a large-scale lottery. Although this kind of lottery is relatively old-fashioned, who can have trouble with money these days? As long as we do it vigorously, There will always be some viewers who will be attracted by our lottery.

Even if we attract a small part, it will at least be helpful to our victory. "

At this time, Lao Huang sighed after hearing this, and was slowly pondering this issue in his heart. It is estimated that the director was really angry. For example, the issue of lottery draws in variety shows is really old-fashioned. Many TV stations stopped using this method a few years ago.

In the end, I didn’t expect that my director would actually think of such an old-fashioned method, but in fact, if I think about it, there is really no other better method. After all, I am facing Mango Channel, the leader of provincial satellite TV. .

If everyone is on the same starting line, it is not easy to surpass Mango Terrace.

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