Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3650 Attitude

After all, Yaya is a young man who has not seen much of the world, and has not been in the entertainment industry for long. Under normal circumstances, she just follows Ye Ming in the entertainment industry.

At most, he could just follow Damimi and Zhao Yazhi in the entertainment industry.

Think about it, who would offend a popular top streamer who is as powerful as Ye Ming and who must report any flaws? If you don’t look at the monk’s face and look at the cover, even for Ye Ming’s face, no one would offend you casually. Damn.

As an agent, Y Ya is qualified enough to make irresponsible remarks about some second-tier or even third-tier stars.

It’s not that Yaya is great, but that she must be qualified enough to make her voice heard as Ye Ming’s manager.

Therefore, he will not particularly see the bad side of the entertainment industry, because in the entertainment industry, if you are a popular star and have top traffic, then you will basically be surrounded by your friends and not your enemies. .

Almost everyone will pamper you and let you go, and Ye Ming is a similar top traffic, and what makes everyone most satisfied is that Ye Ming still has enough talent to support him as a top traffic, whether it is writing scripts When it comes to writing songs, everything Ye Ming writes has clear meaning. Otherwise, it would be impossible for an album he releases to break the album sales record of the past 10 years.

You must know that the music market in the entertainment industry is the most shrinking one, which makes people feel desperate, but about Ye Ming's album. The whole music circle was shocked, and the violent sales almost broke the turnaround sales record in the past 10 years in just one month.

Therefore, Ye Ming is the kind of newcomer among the top traffic who is talented enough to support his reputation. Such newcomers can remain popular for a long time. Unless Ye Ming makes some principled mistakes, otherwise, for a considerable period of time in the future , Ye Ming will always be on the front line and even have the opportunity to hit the top position beyond the first line.

Therefore, as a top traffic agent, Yaya will not see the dark side of the entertainment industry, so his experience in the entertainment industry is not particularly rich. As a newcomer in the entertainment industry, he cannot be pure anymore. As a newcomer, Yaya is actually still at the stage of a fresh graduate.

When she heard what her boss said, she said with embarrassment, "Boss, no matter what, we are working on Mango Channel, a provincial satellite TV station and the boss of commercial TV stations. We are working on Mango Channel, a commercial station on provincial satellite TV." He is the best one, and I heard that Mango Channel has the power to ban people. Although he has basically never used this power on the surface, in fact, more than one newcomer has quit the entertainment industry because of him.

Many of these newcomers just offended the Mango Channel and either refused to cooperate or acted like a big name. Anyway, it would not be a good thing for them to face the Mongolian Channel. These people learned from the past.

If we go too far here, will we be targeted by them? We are here to do a show, not to show off our power and offend others. I think it’s okay, it’s not a big deal. "

Ye Ming laughed loudly when he heard this and said: "Yaya, you don't understand this matter. In this matter, actually this time it was the program team who was a little unkind to us. Of course, I didn't mean to offend Mango Channel. Youth Idol, this program does not represent the network station, it just means that the program team of Youth Idol has done some unkind things to us.

If Andy can arrive in time and there is still regular traffic, then it is almost certain that the two of us will record the first episode of Youth Idol together.

After all, the youth idol program team will not casually offend the financial backer Suidou Mobile, but in such a situation, something happened to Yasuko, and it was impossible to re-enter the industry in a case involving minors. Regarding my son, there is definitely no hope of turning around.

I just got the latest news, so the phone has been announced as soon as possible. They terminated their partnership with Andy and asked Anji to compensate for losses. Almost all of the 17 brands of products they cooperated with were issued immediately. One Life severed its partnership with Andy and would declare that it would demand compensation from Anji for losses. This means that Andy has no possibility of turning over, so in such a situation, we are the only ones.

So the program team will definitely think that we will have conditions. Of course I have conditions, and I will mention them to them, but it doesn't matter if we act arrogantly at this time.

We proposed some special treatment, which is nothing. This is also to reassure the program team. If we don’t mention any conditions, then clearly, I will not feel at ease to the program team. On the contrary, if we mention some conditions or It means that he is a little dissatisfied, which is human nature.

The program team came to the meeting and thought it was no big deal, so as long as we didn't go too far, everything else was fine.

On the contrary, if we act too modestly, I guess the program team will wonder if we are plotting against them behind their backs, so if you act a little more modestly, as long as it's not too excessive, then it's not a big deal?

Now we are doing this to show the program team. We want to express an attitude of dissatisfaction, and then we will put forward conditions. In this case, everyone in He Jie will be happy with the result. By doing this, we are also giving Once the host of the youth idol program is over, it means that there is still the possibility of us continuing to cooperate. .

After we express our dissatisfaction, it means that we can continue to cooperate, so it doesn't matter if you act arrogantly now, it's not a big deal, and this is equivalent to a release.

The kind of pressure in your hearts, before Andy had to cooperate with us, there was pressure on me, and there will be pressure on you too.

At this time, since Andy was kicked away as a stumbling block by us, in such a situation, we should first choose the pressure in our hearts. What's the big deal?

No big deal at all.

Therefore, you don't need to be too nervous about such a matter. After all, we are on the side of truth. At this time, it doesn't matter if you can show off a little bit. "

Yaya will never understand some things if you don't tell him. Now it's time to tell him some things about the entertainment industry. After all, he will always have to face the cruel entertainment industry in the future.

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