Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3647: Cheating Person

Andy was the most arrogant among the four returning members, and his achievements were considered to be among the highest in top traffic, but he didn't expect that he would collapse like that.

Although Director Zhang didn't really know the details of the whole thing at this time, he knew that Andy must have collapsed. There was no doubt about it.

Because for a star, he can actually show up late and be a member at any time. Although these habits are not very good, they are not intolerable to her in the entertainment industry.

It is normal to be late and show off. As for breaking the contract, as long as you are not afraid of getting less compensation, you can break the contract. Now basically any contract has compensation. Anyway, as long as you get less If you ask for compensation, it doesn’t matter how you breach the contract.

At most, these things are just minor flaws of a certain person. If they do not delay this person's development in the entertainment industry, at most they will make this person not have a particularly good reputation in the entertainment industry. However, under normal circumstances, they will not prevent this person from continuing to work. Make money in the entertainment industry. But if a person really becomes a stained artist.

For example, if there is cheating, tax evasion, etc., then this basically means that the artist will be completely banned from the entertainment industry, and it is even possible to be directly named by the official.

So if it involves minor crimes, let alone this matter. This kind of nature is even worse than headgear, address book and so on. At most, it will just quit the entertainment industry.

Anyway, the evaded taxes have to be paid again, and then the fines are forgivable, and they will not go in to eat public meals.

But after the law is revised, as long as you pay enough for tax evasion and are willing to pay compensation, you don't have to go to the public house to eat.

But in such a situation, it does not mean that you can escape if you commit a crime involving a minor. It is absolutely impossible. If you commit a crime involving a minor, it is tantamount to touching a criminal law issue. This is not just tax evasion. So simple.

Such a person will definitely be held legally responsible, and even if he is released from prison, in fact, this person will not have any possibility of comeback in the entertainment industry, even if he is a star who does not like the opposite sex at all. question.

After all, this is private life and will not have much impact on this star's work or anything. But once a star is sentenced to prison or something, it means that this person is completely out of the entertainment industry, and you are not allowed to have time to quit the entertainment industry.

For example, Andy is such a thing.

Now even if Andy wants to quit the entertainment industry, it is impossible. Since he is involved in minor crimes and the police have opened an investigation, in such a situation, it means that the police must have grasped a certain amount of information. evidence.

Is this evidence enough to investigate Andy?

This means that Andy will definitely be sentenced in the end. It is hard to say how many years he will be sentenced, but he will definitely be sentenced and he will definitely be sent to a prison to have public meals for a few years.

This kind of thing means that a top traffic like Andy can be regarded as a complete draw this time. There is no chance of turning around at all.

So although Director Zhang didn't watch the news at this time, he also knew in his heart that Andy, who was so famous this time, was definitely in a bad mood.

So in such a situation, Ye Ming brought his two artists and came to save the factory. Naturally, he would be punished by the key officials. Even after so many years, he was very lucky.

Although Andy had put a lot of pressure on him before, Director Zhang did not carefully drive Ye Ming away. They had been refusing to let him go, so he could be regarded as dragging his family with him to save the day.

As a result, he immediately drove them away, saying that you yourself also felt that it was very inappropriate, so you delayed it until now. It turned out that Director Zhang originally meant that it was really not possible for two people to perform youth idols together. Issue 1 Issue 2 of

It can also be a little bit. Originally, this incident might really become a typical example of dreams coming true, but I didn't expect that something happened to Andy. Andy was actually involved in a minor crime and was directly arrested. So It is conceivable that in such a situation.

Although Andy is the spokesperson of the sponsor, under such a situation, it is definitely impossible to come back, and the boss also believes that this matter is not something that Andy can solve. Maybe if the company behind Andy It is possible if you want to do body drama, but now it seems that people have no plans to do that at all.

Just when Director Zhang was thinking about this matter, he suddenly received a call. It was from someone on Mi Dao's mobile phone. After hearing this, Zhang Dongyan looked at the circle of friends on his phone. You will understand that it is business. "

Rice Phone already knew that some accidents would happen to Andy's guys, so after this news came out, Rice Phone announced the end of its cooperation with Mr. Andy as soon as possible.

Such a famous brand venue naturally has its own news channels. After hearing that Andy was involved in minor crimes, he immediately announced the termination of the contract with Andy and asked Andy to compensate for all the expenses incurred.

After seeing this, Director Zhang nodded with satisfaction and said, "Okay, no problem. Since there may be a problem, let's solve it together."

Remember, we still have to be polite to Ye Ming, don’t chatter, 15 and six arrogant Yoko, Ye Ming was invited by us, now Andy can’t join the core staff of our program, only Ye Ming It’s better for everyone to be careful about this guy.

Now it is expected that the people led by Ye Ming can record the first and second episodes. Otherwise, it is really not easy to find an artist of the same level.

So in such a situation, Zhang Dianyan knew very well that he was really counting on Ye Ming this time.

After Ah Hui heard this, he immediately knew what to do. Although he was actually more on Andy's side, he was now completely cool.

Then the only person left who can help the program team is Ye Ming, a veteran, because this guy is not the kind of person who is easily fooled. This still requires further observation and understanding before the results can be given.

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