Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3615: Understanding people

What Ye Ming said at this time made Andy so angry that he almost died. Do you understand what people mean? What you mean is that I don't understand. After hearing these words, Andy almost exploded on the spot.

Ever since he became a top star, who dared to talk to him like this? Everything he did went smoothly, and almost everyone doted on her. No one had ever dared to talk to him like this, and in An Di himself seemed to be able to find someone to help him, so that would be a favor to Ye Ming.

Ye Ming should have readily agreed at this time, but he didn't expect that this guy Ye Ming would be so disrespectful and even said that he should go back to the company to find an understanding person. That means that he is not an understanding person, so what can I do? Don’t you understand?

So thinking that it had been smooth sailing here, Andy immediately said angrily: "Ye Ming, why do you mean this? Why do you say that I am not a man? I have come to talk to you in person, and you still want to What's going on? You must know that more friends lead to more paths, and fewer enemies lead to fewer walls. In the entertainment industry, one more friend is better than one more enemy, not to mention that if you agree to give in, you can gain my friendship. I believe there are many people in the entire entertainment industry who are willing to gain my friendship."

Ye Ming nodded very firmly at this time, and then explained: "That's right, the entertainment industry is like this, with many friends and many paths, fewer enemies and fewer walls, but this does not prevent you from understanding, right?

People like you are like flowers in a greenhouse. Think about it when you graduate from junior high school, right?

After graduating from junior high school, you entered the company as a trainee, and then returned to China and was packaged by the company to become one of the four returnees. Of course, your singing and dancing are unique in one aspect, and I believe you have also put some effort into these two aspects. of.

But if you think about it, since you were a trainee until now, you have basically been either training in the company, or being arranged by the company to participate in various activities and participate in the filming of TV series. How long have you been able to contact the society? You have no contact with society at all. No matter how much time you spend in contact with society, the more people you come into contact with are directors, production directors, hosts, etc. You are either receiving announcements or on the way to receive announcements, so the difference in your life is very narrow. of.

Therefore, in such a situation, I am sure that you do not have much social experience, and it seems to you that you are now the fourth son who has returned to China.

You are the top traffic in the entertainment industry, so in such a situation, you should receive special treatment.

So it is precisely because of this that your fans and your company tolerate you, and you will not be blamed for anything you do wrong. After all, you will make money for the company, and you have a lot of fans, otherwise you will not It's impossible to become a top player.

So at least now you have basically never encountered any setbacks from your debut to now, which means that you don’t know the dangers of human nature, and you don’t know how human relationships are in society as a whole.

Yes, if you say so, I will give you the recording of the first episode, and I can gain your friendship. This is also good for ordinary celebrities if they gain your friendship.

But if you think about who I am, I am considered a top streamer in the entertainment industry, and I am also the Best Actor at the Berlin Film Festival. The movies I shot have received hundreds of millions in box office, and my share of the box office alone is enough for you. I earned it in two or three years.

So in such a situation, what qualifications do you have to say that your friendship is precious? To be honest, I don’t think your friendship is very precious. I have what you have, you are top traffic, and I am top traffic. You don’t have what I don’t have, and even what I have, you may not have.

For example, I write my own songs, I make my own movies and TV series, and what I do is quite good. You can't compare to me in these things, so in such a situation, what use does my friendship from you have? ?

And to be honest, if this matter spreads out, do you think you will be here? People think that you are still better than you when you are 18 years old. In such a situation, who can get the support of the majority of people? Look at whether this person is standing up. In such a situation, I feel that I am still very much here. So if you think about it, since I am the one who is reasonable, then you are not the right person in this matter.

What else do you think I can gain from your friendship? What’s the use of friendship to you? Originally, this matter was caused by you being unreasonable, so I don’t think you are a sensible person on this matter. In fact, if you can discuss it with me carefully, and if you can get the company’s permission to give me some of the benefits, this matter will not Not negotiable.

But you use the stupidest method every day. For example, just like now, you can contact the company and ask your company to hire an understanding person, and then discuss it with me to see what conditions can be offered to impress me. I give you this opportunity as the first teacher.

This matter can obviously be discussed by everyone, right? In fact, most things in the entertainment industry are negotiated.

For example, in a film crew, who is the male lead and who is the female lead, who is the second lead and who is the female lead, who can have more roles, who can have less roles, these things can all be discussed. of.

No one said that I would be domineering and decide everything, so most things in the entertainment industry are like that. Everyone discussed it together and it was the result of mutual compromise, but as soon as you came, you talked arrogantly about what you were doing, and talked about gaining your friendship.

To me, your friendship is of no great use, so in such a situation, the easiest way is to discuss it together, right?

If you are unwilling to discuss it yourself, or you are unable to do so yourself, or have no talent in this area, you can inform your company and ask your company to send other people over to discuss it with me. Is it right? You can send someone who understands, even if you send yours. The agent came to discuss it with me. In this case, everyone has room for maneuver, right?

But you just didn't say that, you just came to me directly at this time, and you didn't think about it. If the two of us can't talk, and everyone really loses face, then there will be no possibility for us to continue talking. In this way Do you think it's interesting?

Therefore, everything can be discussed, especially if there is not much difference in strength between the two parties.

Mutual negotiation and compromise is a very normal thing. "

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