Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3570 You Traitor

Ma Liu was actually quite angry about this, because he was actually responsible for most of this matter, and it was he and Xiao Hong who found Lao Zhang.

Although sometimes it is reporter Xiaohong who persuades Lao Zhang, but more often than not, the main person in charge of this matter is Ma Liu.

It's just that sometimes Ma Liu is responsible behind the scenes, and the real person responsible for making suggestions is Ma Liu. His relationship with Ye Ming is not very good, or even very bad.

Therefore, he can be regarded as the main planner of dealing with Ye Ming this time.

So he was actually very confident about this matter. He just wanted to destroy Ye Ming, or at least blackmail Ye Ming so that Ye Ming wouldn't have such an easy time.

In the end, Ye Minglai's move really surprised Ma Liu.

You actually donated Mr. Cao Xueqin’s relics and this box. You actually had the nerve to donate directly.

You must know that this is something worth 20 million. Anyway, it is said that if it is auctioned, it is possible to get this price, provided that you meet someone you like.

This was also a key reason why Ma Liu didn't expect Ye Ming to donate this thing.

Therefore, Lao Zhang has lost its existence value, and it is normal for reporters to give up on him.

This is a relatively complete story ending, and it also meets the needs of news and the normal rules of news.

Originally, this matter ended in this way, but no one expected that Ye Ming was not the only one who did not follow common sense.

Ye Ming donated the box, so the reporters were very passive and took the trouble to arrange such a big show. As a result, the crowd saw what the heck it was, and finally settled it with 500 yuan and a banner. You guys are playing monkeys. Can you journalists be more reliable?

This result actually made the reporter feel very depressed, but he did not expect that it was not only Ye Ming who was very surprised.

There is also Lao Zhang. Lao Zhang was originally just a chess piece in this matter. A chess piece used by many reporters to deal with Ye Ming. This chess piece actually has no big effect. At most, it is just a tool. Take it out and use it when you need it, and throw it aside when you don't need it.

In fact, those reporters also sat like that until Lao Zhang was useless in the end and was directly abandoned. This is what everyone has just made clear. Although it was not really said out loud, the meaning was just that. There was no need for it. Your nature will give up on you.

But Lao Zhang is a person who is unwilling to be a chess piece. He will not be manipulated so easily.

After letting him know the truth about this matter, Lao Zhang actually decided to take revenge on this matter. He felt that this reporter was very unkind. He just threw it away after using me. That is love. Who can bear it?

Ordinary people may be so tolerant, but the reporter never thought that Lao Zhang is not that kind of ordinary person. But in fact, if you think about it carefully, it is the same thing. Ye Ming himself is not an ordinary star, he is a superstar.

How ambitious a person can be to deal with a big star at a time like this, but to be willing to be a chess piece, is such a person an ordinary person?

Mandarin but Lao Zhang just happened to be involved in this matter, which fully explains. Zhang should actually be an ambitious person.

The good wind carries me to the blue clouds with its power.

In fact, Lao Zhang is also like this, a person who is good at leveraging others' strength. Originally, Lao Zhang was used by many reporters to deal with Ye Ming, but Ye Ming is the kind of star who doesn't act according to common sense. When it was over, Ye Ming actually wanted to bribe Lao Zhang to sue these reporters.

As for Lao Zhang, he was just watching the excitement. He didn't even think that he was the person involved in this matter. In fact, he was very aware and was a tool man. Since he was a tool man, he should There is the consciousness of a tool man.

These reporters can use it, so of course Ye Ming, as a sporadic person, can also use him. If everyone is good for him, then he will listen to whoever.

So at this time, Ye Ming proposed to give him 200,000 yuan to sue these reporters for wasting his time. Lao Zhang agreed to this matter without even thinking about it.

Because in Lao Zhang's view, he has lost his news value to these reporters, but Ye Ming actually gave himself such an opportunity, why didn't you seize it?

It would be a fool not to catch it. After all, this is an income of 200,000 yuan. If Ye Ming is willing to pay this money, it means that he is still worthy of this value.

Although these reporters helped themselves for free, they did not give themselves a penny. Ye Ming was different. Ye Ming wanted to sue these mechanisms and directly give himself 200,000 to 200,000. This is the kind of person who does not take anything for nothing. Typical money delivered to your door.

Since the money was delivered to his door, Lao Zhang felt that there was no need to refuse it. If he refused the money, he would be struck by lightning.

So at this time, Lao Zhang basically agreed to this matter without thinking about it.

Ma Liu was actually very angry. He said without hesitation: "Old Zhang, you are not doing this reliably. You were invited by us. You originally promised to help us deal with Ye Ming, but now this At the critical moment, I didn't expect you to turn out to be a traitor.

You actually want to sue us directly for this mere 200,000 yuan. Are you embarrassed?

If it weren't for reporters like us, you wouldn't be able to meet Ye Ming at all. Now that you have met Ye Ming, Ye Ming can bribe you with 200,000 yuan. Do you feel embarrassed? This is an act of betrayal. How can you be so shameless? "

But no one expected that Lao Zhang said without blushing at all: "What is shameless? We have a cooperative relationship. You just said that our cooperation has ended.

Now that it's over, in such a situation, we actually no longer have a cooperative relationship. Now Ye Ming wants me to cooperate with him. This is normal. This is just a reset of my new working relationship. start.

In fact, it doesn't seem like a big deal to me. Mr. Ye Ming is willing to pay to hire me, and I am willing to work for Mr. Ye Ming. This is normal.

Mr. Ye Ming thought I was useful and was willing to spend money and use me. I agreed to Mr. Ye Ming's employment. What's the big deal? This thing is very normal. "

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