Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3554 Backhand

This is actually what Damimi herself would ask Ye Ming.

Zhao Yazhi would not be so aggressive.

In fact, Zhao Yazhi is extremely beautiful even after taking off her makeup. After all, she is a great beauty. Regardless of whether she wears ancient costumes or fashionable clothes, she is very elegant.

What's more, this one is youthful and full of collagen. It is definitely a top-notch appearance.

And Zhao Yazhi is indeed not that aggressive. After coming over, he asked a small question, that is: "Boss, if we do this, is it possible that he will have backlash?

After all, this box is not yours, right? I heard you say that it belongs to Lao Zhang. Although you paid for it, Lao Zhang insists that the things are made by tea, or are from their family. , if he doesn’t sell it to you, will there be any other backlash if you donate it?

The problem has caused Dalian Tianchao Taiwan to pay attention to it. It would not be fun if there were any sequelae. "

At this time, Ye Ming said with great certainty: "Sister, don't worry, this is definitely not a big problem. Do you know what donation is?

Donations are free, right? So on this issue, I have already considered this issue when I was having a hard time. I donated it to Professor Long. I didn’t donate it to an individual casually. I donated it to the museum. I donated it to Professor Long. Professors do research,

In the end, it will be placed in their university museum. In this case, the reputation will be mine, right?

After all, I donated it, but if Lao Zhang wants to take this thing back, why would he want it back? Anyway, the thing is not in my hands, and I am already defective. If he goes out to find me for it, he has no reason, and the thing is also not available. It is no longer in my hands. It is impossible for him to ask me for it. But think about it, if Lao Zhang was deceived by reporters and went to Professor Long to get the box back, do you think it would be possible? "

At this time Zhao Yazhi thought for a while. Then he said very incomprehensively: "It's really hard to say this. After all, the box belongs to him. You said it might be possible if he comes back."

But at this time, Damimi followed and said: "Sister, please rest assured about this matter, don't think so, this is definitely impossible.

After all, our boss donated something. If he can get it back, then that's possible. Things donated to the museum are museums. If you want to get them back at this time, how can there be such a beautiful thing?

Do you think the museum is run by your family? Executives, if you donate something, they will give you 500 yuan, a certificate or something. This is a standard configuration, but if you want to get the things back, do you know how many procedures are required? ?

I once had a friend who was a prop for one of our production crews. At that time, he came out of a museum. He felt that working in a museum was a bit leisurely, and he didn’t want to waste his youth so much. He thought that he could go out and walk around while he was young. You can fight hard.

So I came out of the museum and then entered the entertainment industry, making props and so on. When we were on the same crew, I chatted with him about this matter, and he told me about the things in the museum. Don’t mention the donated things. If you want to come back, that is to say, if you want to lend something under my control for exhibition, you need to go through a lot of procedures.

Also, it is basically impossible for you to get something brand new. If you just go through the process, you won't be able to wait. If you don't drag it casually, you won't be able to take it away.

Anything donated to a museum must belong to the museum and you cannot get it back.

Also, do you think those reporters and paparazzi have proven that they are fools? Now that they are attacking the boss, it is because they don’t know that the boss has donated the things, so they want to use this matter to make them morally black. Our boss, but once they know that the boss has donated the things at this time, then they will have no reason to attack the boss's moral issues.

After all, although the boss bought this box, and this box is very valuable, worth 10 million, it is very attractive, but at this time the boss did not keep this box in his hands, he donated this box out.

Since donating it means that the boss is selfless, and there is no moral stain on the boss, once he learned about this matter, he donated the box to Professor Long.

Those reporters and paparazzi would never think of tricking Lao Zhang into taking back the box from the museum, because reporter Hegou knew very well in his heart that he had to keep the box from the boss. Wanting to come back and wanting to come back from the museum are two completely different concepts.

This matter is simply as difficult as the distance between a bird and a fish, and the difference is very big.

It is even said that the reporters and paparazzi knew very well that it was absolutely impossible to get this box back from the museum, and even Professor Long would not agree.

After all, according to the rules of the antique shop, since our boss has bought this box and Lao Zhang has agreed to sell this box to our boss, then the ownership of this sale belongs to our boss. The boss also donated this box to Professor Long and his colleagues went to the museum and donated money to the university.

Then the ownership of this box belongs to the museum in the university. If you want to go back under such a situation, don't even think about it.

Regarding this matter, whether from a theoretical point of view or from a basic human principle, what our boss did was flawless.

So unless they don’t want to admit the rules of the antique shop, who is Professor Long? Professor Garon, he is willing to admit the rules of the antique shop, because he is an old man in an antique box, so he is the most senior person in this category. Those who abide by the rules are the kind of old people he hates the most who don't follow the rules. Moreover, Professor Long is a national-level scholar who enjoys special allowances. He only knows about research and doesn't care about anything else. , Anyway, if reporters dare to offend our boss, that’s no problem. If they offend the boss, the worst they can do is interview other celebrities, right?

But these reporters and paparazzi will never offend Professor Long foolishly, because Professor Long is a moral benchmark, and Professor Rong is an indisputable model pacesetter in morality. Therefore, those reporters know very well that to deal with our boss, it is okay to use this kind of moral means to slander and make people black. But for people like Professor Long, they belong to the black mist, but if they are high, they belong to the sun. No one else dares to talk to an old professor and expert like Professor Heilong, so you don’t have to worry about this problem. Once you know that our boss has donated this box, tomorrow’s press conference will be very interesting.

Anyway, I think it will be quite exciting to see the faces of those reporters and crocheters when the time comes. And you don’t have to worry about the backlash our boss will suffer from such an issue.

Because there is absolutely no possibility of any backlash, but after our boss donated this box, our boss already signed it.

In the entertainment industry, as long as you are morally invincible, no one else will dare to embarrass you in other aspects. ,

What's more, think about how easy it is to make money in our industry. Our boss makes money much faster, much more powerfully than ordinary celebrities, and the boss is not short of money.

And if there is no moral problem, those reporters and staff will at least not dare to use other means to slander our boss on this box. This is a fact.

This round, our boss is holding the king bomb, and he is not afraid of any reporters or paparazzi making things difficult for us. Even if someone from Tianchao Taiwan comes over, it is not a big deal.

According to the boss, it is just to promote our New White Snake Legend. In fact, these people are still very cute, because these people can help us promote the New White Snake Legend. Of course, this time the boss gave the box to Donate it. As for such a situation, we have to pay attention to one issue, that is, their speculation this time is a one-time deal, and it is impossible to continue the speculation for a long time.

Reporters and paparazzi are not fools. If they knew that our boss had donated his hometown, they would never continue to entangle themselves in this matter.

So at such a time, what we are actually sitting on is a one-shot deal. This makes me feel a little regretful. Otherwise, if we had made it more important at this time, we would have been able to hype it up for a longer time. Unfortunately, the hype this time was indeed a little short.

This is somewhat of a pity. "

At this time, when Ye Ming heard about this, he laughed and said: "It's unnecessary for you two to worry. In fact, there are many types of hype. It doesn't mean that you must really keep the hype going for a long time." It is in our best interest to continue. I know that if we continue to find this matter, the speculation may take a little longer. People may think that it is very beneficial to us. However, in such a situation, if we donate After the matter of going out is exposed, we will stand on the moral high ground.

It is true that as you said, when we hype it, it will actually be shorter, and it may not be of much benefit to us, but we donated your small speaker to represent that we are positive energy and we are on the side of justice online. No one dares to slander us casually.

And don’t forget that this time the Celestial Empire is paying too much attention. Our reporter Xiao Liu also said that it was the intention of the leaders above. What does that mean? That means leaders above are paying attention to this matter. What does this mean?

This means that our matter represents a social phenomenon, and some leaders may want to use this matter for propaganda, so we must first stand on the moral high ground, and we must ensure that we have nothing to blame, at least in this case Regarding the matter, we must ensure that there is nothing scandalous about this matter. Only under such a situation can the leaders above use us as role models for publicity. Think about how hard we have worked so hard no matter what. In terms of publicity, he is just making a small fuss, and it is impossible for him to say a word out of the circle.

Then take us as a model and let Tianchao TV help us promote it. Think about Tianchao TV, can you buy such advertising with money? Not at all, maybe that’s right, so as long as we say we can handle this matter beautifully and satisfy the leaders this time, we will change the matter this time. Maybe the symptom desk will really help us. , and if I go to the Spring Festival Gala then, think about it, it is also a very fortunate thing for us to live in. If we do not do a good enough job in this matter and are caught morally, I will think about it in the future. It’s not easy to earn either.

But if we are morally perfect now, and at least don’t let others criticize us on this matter, then it will be quite easy for me to attend the Spring Festival Gala. As long as I have the opportunity to attend the Spring Festival Gala, then we will have more Excuses, more reasons to increase our exposure, our crew will always stand on the hot spots of public opinion. Although I dare not say that we will be praised every time and make the headlines of hot searches, we will always be on the hot search rankings. , this is also a pretty good thing, so it does not mean that after we exposed this matter, the media felt that this matter was not easy to operate.

This actually means that we have exposed that we are on the very right side. This is what we need, you know? In the long run, we must first establish ourselves as a moral model. In this way, it will be easier for us to hype the next thing, so it will be more beneficial to us after this matter is exposed. We must take a longer view. How to hype it will be more beneficial to us, then how to deal with this matter.

Anyway, now we are standing on the moral high ground. Once Professor Long comes out, all the opposing voices will disappear.

A bonus of five hundred yuan and a small banner are sometimes quite useful. Without them, how can we continue to speculate? This does not mean that money can buy it.

Can you spend money to get Professor Long to endorse you?

Obviously it's not possible. Money is not everything for people like Professor Long. They are truly knowledgeable people and will not give up for five buckets of rice.

If you want them to recognize you, you can only impress them with real practical actions. "

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