Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3543: Invite experts

Ye Ming knew very well in his heart that Damimi did this for his own good, so he also explained it to Damimi, saying that he would not be obsessed with collecting antiques, anyway. There was also a slight discussion among the crew, and then it was diluted by the intense filming.

After all, at a time like this, in fact, the focus among the crew is to film what kind of box their boss has built. This is just a small piece of news.

At least other people are not aware of this when they are hyping it up.

Although the crew here has calmed down, the matter has not calmed down outside the host, because Ye Ming actually quickly invited experts over, and also used the filming time to recruit three authoritative experts on the Red Mansion in this area.

In fact, many authorities who studied the Red Mansion were naturally very interested when they heard that Ye Ming had obtained a bookcase used by Mr. Cao Xueqin.

Because when studying Red Mansions, you usually only study the book Red Mansions, such as the Cheng A edition, Cheng B edition, etc. In fact, if you study these, you can eat and drink them for a lifetime.

Some people can even receive subsidies. Why can they receive subsidies?

In fact, it is because I have unique insights into the history of the study of Dream of Red Mansions.

Anyway, Dream of Red Mansions is a novel that everyone likes to study very much. If you have a sharp eye after hearing it, you should look for an opportunity to read it.

If it is really Cao Xueqin's relic, it will be very helpful for the study of Dream of Red Mansions. At least through this box, we can know what kind of state Cao Xueqin was at that time and what his family situation was like.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, this matter is very helpless.

If a great writer dies of starvation, then his history is of course also worth studying.

So people who got the news also asked one after another whether the news was true?

And this time, Ye Ming invited three people who were at the top of the red academic circle.

Three experts rushed over directly to see if the clothes were authentic and consistent with historical records.

Of course, these people are also very professional. They are not the ones selling dog-skin plasters on the street. They are all professors who were born in universities with real majors.

Therefore, if these three people identify it, they can basically determine whether the box is genuine.

And in fact, the intelligence of these three people is frightening. They are not the kind that can be hired with money. Even the superstars can be hired with money. The key depends on how much money you give. ;

But just like these experts, they don’t mean that you can hire them just because you have money, because they don’t expect appraisals to make a living, they are the kind who only focus on learning.

There are many experts in the collection world who make money from appraisals, but there are also many real scholars.

So it doesn’t mean that you can definitely invite these three experts if you have money. It depends on whether they are willing to come and see this thing, right? Attract others to come and evaluate.

Moreover, the box, which was almost the same as the one found, was very attractive, so the three experts readily agreed to come over for appraisal.

Because they are also very curious about the book box used by Cao Xueqin. If this box is proven to be authentic, the price will be very attractive.

The three experts are headed by Professor Long, the vice president of a university in Beijing and a real big figure in the industry.

In fact, it can be said that as long as Professor Long himself authenticates the box, no one else will particularly object.

How big a celebrity is Professor Long? He is actually the vice president of a university, but calling him President Long at this time is not wrong at all.

This matter is already a fact. He is the vice-president of the university or the principal. Anyway, he is the principal.

So it's no big deal to call Principal Long, it's a sign of respect for the old man.

But in such a situation, Professor Long likes even more when others call him professor.

Because in his opinion, as a teacher who is engaged in learning, if he takes good care of his students, there won't be any big problems.

In fact, there was nothing else that could arouse Professor Long and his interest.

Calling him Principal Long seems to be a waste of Professor Long's time, because the principal only has to deal with some school chores. But when Professor Long becomes the vice principal, he is actually a vice principal in name only and does not care about the specific work. .

Originally, the principal gave him specific work, but Professor Long thought that he could just take care of his own class and educate his own students, so it was no big deal to find an additional position.

Official titles such as vice principal have no meaning to him, because he doesn't care much at all. His monthly salary plus bonus and special allowances from the state are enough for him to live on.

He doesn't have much desire for money, and since he studies red studies, he doesn't really have any special need to buy antiques or anything like that.

Study red studies, just study the novel Dream of Red Mansions. The cost of research is very low. In addition, its status is very high in the industry. If you go out and study it, you can already make extra money.

In fact, even if he goes out to give lectures, he is too lazy to teach diligently. He really can't shirk it, so he can go out. Therefore, Professor Long belongs to the kind of new research knowledge, and he is strong without desire.

He believes that the title of principal, vice principal, etc. is just a title given to him by the school. He uses the title of vice principal for the convenience of research.

In other words, it is convenient to communicate with colleagues, because if you go out and talk about the vice principal of the school, it will appear to be very high-class.

If you want to say that your professor is not as high-ranking as the vice-president, he will become the vice-president. Tomorrow, he will also prefer others to call him husband, professor, because he thinks that a professor should treat himself Just do a good job in your knowledge, don't engage in those miscellaneous things that will affect your own research.

Therefore, until now, Professor Long still prefers others to call him Professor Kalong. If you call him Vice Principal or Principal Long, he will be a little unhappy.

Therefore, Professor Long has always been Professor Long. He did not become Principal Long because he became the vice principal. This is a truly old teacher who has devoted most of his life to the study of knowledge.

Of course, he is not unknown in the industry, he is a real big name.

This was not because Ye Ming directly invited Professor Long over to verify whether the box he bought was genuine.

Two other experts with similar levels were also invited. Anyway, the arrival of these three experts was headed by Professor Long.

After Long Jiao San arrived, there were no polite words. He immediately said: "Director Ye, I heard that you have a box here that seems to have been passed down by Mr. Cao Xueqin. Let's not say other polite words and be direct. Just take it from the box.

If it's not right, don't take it over. I'll just follow you and it's over. You tell me where the country is, and we three old guys will be able to give you an answer after looking at it. "

He didn't even want to drink a sip of water, so he directly proposed to study a person like Xiangzi. This is a character that can only be formed by a pure scholar.

In other words, Professor Long didn’t know much about interpersonal communication at all, and he didn’t think that Ye Ming was a big star or a billionaire. He just felt that he was superior to others. Anyway, after meeting Ye Ming, he directly asked about his hometown. As for Zi, it proves that Professor Long is here to study the country, not to build relationships.

Because you are also very surprised at this time, good guy,

Otherwise, the old professor is different, so let’s start researching first. After the research comes out with a result, we can talk about other things, so a direct person led people to the room where the boxes were placed.

This is a room for props. It was temporarily vacated by Ye Ming to store boxes, so there are other props in this box.

After Professor Long saw the box, he did not express an opinion first, because he himself was not particularly sure whether the box was the real relic of Chao Xinqin. Without investigation, he had no right to speak.

So he first looked at the material, and then looked at the craftsmanship and packaging. At this time, Professor Long thought for a while and said: "If you look at the production process and materials of this box, it is definitely not the latest one. Even if it is not The box used by Mr. Cao Xueqin must also be from the Qing Dynasty.

And it can be judged from the production technology that it is indeed the production technology commonly used by scholars in the capital of the Qing Dynasty. Moreover, little Xie Jing was already very poor at that time. In such a situation, you said you wanted to teach him to make a gold A nanmu box or something like that is impossible,

So from the material point of view, from the production process point of view, it is indeed in line with the style of the Qing Dynasty. What I can tell you now is that even if this box is not for human use, it is at least a box made by Chao that is not for human use. This One thing is beyond doubt.

What do you think, Lao Zhang?

You are considered an expert in this area. I don’t think the Qing Dynasty could escape this box anyway. "

The one called Lao Zhang is the younger one among the three, but he is over 50 years old. His hair is a little gray. Lao Zhang nodded: "The craftsmanship and materials of the box are indeed an antique from the Qing Dynasty. There is nothing wrong with it,

Judging from the materials and patterns, we really can’t see anything special. Xiaoye’s box does have a history.

You bought it for 2,000 yuan. "

Because at this time, he immediately said politely: "Professor Long, Professor Zhang, you are so polite, just call me Xiaoye. Indeed, this is also something I encountered unexpectedly.

Yesterday we went to the main studio and I felt that filming was quite tiring. The filming went very fast these days, and everyone on and off the line was very busy. I saw that everyone was quite tired, so I felt that sharpening the knife would not waste time chopping firewood. , just tell everyone to take a break and take a half-day off.

Right? You can't ask the entire crew to rush with me and not give the crew time to rest, so I'm going to let everyone take a half-day off to take a break, and then I'll go out for a walk.

I was also thinking about the next shooting, so at this time I went out for a walk and met a man selling boxes on the road, which was considered a roadside stall.

It's not a roadside stall in the boiler market, but a random roadside stall on the road. He was the only one selling boxes. I thought his box was very interesting at first glance.

That guy told me that it was a box from Korea, but I didn’t believe it. Good guy, it’s a small box. There are very few Cao Xueqin’s relics in the public antique market. He said it was Cao Xueqin’s box, inherited from their family. This thing, good guy, it’s impossible to sell it for 2,000 yuan if it’s passed down from your ancestors.

And I seem to still know the person selling the boxes, because before I came back, I went to the agitation market and I knew the person selling the boxes, but he didn’t particularly know me.

Because the person selling the box had been to the stock market, more than once to appraise the box or something, so I knew who the person selling the box was, but he didn’t notice me. I wondered what the hell was going on with this guy. Something happened.

Is his box real? Anyway, it’s just over 2,000 yuan, so it’s not a big deal. To me, 2,000 yuan is not a big deal. Even if the box is fake and a fake, to me it’s just a loss of 2,000 yuan.

So, I bought this box. I didn’t really think that it must be a promotion used by Cao Xueqin, but in fact, my sixth sense told me that this box might be real.

Because what I really realize is this problem. If this sale is true and I can buy it for 2,000 yuan, then I will make a lot of money. In fact, even if it is false, I will not lose any money. It is precisely because I I intuitively felt that this pixel was real, so I bought it for 2,000 yuan.

After I came back, I just said that, and the news spread. I thought to myself, since I think this box is real, it is impossible for others to believe it.

I'm going to ask experts to come over and help me identify it. I'm just inviting the three old ones here. I hope they can help me identify whether this box is real or fake.

When I saw the poem written above, I think it should really be like what Cao Xueqin could write. Other people, especially people from the Qing Dynasty, seemed not to have this talent.

Except for Nalan Xingde, the others had no special talents at all.

But I am relatively familiar with Nalan’s lyrics and that man’s poems, from Liu Chengxiao. Unless you are talking about which corner of the book contains records that have not been published, I may not know, but as long as it is the poems and other things written in the published column, I have read them all, and I can probably memorize them all.

So I am not unfamiliar with Nalan's poetry at all. I think there were only two people in the Qing Dynasty who could write poems of this level, one was Nalan and the other was Cao Xueqin.

As for the emperor who wrote poetry, what did Qianlong write? Anyway, he didn't have that ability, so I think this poem should be written by Cao Xueqin.

Since this poem was written by Cao Xueqin, I think it is possible that the entire box belongs to him. Of course, if it is not his, there is nothing you can do. At least it will let me know whether the box is real or fake. It is only 2,000 yuan for me. No big hindrance. "

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