Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3541: Prepare with both hands

Such a result actually makes Yaya very satisfied. As long as her boss does not go to the antique market and still plays in the entertainment industry, then she will have a lot of opportunities. As a person who enters the entertainment industry, she Man, she actually still has her own ambitions.

An artist who doesn’t want to be a star is not a good artist, and a star who doesn’t want to be a top star is not a good star. That kind of person is called an actor.

An artist who values ​​acting skills may become a good actor, but he will never become a superstar.

Because good acting skills are actually just one of the necessary conditions for becoming a superstar, not the only condition.

And Yaya is the kind of artist who hopes she can become a star, a superstar.

This wish can only be realized if her boss stays in the entertainment industry.

So at this time, Yaya immediately said: "Boss, if you say you don't play in the antique circle anymore, then we can auction this thing.

It’s over 10 million. If you say this, wouldn’t our investment in filming the new Legend of White Snake be returned?

You can invest in a TV series without spending a penny. I believe this is a result that many bosses want to see.

If you put it this way, boss, you can be said to be very lucky. You can pick up gold bricks while walking on the road. This box bought for 2,000 yuan can actually be worth 10 million yuan, which is really unexpected. "

10 million is actually a very large number for most people. Many people will not be able to save that much money in their lifetime.

Note that it is impossible to save that much money, not that you may not be able to earn that much money.

Of course, in fact, according to the average person's ability to make money, the average person can only make several million in a lifetime. If you want to exceed 10 million, this person must be much better than the ordinary people around him.

But if you want to talk about the indigenous residents in the four major cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, the demolition of their homes can cost tens of millions at once. This is an exception. Who can let their families live well? Some people will never reach Rome in their lifetime, but some A person is born in Rome, there is nothing he can do about it.

But generally speaking, 10 million is a very large number for any ordinary person.

As for the small goal that Lao Wang mentioned, it was basically just a joke in his circle of friends. It was a little joke in the circle of billionaires. Ordinary people, maybe listen to it and have a dream. If you can achieve anything else, forget about it.

Ten million is already a goal that is out of reach for ordinary people.

There is an unofficial organization that once made statistics. Excluding inflation, basically 80% of people will not earn more than 10 million in their lifetime.

So if an antique can be sold for 10 million, for Yaya, it is actually a very big number. After all, the investment when the White Snake was legendary was only 10 million for a small stereo.

A lot of filming for The Legend of the White Snake was done indoors, and the actors are all very cheap, or they are actors from their own company. Therefore, under such a situation, when it comes to investment in the TV series The Legend of the White Snake 10 million, this really surprised many people.

But Ye Ming was not surprised. It was just because of such an act. 10 million to invest in a TV series or a fairy tale TV series. The target was actually Jianghu Heroes who invested 50 million. blockbusters, then at this time many of us will think that the one with 10 million is definitely not as good as the one with 50 million. This is almost undoubtedly a problem.

If ordinary people can't earn 10 million in a lifetime, then you don't even have to think about 50 million. Many people may not even be able to dream of something as big as 50 million. of a number.

Of course, in Ye Ming's eyes, this is just a small investment. Now that he has achieved financial freedom, he has the confidence to lose his temper to reporters.

Because Ye Ming has enough money in his hands, enough money to enable him to achieve financial freedom, so in such a situation, he was confident about what the reporter said. And when Yiming looks at problems, he doesn't just use simple money to measure them.

So at this time, Ye Ming thought again and again and explained: "Yaya, is this box right?

We still give me something that I can sell casually, take this box as a target, and invite experts to come over. If this box is determined by the experts to be genuine, it will become a hot spot for our hype.

Although I feel that this box should be real, it is useless to say that it is real. No one believes it because I am not an authority. I feel that it may be real, but it may be fake. Not necessarily.

After all, I am neither an expert nor an authority in this field. No one believes what I say, but if I invite relevant experts to identify it, or get a painting like the Qinxi Orchid sketch for comparison If it is determined that he is something Cao Xueqin used, then our countryman will be valuable at this time.

10 million is just his base price. After all, Cao Xueqin only left a few calligraphy and paintings.

It seems that there are only one or two calligraphy and paintings that have been officially recognized, and the others seem to be the same thing. So if it is recognized that this book box is the book box used by Cao Xueqin, then we will make a fortune. Really You will get rich, just make a small fortune.

Just like you said, the investment in Legend of Modern Lady can be earned with this box. Of course, I am talking about a bottom price issue, but we cannot sell this box immediately. If we sell it, it will cost tens of millions. It’s boring, you know?

We need to have this box as a hype point to hype up our New Legend of White Snake. If so, think about how much money we will make once New Legend of White Snake becomes a hit.

Then it is not calculated based on 10 million, so using this box as a hype point is what we should do. We have to put this box away.

It is worth more than 10 million. We need to use this 10 million to leverage more of the remaining value of this box. I believe that if the media knew that I was filming the White Snake Legend, they would actually buy it halfway. If a box is found to be Cao Xueqin's relic, then I believe that many of your reporters will very much hope to interview me again at this time.

Think about how much publicity expenses we will save in this way. As long as you stand on Zhufengkou, even a pig can blow it, let alone this box, which is not even comparable to pigs from a farm.

So in such a situation. We will save most of the publicity costs, there will be more progress, more paparazzi will come to collect news, and we will promote the TV series "The Legend of the White Snake" for us. To be honest, at this time, we are focusing on publicity, interaction and rural jurisdiction. The difference is still very big,

How much money people invest in publicity is the same as how much money we invest in publicity, right?

This is not of the same magnitude at all, and I heard that Li Jiangnan announced that the 50 million Edo investment was just a basic investment, and he could add more investments at any time.

So if you think about the intensity of its promotion and the intensity of the promotion of our TV series, there is simply no way to compare. So in such a situation, we have to find a new way and use other methods. Propaganda to counter the charlatans.

Otherwise, although our production of "Legend of the White Snake" is good, if the publicity cannot keep up, our starting point will be low at that time. If the publicity cannot keep up, it will be more difficult for us in the early stage.

But if we keep up with our publicity, then at times like this, we will be a little more relaxed in the early stage. "

At this time, Yaya was also very happy, but he suddenly seemed to think of something and said: "Boss, if you want it, all our arguments at this time are that this box is real, but you just said that this box seems This is not necessarily true.

You don't know whether it's true or not, and you're not an authority in this area. If he invites an expert, is this countryman false?

I mean what if, of course I hope this box is real, but what if you also said that the antique industry is not something that ordinary people can just play in. How many antiques are there in the antique market now are real?

This time you were in the antique market anyway, so what if you didn’t have any hope? What if this box is fake, then wouldn’t we have lost an opportunity for hype? "

Ye Ming laughed loudly after hearing this and said: "Of course, we invited the experts here with great fanfare. At this time, the appraisal of Xiangzi was actually a fake. It is indeed a bit shameless, but it doesn't matter.

After all, I am not an expert. I am worthy of such a long name. So many experts are celebrating the Chinese New Year. I am a layman who has made mistakes. I am not ashamed at all. I am an amateur. I am a layman and I have made mistakes. This is normal.

If I hadn’t watched Mobilization, it would have been worthy of the hype. Just like if we invited experts over and identified this country boy as fake at this time, wouldn’t it be normal for the box I bought for 2,000 yuan to be fake? ?

After all, I am a layman, and my box cannot be bought for 2,000 yuan. Think about it and ask the experts to take a look at it. If it turns out that the box I bought is fake, it is just a joke. Everyone has seen it. From now on, if I finish laughing, I have nothing to lose.

After all, I am just an artist. I can sing and act, no problem, but I appraised antiques and ended up buying a fake nest-shaped country house for 2,000 yuan. This is normal, right? So even if it is false, there is no big problem.

In fact, the entertainment industry is such a problem. Who can tell clearly whether it is true or false?

Cao Xueqin has a very good saying, when it is fake and true, it is also false, and when there is no action, there is something and nothing. We just need to understand this in our own hearts, and don't care too much about the truth or falsehood.

There are real methods of operation, and there are fake methods of hype, so any result must be viewed with a relatively relaxed mentality.

Don’t think that we can absolutely determine whether something is true or false at this time, or whether a person in the entertainment industry is a good person or a bad person. If you really look at the entertainment industry with such eyes, then I advise you. I can no longer hang out in the entertainment industry.

There are actually only two kinds of people in the entertainment industry, one is people who are good for you, and the other is people who are not good for you. If a person is helpful to your career, then relatively speaking, his value to you It will be bigger.

If he doesn't help your career, then think about what value he has to you, right?

As for family and friendship, this is still very precious in the entertainment industry. Just like giant pandas, plastic sisters are B in the entertainment industry. It’s explained, so when looking at things in the entertainment industry, don’t say black and white. This box is true.

Then we will use the needle method to hype. If this box is not real, there is actually no loss to us. We can use fake methods to ridicule ourselves. In this case, no one will actually laugh at me, right?

After all, I am a layman. What happened if I bought a box for fake? Let's do this. As soon as the news is spread, please ask a few authoritative experts in this field to confirm it. Lan Shutu, forget it, don't contact them there yet. Anyway, experts will naturally contact you then.

What we have to do now is to use this thing to hype, and we not only have to use this thing to operate, we have to seize any opportunity we can seize to hype up, and promote the TV series "The Legend of the White Snake". This is something we need to pay attention to. "

At this time, Yaya still felt a little surprised. She had been in the entertainment industry for a while and had a clear understanding of the entertainment industry. But when he heard his boss's words, he reflected on what the entertainment industry was like. A situation where I wonder if my understanding of the entertainment industry is really the real entertainment industry.

It seems that the entertainment industry I know according to the boss is really not the real entertainment industry. The real entertainment industry may be much more complicated than what I see. A TV promotion and an antique box left by Cao Xueqin are all there at this time. Use value.

And how to use it and how to promote it, you need to be prepared in two ways. No wonder your boss can have his current status at a young age. Before doing anything, you must consider whether it will be successful. What to do, what to do if you fail.

In fact, even if such a person fails, it will not be particularly terrible under normal circumstances, because they will always leave themselves with a backup plan before they fail.

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