Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3536: Too bad luck

The TV station is also very confident. If you want to litigate, then litigate. Anyway, I will definitely cancel this contract. There is no doubt about this.

Although in such a situation, the TV station has been prepared, Ye Ming may file a lawsuit with himself, because according to Ye Ming's character, grand viewing is almost inevitable at this time, but the people of the TV station I never expected that Ye Ming would file a lawsuit with himself so quickly.

After the communication between Xiao Li and Yaya, the TV station received a letter from the lawyer on the second day, saying that Ye Ming had already started to sue them.

When Xiao Li knew the news, he was completely shocked. This guy Ye Ming is simply too fast. Didn't you say that it takes a long time to prepare for a lawsuit? Why are you so fast in filing a lawsuit? ah?

And the key point is that if the court over there has also received news and found that a case has been filed and a lawyer's letter has been filed, then this is OK. It doesn't matter whether the TV station receives the lawyer's letter or not, then this will not hinder them in any way.

It can be said that it is not a problem for the TV station to just throw the lawyer's letter into the trash can.

Because the lawyer's letter is about the same thing, that is to say, I want to sue you. This is considered to be a warning to you, and anything else is useless.

If you don't take this warning seriously, then this lawyer's letter will be no different than scrap paper, and the TV station really isn't worried about a lawsuit.

Therefore, if it was a lawyer's letter, then Xiao Li didn't have to worry about anything at this time.

But there was also news from the court that Ye Ming had asked his lawyer to sue in the court.

The most important thing is that the court has accepted the case. This is when Xiao Li feels flustered.

You must know that when you go to court to file a lawsuit, it does not mean that the court will definitely accept any lawsuit. It does not mean that you want to file a lawsuit. I have been wronged and I must file a lawsuit. This is impossible. In other words, the court has A standard for filing a case.

You are wronged. Why are you wronged? You must give a suitable reason.

In other words, the plaintiff must give a reason why the defendant must have violated the law, and it must also prove that the defendant must have violated the law. Under such conditions, the court will agree to file the case.

This does not mean that if anyone feels wronged and goes to court to sue, the court will accept the case. This is absolutely impossible.

The court has a review mechanism. It depends on how you state your grievances. Why did the defendant violate your rights?

As long as these are done, the court staff will naturally determine whether your matter meets the standards for filing a case. If it meets the standards for filing a case, OK, no problem, the court staff will file the case for you.

Of course, in such a situation, you don’t have to hire a lawyer yourself, that’s fine. If you feel that you are particularly free and you know the law well, you can also go to the court by yourself, and there is no problem with that. .

But under normal circumstances, of course, this professional matter must be left to professional lawyers. Unless you feel that you have graduated from a law school and know the law better than a lawyer, then it should not be a big deal for you to do this yourself. of the problem.

But under normal circumstances, when litigating a lawsuit, if you want to be efficient and avoid detours, it is very necessary to find a lawyer.

Under such conditions, the cost of finding a lawyer may be quite high. Of course, how much it will cost depends on what the minimum bid is for your lawsuit this time.

If we talk about a 1 million lawsuit and a 100,000 lawsuit, the fees will definitely be different. If you find a new lawyer, a chief lawyer, or even the director of a law firm, of course the prices will also be different. of.

If you find a lawyer in a third- or fourth-tier city, or if you go to a first- or higher-tier city to find a lawyer, the price will definitely be different.

But no matter where you are, even if you are looking for a lawyer in a small county, in such a situation, you must pay attention to one thing, that is, of course it is best to find a lawyer.

Under normal circumstances, ordinary people even say that even if you graduate from college or graduate school, do you dare to say that your understanding of the law is better than that of a lawyer?

This is impossible, so professional matters are left to professionals. When filing a lawsuit, you need to find a lawyer. After all, he is a professional in this field. How to file a lawsuit and how to file a lawsuit in court can maximize the court's ability to By accepting your request and filing the case, the lawyer can guarantee your interests to the maximum extent.

Of course, although lawyers make more money, they are still here to serve you.

You will make money based on your own services. If you pay a sufficient price and hire a good lawyer, it will have a considerable impact on your case.

I still don’t know what happened to the Simpson case in the United States. The verdict was correct. Anyway, it was basically the American version of the Gourd Monk’s judgment on the Gourd Case.

I heard about the Simpson case, has the real murderer been found or what?

Of course, this is just a rumor in the world. It is said that the case of Xin Bu Sheng was found on the mountain at the time, which proves that the murderer was not Simpson.

Of course, this is just a rumor and has not been confirmed, but it does indicate at this time that Simpson may not be the murderer in that case. In such a case, it is possible that Simpson was acquitted and acquitted.

Of course they lost money.

And the key point is that the Simpson family has money, and they have applied for a dreamy and luxurious team of lawyers, and through the influence of various relationships, there are many black people on the jury, or white people who sympathize with black people.

Anyway, in such a situation, Simpson used his money and influence to serve himself. During the lawsuit, he spent a lot of money to hire a fantastic team of lawyers to serve him.

It was like this fantastic team of lawyers who tried every means to convince the court and the jurors that it was not that there was no murder, and that the policeman made certain mistakes in law enforcement, or lied somewhere, then The police officer's testimony was not worthy of the court's belief. ,

How can we say that it was no longer acquittal in the end? If you were just a poor person with a bad surname, you wouldn't have the money to pay such a huge legal fee.

So can he easily escape the law? It's hard to say. There is a probability that he will go to jail for a period of time, but precisely because he is rich, he can afford so many lawyers, and it turns out that he was acquitted.

Of course, in the end, it may be said that the murderer appeared and proved that Xin Bu Sheng is indeed not the murderer. In fact, what can I say about this? The law will not wrongly accuse a good person, nor will it let a bad person go.

But the premise is that if you have money, then you will most likely get the services of more lawyers. There is no doubt about this.

From this point of view, it is very important to hire a good lawyer. If you can't hire a good lawyer to serve you, then it's best not to litigate easily. Don't believe that I can litigate with my little knowledge of the law.

If you think this way, then you have lost half of the lawsuit. If you don’t have a lawyer and the other party has a lawyer, then it is difficult for you to defeat the other party who knows the law well by relying on your little knowledge of the law. lawyer.

Therefore, it is necessary to hire a lawyer to litigate in such a situation. If your conditions permit, even if you hire a new lawyer, you should at least hire a lawyer to help.

Of course, if family conditions really don't allow it, in such a situation, if you have to file a lawsuit yourself, then this will be very helpless.

Sometimes the court will assign a specific attorney free of charge. At this time, I can actually regard the law as a kind of assistance to the weak. Everyone is equal before the law. Lawyers can sometimes serve some weak and poor people for free.

Of course, people like Ye Ming must be rich. They must not be short of money to hire a lawyer, so they must hire a good lawyer.

The lawyer Ye Ming hired this time was the boss of the law firm. It is said that there are as many as eight lawyers serving Ye Ming this time, and all of them are senior lawyers.

Of course, he has many relationship channels of his own, and the same goes for Xiao Li. He also has his own network of acquaintances.

It just so happened that Xiao Li had an acquaintance in the court. Since he was an acquaintance, it would be easy to do things, so he asked about this person.

The key point is that Ye Ming sued their TV station, which was expected by Xiao Li, because Ye Ming also said that he would sue them. According to Ye Ming's temper, there is no problem in suing.

But Xiao Li never expected that the lawsuit would be filed so quickly, and the court actually filed the case.

At that time, Xiao Li found an acquaintance of his to ask about this matter: "Why did you file the case against Ye Ming? As for the contract, didn't he say that the show hadn't started yet?

That is. There was no voice for this injury. Why would your court open the case if there was no voice? If you really want to file a case, you have to wait until February of next year. If we fail to fulfill the contract, you can only file the case at that time, right?

Why can you file a case now? His acquaintance also said helplessly, "There's nothing you can do about it. Xiao Li, it's because your side did something wrong, or there was something wrong with what you did, which made the other side take advantage of it."

It is true that the contract you signed is for February next year. If you fail to fulfill the contract then, he can file a lawsuit with you. However, when you communicated with them, it was tentative. The TV station will never fulfill the contract. So it was recorded over there.

This recording can be considered as evidence, even if your TV station has a contract, because you are a formal employee of the TV station, and you are communicating with you on behalf of the TV station.

So your words can be used as evidence. It is precisely because of this recording evidence that Ye Ming has decided that you will definitely not fulfill the contract.

So we have to go to our court to sue you, but there is no way, right?

Since they have evidence to prove this matter, it is impossible for our court not to file a case for them. After all, the team of lawyers hired by them is also very powerful.

Anyway, your TV station just needs to be careful. They have spent so much money on so many lawyers. I guess this case will not be let go casually. Of course, I know that your TV station will definitely not care about lawsuits, but in such a situation, you should not take it lightly.

I think this guy Ye Ming came prepared. Since he has filed a lawsuit with you in our court and we have filed a case, he must have come prepared and will not start a lawsuit with you casually.

So in such a situation, you must understand what kind of cards Ye Ming has, right?

I'm sure that the evidence he handed over this time is definitely not all the evidence he has. Anyway, just be careful when the time comes. It's best to find some professional people to deal with the TV station.

Maybe I think you have a habit of being aloof, but under such conditions, I think it's better for you to be more careful.

Ye Ming's side is not economical either. It's all the team of lawyers he hired. Good guys, the eight lawyers are all senior lawyers. Two of them are chief lawyers. They must be the bosses of the law firm. Think about it. How much does such a luxurious team cost?

This team of lawyers is dedicated to serving this case. This is why our court filed the case so quickly, because the lawyer has already prepared all the matters concerning the ex-wife. Even if our court wants to push it, it will be ignored. impossible.

Anyway, this team of lawyers found out all the prerequisites for us to file a case.

We have no reason to refute. We have no reason not to open a case for Ye Ming. So at this time, you can't just find one or two lawyers and just deal with it. I think you still need to find some senior lawyers. Take responsibility and see how to deal with this matter better.

Remember, it’s best not to be arrogant, because you can’t afford to be arrogant.

Judging from the lawyers that Ye Ming left, he is determined to litigate with you this time, and he will win with a high probability. So don’t think that Ye Ming is just fighting with you. Just for fun, it's impossible for him to spend the amount of money he spent. In fact, I was a little surprised when I heard it.

Anyway, it's just the same thing, it's better for you to be careful.

Again, don’t take this lightly.

I have to say that Xiao Li, an acquaintance, was quite interesting. He told one of his conditions and told Xiao Li not to take it lightly, and reminded Jianming that the TV station should take this matter seriously. Don't take it lightly.

If you really don't take it seriously, then you won't have anyone else to blame if you lose.

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