Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3520: Role Understanding

Anyway, we finally started interviewing Zhao Yazhi and Damimi. It was a bit awkward for the two of them to wait at the scene.

In fact, the reporters and paparazzi at the scene also felt very embarrassed. Although the early gains were relatively large, the trip was well worth it.

But in the end, I almost got into a fight with the boss at the scene.

Anyway, although reporters and paparazzi like them have a very superior feeling, especially when facing some less famous celebrities in the entertainment industry, they will feel that they are at the upper hand. .

After all, they are responsible for writing articles. In a sense, they can influence the direction of some entertainment news.

But if they really want to face a boss like Ye Ming who is not into meat and vegetables, they will really feel a little embarrassed. For example, Ye Ming is very strong now, so they also think it is better to directly interview Zhao Yazhi and Damimi is better between the two.

After all, the two female celebrities still have very good reputations in the entertainment industry, and they are relatively kind to reporters and paparazzi.

Of course, don’t think that paparazzi is a derogatory term. In fact, paparazzi is a relatively neutral term, at least within the media, and it is even a complimentary term. Not all entertainment reporters can be paparazzi. .

Only elite entertainment journalists can be paparazzi.

In fact, in a normal sense, the paparazzi is a section of the Hong Kong police that was jokingly called the Puppy Team. It has gradually moved to the entertainment industry to call those reporters in the entertainment industry.

It’s just that some individual paparazzi have no bottom line, and the entire paparazzi system has lowered their bottom line.

In fact, many news in the entire entertainment industry, especially big news, are broken by paparazzi. Therefore, paparazzi have made outstanding contributions to the prosperity of the entertainment industry and the broadcast of news in the entertainment industry.

Without the paparazzi following her 24 hours a day and night, there are a lot of big news in the entertainment industry that would not have been released.

So from this point of view, we can see that paparazzi are very hardworking sometimes.

Therefore, as far as the split screen in the entire entertainment industry is concerned, at least within the entertainment industry media, everyone is not shouting about paparazzi.

Of course, although he definitely doesn't like celebrities like this, the paparazzi must think that paparazzi guys are like killing a thousand cuts. It can be said that celebrities and paparazzi are mortal enemies.

This is also something that is beyond doubt. But as far as Zhao Yazhi and Damimi are concerned, they treat reporters and paparazzi very well.

In other words, their reputation among reporters and paparazzi is relatively good for female stars. For this type of female stars, usually unless there is any particularly big news, whether it is reporters or paparazzi, We will all be merciful.

Then there are the benefits of celebrities with good personalities. After all, they stay on the front line and can meet each other easily in the future. If it is not a particularly big benefit, the paparazzi do take special care of celebrities with good reputations and good personalities.

Of course, if there are enough benefits, that's another matter. But if there are not enough benefits, these paparazzi are still reporters. They are more cooperative with female stars with better scenery like Damimi and Zhao Yazhi. The female celebrities interviewed were indeed relatively merciful.

Even if these reporters and workers can ask questions during interviews, they will choose some more appropriate and appropriate ways to ask them.

For example, the first person to be interviewed this time is Zhao Yazhi. After all, it is the crew of The Legend of the White Snake. The Legend of the White Snake is a TV series with a major heroine. The star who stands in the C position is of course Zhao Yazhi, the actor of the White Snake. .

So when it comes to interviews, since the director and producer have already interviewed her, the first person to interview is naturally Zhao Yazhi as the leading heroine.

The first person to come out was a female reporter, and the questions she provided were not offensive at all. She asked them directly: "Miss Zhao Yazhi, I have a question, which is that the character in the Legend of White Snake is also a classic character in classical legends. Many actors have portrayed characters like White Snake before, and some of them have become classics in everyone's mind. When you received such a role this time, did you find it difficult to shape the character?

After all, for a classic piece like The Legend of White Snake, many people have performed the classic role of White Snake. It can be said that Zhongyu is at the forefront. How do you make a breakthrough based on the existing foundation? It should be a very Something difficult to accomplish.

Have you ever felt stressed about this matter? "

In fact, this is a typical double standard. For good guy Ye Ming, reporters and the country were the first to ask us sharp questions, but for Zhao Yazhi, these reporters were obviously merciful.

The first question asked is quite satisfactory, and it is a question that must be asked when visiting the class.

After all, during the negotiation, you also took the advantage of the other party's decision and the red envelope. Under normal circumstances, the reporters and paparazzi who come to interview should be prepared to be polite.

After all, this is a useful topic for promoting the program. Of course, the crew who invites to visit the show must be media partners with whom they have a good relationship. They will not be interested in those media and paparazzi who do not have a good relationship with them. Got through it.

Of course, there are also uninvited guests, but such cases are relatively rare.

Just like this time, the media and paparazzi who came to visit the new White Snake legendary background were all suitable for Ye Ming, or He Yeming had a better relationship, and they were recommended by colleagues in the entertainment industry.

Basically, even if there are some small frictions in the middle, you will definitely know how to write the manuscript when you finally write it. Of course, it is difficult to say that there are negative fans in the pure sense. This is impossible to guard against.

But generally speaking, most of them know how to conduct interviews, how to write articles, and how to publish news in the end. These all have certain unspoken rules. Under normal circumstances, reporters and paparazzi who participate in team visits This unspoken rule will be followed.

Why are unspoken rules unspoken rules?

Unspoken rules are a guideline used to constrain the entire industry. If you do not comply, you will be ostracized by the entire industry.

So generally speaking, in any industry, those who dare to break the unspoken rules of the industry can basically be said to be heroes or short-sighted.

Obviously, basically no one who can mix with the media or paparazzi in the entertainment industry will be careless, so everyone must abide by the unspoken rules, especially for those who have better personalities in the entertainment industry. For celebrities, they will take better care of female celebrities.

For example, in this interview, the female reporter who first asked Zhao Yazhi prepared questions that were quite satisfactory, leaving a very relaxed environment for Zhao Yazhi when answering. No matter what his answer was, the general situation There won't be any big problems next time, not to mention that the production staff and publicists on the crew must have made some preparations for this kind of problem.

The actors will be told in advance what should be the appropriate answer.

Zhao Yazhi paused for a moment and then said: "As for such a role, I actually refused it at first, because after all, I had just come out of the Jianghu Heroes crew, and it hadn't been long. Of course, maybe we felt that Jianghu was the best at this time. The filming of "The Heroes" has not been completed, and I, the female lead, have come out. It may be a little strange, but there is nothing strange about you. The filming of my scene has been completed, and according to the contract, I will come back. This is the crew's business.

But to be honest, I have not really come out of the role in the Jianghu Heroes crew so far. After all, it is very difficult to create a character.

Especially in terms of small elements in a costume drama, it is difficult to cast any role in the air and requires certain preparations. What's more, mine is the female lead of Jianghu Heroes. The early preparations at least cost me a lot of time. A month or two.

After I received the role of Jianghu Heroes, I prepared very carefully, so it was easier for me to control the emotions of the entire character during filming. I also entered the role relatively quickly, and it was probably easier during filming. It's easier.

But relatively speaking, the depth of entering the character is much deeper than that of ordinary characters, so up to now I have not really been able to get out of the role of the female lead in Jianghu Heroes, so at the beginning the boss gave me I refused when I took this role.

I hope I can take on a role like this again after I step out of the role of the leading heroine in Jianghu Heroes.

As you said, White Snake is a relatively classic character in The Legend of White Snake, and many senior celebrities have also left many popular images of White Snake to everyone.

Therefore, such a role is a challenge for me, so when I have not stepped out from the role of the heroine of Jianghu Heroes, I feel that it is better for me not to take this role for the time being.

But at this time our boss told me that I should take on such a role as a way to adjust my way of thinking. He told me that I started filming a martial arts drama, and if I film a mythological drama now, it might help me get out of my role as a martial arts drama and a heroic heroine. I thought that maybe changing a role might help me get out of a role that was easier for me to become, so I took this role.

As for how I will portray this character in such a situation, I really don’t know so far, because I just accepted such a role, and I just came back from the filming of Jianghu Heroes, basically It can be said that my boss picked me up as soon as I got off the plane, and then gave me such a role.

Just tell me that our company is planning to develop a TV series like The Legend of White Snake, and the role of the female lead White Snake is decided to be mine.

So when it comes to such a thing, I also felt it was very sudden. Before getting off the plane and even before meeting our boss, I really didn’t know that I would have such a role.

Therefore, in such a situation, you ask me to tell you how I can create such a character. So far, it is not possible. I can only say that I am crossing the river by feeling the stones.

If I were asked to play a role, the supporting role might be better, but for the protagonist, I would need at least a week to get to know the character, write a biography for the character, and even look up the character's historical background, family relationships, etc. wait wait wait.

I even have to investigate the environment in which he grew up. In short, I need to understand the surroundings of this character as much as possible, and then these will help me shape how to shape this character.

Sometimes I even look at the various types of White Snake characters created by my predecessors, which help me gain a deeper understanding of the White Snake character.

So now when I say how to play the role of White Snake, I really don’t know.

Regarding such a question, our boss said that I don’t need to deliberately play the role of the white lady. After putting on makeup, I can just play myself. I think such words are a bit perfunctory.

What the boss means is a bit irresponsible. You are not only the boss of our company, but also the producer, director and screenwriter of this movie. These are all your jobs. Now you suddenly tell me that as the female lead, I am asked to It's a bit irresponsible to act how you should act.

So I decided that I would not listen to our boss. He asked me to act however I wanted. How was this going to happen?

So up to now, I am still exploring how I play the role of the White Snake. I am crossing the river by feeling the stones. Maybe I can tell you some of my experiences in shaping this role during the next negotiation.

But at least I won't say much for now. Of course, one thing is certain about what our boss said. I feel that he is trying to trick me, asking me to act however I want. How can it be that easy? If it were that easy to play a role, everyone would be an actor. Our boss is pretty good in other aspects, and his work is relatively reliable, but when it comes to understanding other people's acting, I always feel that sometimes he is quite unreliable. "

At this time, making fun of your boss directly, and in front of the boss, is something not all actors can do, and not all actors dare to do. Actors who dare to do this are either top-notch or top-notch actors. The kind that's hard to replace.

This kind of person may have already half-stepped into the door of capital.

Also, if you have a good relationship with your boss, you can also tease your boss casually. As for how good you are enough to do so, it’s up to you.

Anyway, if you are not sure, the consequences will be quite serious.

Not to mention that the future is bleak, but it is probably about the same.

Zhao Yazhi's teasing seemed very confident, without any timidity or hesitation at all.

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