Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 353 [Love is deep and rainy] starts

In the midst of this lingering moment, "Love in the Rain" was officially launched. Because of the incredible success of "Huan Zhu Ge Ge", this time it is another TV series created by the team of "Huan Zhu Ge Ge". Therefore, this time the launch ceremony It was quite attractive. The hall was filled with reporters from the media. Everyone was very concerned about whether Qiong Yao could create a new miracle for everyone this time.

[Film and Television Circle] A female reporter stood up first and said: "I would like to ask the director, why not film the third part of Huan Zhu Ge Ge? You know, the first and second parts of Huan Zhu Ge Ge both have With super high ratings, I think if we film a third part, it will definitely be very attractive."

Why Huanzhugege didn’t film the third part immediately? This has always been a question for everyone. According to everyone’s guess, in fact, almost everyone thinks that filming [Misty and Rainy Meng] will be re-filmed. It would be better to film the third part of Fairy Princess.

The female reporter also suddenly asked about something that everyone was concerned about.

Director Li Ping said with a smile: "I knew that when we met, everyone would definitely ask a question like this. In fact, I also want to make a third film, but there are two reasons. One is aesthetic fatigue. Even if it is another From classics to TV series, if we shoot it over and over again, everyone will get tired of it. I think the same is true for "Huanzhugege". Rather than making the audience hate us, we might as well just give it up and give it to everyone. Leave a very good memory.

The second point is actually a problem with the script, because the script for "Love in the Rain" actually came out early, even earlier than the second part of "My Fair Princess". I just said that everyone liked it very much when I saw it. The second part of Huanzhugege, I changed my plan temporarily and wrote the second part of Huanzhugege. Now that we are filming [Love is Deep and Rainy], that means the filming has been postponed.

I don’t have the copy of the third part of Princess Fairy the Princess, so it’s impossible to film the third part. But I believe that everyone will like this Republic of China version of "Love in the Rain" created by the original team. "

In fact, reporters didn't really buy this explanation. Therefore, at this time, a reporter from a Hong Kong tabloid said, fearing that the world would stop talking nonsense: "Director Li, when it comes to the script, I heard that [Love is Deep and Rainy" 】The script was leaked, and what was leaked was a key part. I don’t know if it will affect the subsequent filming, or whether Ms. Qiong Yao will temporarily modify the script.”

This question was actually something that He Xiuqiong and Li Ping had thought of before the opening ceremony. It must have been asked by Vincent who was asked by a reporter like this.

Therefore, at this moment, Li Ping said that he did not feel any surprise. At that moment, Li Ping said calmly: "Actually, this cannot be regarded as a leak. At most, it is a small spoiler. For any TV series, No matter how well the confidentiality work is done, there will always be a small part that will be known to everyone. This is just a publicity method for our crew."

The tabloid reporter still said reluctantly: "But, I heard that it was a key part of the leak, and an agent of an important role was fired because of it."

It seems that this reporter has done his homework before, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to know such details.

Therefore, at this time Li Ping paused and said: "This is impossible. As we all know, this TV series is actually adapted from "Misty Rain". The old version of "Misty Rain" is a classic in everyone's heart. Therefore, in fact, our Everyone should be relatively clear about the general direction of the plot. Therefore, there is no issue of leaking or not leaking secrets in this matter. We just intend to pay tribute to the classics. As for the issue of artists’ managers, this is the issue of the artists. For personal matters, as long as it does not affect the artist's filming, generally our crew will not interfere with a person's change of agent, maybe they have other reasons."

You old man, you can see at this time that Director Li Ping is already very skilled in dealing with the media. In fact, when it comes to such a sudden question, he has a calm performance on this matter.

At this time, a reporter from [Entertainment Morning News], a young man with gold-rimmed glasses, stood up and said: "Director Li, we want to know one thing. It is said that the investment in this TV series is much greater than that of Princess Huanzhu. Zhugege had financial difficulties back then. This TV series should be very well funded. What I want to ask is how much the four leading actors are paid now."

Sharp and direct, this is a very sharp question. Obviously, under normal circumstances, reporters will not casually ask questions about the remuneration of actors and artists, but I did not expect that the reporters from [Entertainment Morning News] really It is quite taboo to ask such a question.

Therefore, for a while, Li Ping really didn't know how to answer this question. However, at this time, Li Ping knew very well that he had to answer. Everyone was very critical of the remuneration paid to artists by Zhongjie Company. If this matter was not made public, then in such a situation, This is really hard to say.

Therefore, Li Ping knew that he had no right to say this, so he immediately turned his attention to He Xiuqiong and said, "About this, I think Manager He can give everyone a good explanation."

Only He Xiuqiong can decide how to answer such a question by nodding. Otherwise, it is nonsense. The producer actually said that he has a very strong say in such a question, and He Xiuqiong also has a say. I am an old man, so I already have rich experience in dealing with problems like this.

Therefore, in such a situation, He Xiuqiong showed a sweet smile. Just such a smile changed the reporter's unfriendly gaze a lot.

He Xiuqiong said with a smile: "As for the salary issue, it is natural that the tide will lift all boats. Moreover, I can say that the investment in this movie is very large, much larger than Princess Return of the Pearl, and we are also working with Ba The contract has been signed, and "Love in the Rain" will premiere on Channel 8. As for the specific amount of remuneration you mentioned, it's hard to say much about an issue like this.

There is no habit of disclosing things in the industry, but I can tell you that the remuneration will still be satisfactory. We have contracts with the artists. Zhao Wei, Lin Xinru, Su Youpeng, they are all contracted artists of our Zhongjie Company. Therefore, it is not a big deal if we pay the actors according to the contract, but we have also considered the artist's personal income, and this time we have significantly increased the actor's salary. Therefore, everyone can rest assured about this. "

In any case, He Xiuqiong did not mention the specific remuneration. This should be the bottom line for He Xiuqiong, and the reporters seemed to understand that it was unlikely to ask anything, so the reporters did not continue on such a matter. If you continue to ask, many reporters will make up their mind to ask the artist himself or the artist's assistant.

Anyway, the more He Xiuqiong is secretive about such an issue, the more interested everyone will be in the matter, and the more she will make reporters feel the need to continue the interview.

To satisfy the artist, at this time, the reporters simply did not believe such an answer. Could this possibly satisfy Zhao Wei and the others? Zhongjie Company will never do this. After all, as He Xiuqiong said, Zhongjie Company and Zhao Wei both have contracts.

Therefore, on such a problem, Zhongjie Company will never improve too much. It is certain to improve a little. After all, Zhao Wei and the others have become popular at a speed that is unexpected. If it is said that there is no improvement at all As for the salary, it is absolutely impossible, but Zhongjie Company will never increase it too much. At this time, a reporter from [Apple] in Hong Kong City stood up and said: "Excuse me, Manager He, Ye Ming is not a contracted artist of Zhongjie Company, so according to your opinion, is Ye Ming's salary similar to that of Zhao Wei and others, or is it It is said that Ye Ming’s salary is the highest among them.”

This question was very insidious and meant to sow discord. He Xiuqiong also frowned a little at such a question.

She absolutely did not expect that since the reporter said that he would not be entangled in the specific number of remuneration, he actually said that at this time, he would ask about the difference in treatment. To be honest, there is a gap in salary between Ye Ming and Zhao Wei. This is simply a given.

After thinking about it for a while, He Xiuqiong hesitated and said: "This question involves personal interests. Therefore, I cannot answer too specifically. If there is a gap, there must be a gap. After all, Ye Ming is a golden horse." The actor is also the spokesperson of Sprite. Everyone should be very clear about what such an identity represents. I can tell you that even if there is a certain gap, the gap is on the same level, not that the difference is huge. Don't say that."

If the answer is that Ye Ming's salary is the same as everyone else's, then this is obviously impossible. According to Ye Ming's performance, if it is said that Ye Ming is not given enough salary, it is impossible for Ye Ming to agree to sign the contract.

But at this time, if He Xiuqiong said that Ye Ming's salary was far higher than that of Zhao Wei and others, it would definitely make Zhao Wei and others lose their morale. This is the vicious and insidious part of this issue.

At this time, He Xiuqiong could actually feel that the emotions of Zhao Wei and the others had actually changed somewhat. (To be continued)

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